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Posts posted by shadmo63

  1. Spot on, but one is an outside perspective looking at you, and the other is your perspective looking at your partner.

    I don't think these perceptions are any different in any country. Generosity is usually a valued trait, as is being a frugal wife. I think what is more important is having a similar attitude to money as your partner. If one is tight and one spends freely there will be friction, especially if she is the one spending your money freely.


  2. Drug addicts in Thailand to be treated as patients


    2 Oct 2016 | 06:45 | (38 Viewer ) | print-icon.png


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    BANGKOK, 2 October 2016 (NNT) – The Ministry of Public Health has asked provincial health agencies to treat drug addicts as patients. 

    Dr. Sopon Mekthon, the Permanent Secretary for Public Health, convened a video conference with the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Justice, the Royal Thai Police, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), provincial health offices and representatives of hospitals nationwide. 

    After the conference, the permanent secretary said he had instructed health officials to adopt a new policy for drug treatment and rehabilitation. The policy which will be enforced on November 1, 2016 requires all health personnel to treat drug addicts as patients. 

    The Public Health Ministry will be responsible for screening patients and ensuring that treatment programs at rehabilitation centers are up to standard. 

    He also called on responsible units to help prevent drug abuse. Currently there are many community programs that work with drug patients such as the “To Be Number One” project under the patronage of HRH Ubolratana Rajakanya. 

    The permanent secretary also instructed local officials to raise awareness about illicit drugs especially among teens who are at highest risk of falling victim to drug abuse. 
    Great to see Thailand adopting modern attitudes.  
  3. On 8/26/2016 at 0:22 PM, Inn Between said:


    You can't put need and want together like they're interchangeable. Sure it's convenient for your argument to do that, but they're vastly different in meaning. 'Need' refers to necessity and requirement whereas  'want' talks only about desire. I need oxygen to live. It's not a matter of wanting it. I may want a fancy and expensive new car, but I certainly don't need one.


    Hence, the huge difference between physical addiction like you get from habitual use of more harmful things like cigarettes, alcohol, opiates, etc. and psychological addiction. I've seen a relative go through severe DT's from trying to quit alcohol. It can be severe enough to kill. But I don't recall anybody suffering anything like that when dry spells hit and there was no weed around for sometimes weeks at a time. People just accepted it -- with a bit of whining, of course. 

    Speaking from personal experience,  I would say that it falls somewhere between needing and wanting. There is a difficult period when the dry spell or abstinence hits. I think you are both somewhat correct. I had terrible insomnia and I desperately wanted/needed a good sleep. Certainly the physical addiction is not as strong as alcohol or opiates, but the psychological addiction can be compelling.  

  4. 2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    All this business must have come as a horrific blow to the family of the deceased.....condolences to them and I prey they never see some of the the remarks in posts on here.

        What's even more curious.....the "sickos" on here making those remarks are calling these people "sick"......"if only we could see ourselves as others see us".

    Come on mr deadly earnest; stop preying (sic) then go and get yourself a sense of humour. Or should that be 'sense of humor'?

    Some form of necrophilia/paraphilia. You couldn't make this stuff up. No one here means any disrespect to the deceased or his family, it's just so bizarre it's funny.

  5. 5 hours ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:

    All of the commenters must know exactly what happened and have studied the courtroom transcripts. :rolleyes: 


    When he was arrested it already seemed based on iffy evidence, so it may even be that these sentences are relatively harsh;  you just can't tell based on the information available.   (Or is anyone psychic?)

    <deleted> are you talking about? The man was convicted and sentenced. Obviously the judge found the evidence compelling. As to the suspension of the sentences. Just mindboggling and disgusting! One can only assume his time as a monk played in his favour or a fat brown paper bag went under the table. 

  6. Sure, young, ignorant and foolish. It's hard to believe some of the attitudes here. I am a great believer that the punishment should fit the crime. In this case the impact on their victims is minimal. Don't give me any crap about money changers doing it tough. While counterfeiting is a serious crime, this is really at the low end of things. The same goes for smoking ganja. Where is the victim in that crime? 

    On the other hand you can read in the Bangkok Post today about a Brit in Fang, Chiang Mai who has been given suspended sentences for child offences and child pornography offences. Now that is a crime demanding a long sentence. Those boys should be let off after a good scare, and that maggot should be locked up forever.

  7. 2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Fortunately, ignorant folk like you have no influence in western society and we still have a system where the police  investigate  crimes, and the  judicial system determines guilt. This is not the dark ages where feudal lords run their  little fiefdoms executing   accused people based  upon their personal sentiments.

    I agree with you, but we don't need to go back to the dark ages, we have a feudal lord system in the Philippines right now.

  8. 14 hours ago, happy Joe said:

    We can see the results of an unwavering allegiance of his predecessors to the great America:
    Philippines today is one of the poorest countries in the world, plagued by an endemic mafia, corrupt officials and the same for leaders. Of course as anywhere with US military base, thousands of whores.

    So the Philippines problems are caused by their recent allegiance to America? If I were the Philippines I'd be keen to keep great America on my side. Who else is going to keep China at bay in the South China Sea? Maybe Thailand can lend them HTMS Chakri Naruebet, seeing as they don't seem to be using it much at the moment.

  9. Why not kill every one selling and using the number one deadly drug on the planet,  which collectively kills more people than every other drug combined, alcohol? More people die from doctor prescribed opioids than street drugs. Are we going to kill all doctors too? The guy is a mass murderer. How can anyone with half an education and half a brain approve of ex-judicial killings?  Evil mass murderer, just like Taksin. 

  10. 8 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

    You forgot to mention the Air Asia flight that went the wrong way although, eventually, it ended up in the right place.  What am I talking about?  Well, the aircraft went from Sydney to Melbourne, by pilot error after he, instead of the co-pilot, entered the wrong flight coordinates into the flight computer.  Eventually, the plane did arrive at the original destination, several hours late.

    Aaah, Edwin Maher with the late news.....some reports didn't say it, but that happened in March 2015

  11. 2 hours ago, Dr Robert said:

    The leap from legitimate medicinal use of Cannabis and its associated products, to  recreational use by some in here, exposes the selfish hedonistic demands of the uninformed.

    Making comparisons with alcohol and tobacco is facile; there are dangers in every drug not prescribed by a competent medical practitioner.

    Anecdotal and shrill advocates for legalizing recreational use of illegal substances need correction. Just because you promulgate  a pro-drug use stance doesn't make your opinion  worth anything

    Yeah, like there aren't any dangers with every drug prescribed by a medical practitioner, who is possibly prescribing it for you because he is on the payroll of big pharma. Facile my foot. Sure it is not as benign as some think. But it's a weed. It grows in the wild. You cannot overdose on it. Why not make comparison with the social ills of the legal drugs alcohol and nicotine. Your opinionated hypocrisy is overwhelming. 

  12. AOA said - "Australia has the worst schooling in the western world.

    I can spot Australian posters in a second, they confuse loose with lose (etc.), and never learn from their mistakes.

    I have several Australian friends who freely admit they left school illiterate."

    Oh come on AOA, Australian education system is slipping but is still way ahead of America. In secondary school PISA rankings of Maths, Science and Reading. 19th, 16th and 13th v 36th, 28th and 24th, even accounting for all our 'loose' friends. (I thought that it was just the standard TV way to spell 'lose'.) Drives me mad every time I see it actually, but you're not supposed to comment on that <deleted> here. And here's me always assuming it's an American. What an eejet I am!

    But I won't argue with you about university standards seeing as the US dominate the top 50 unis on the planet.

    • Like 1
  13. OP - "Now my son still has to learn to use the potty and how to feed himself whereas this Aussie kids mind is totally free of that burden already and thus his development will be exponentially more.....yada yada yada "

    So you think your child is burdened with the task of using the potty and feeding himself? :P Sorry but there is no evidence whatsoever that you can influence how and when these milestones are achieved, let alone evidence that it frees up a child's mind.

    You obviously care about your sons development - that in itself will have more effect on him in the long run than any strategy you put in place to 'unburden' his mind. Your son is growing up in Thailand, but you want him to develop a farang mindset. I'd be careful of raising someone who doesn't fit into either culture; potentially a misfit who doesn't really belong anywhere. That is going to impact his future life much more than when he is potty trained, or feeding himself. These things are just minor milestones he'll reach when he's ready and totally insignificant in the big picture.

    I already have two loog-kreung daughters raised in Australia. If I am to have another child here in Thailand I'll be raising them as Thai as much as possible. My faring ideas no doubt would burden them enough here without insecure parenting that judges them against this or that ideal or milestone or peer achievement. I guarantee you'll end up with them disengaging from you as teenagers and young adults, and then you'll have something really tangible to worry about.

    So just where do you get these advanced potty training classes, anyway?

  14. What a load of TV <deleted> this thread is!! Superior patronizing ethnocentric attitudes prevail as always on TV.

    Don't you know there is huge variation in development of kids especially at that age? One advanced white child in one kindergarten is hardly a serious study of the subject.

    To the OP - for Gods sake relax a bit and let your child be a child. Homework in kindergarten? <deleted>! Most studies find homework in primary school is a waste of time, let alone kindergarten. Personally I'd be looking for a new kindergarten that allows kids to be kids; they will mature at their own pace which can vary wildly even within one family. Your parenting style and skills really has little effect.

    Thai kids grow up more slowly. Happens to be a great aspect of Thai culture IMHO.

    • Like 1
  15. Never. I am 51 and landed my first teaching job this year here in Chiang Rai, although I do teach maths. Not every one is against older people, so OP don't be put off by the ones who are. This topic comes up regularly and it would seem there are many people a lot older than you and me who are taken on. Just a matter of being in the right place at right time, supply and demand, etc. I'd present my CV directly at the schools you're interested in. You could get a job at my school tomorrow if you presented well and had the right credentials.

    PS - Ha ha, most people with (even a small) Union Jack on their flag would get your self-deprecation.

  16. Now the Luddite is claiming Wikipedia as his infallible source. Do you have any idea how Wikipedia is put together? Put your teeth back in and sit back down in your chair Grampa.

    A Luddite and proud of it.

    I'll take Wikipedia over you any day.

    Aha, Gramps you really are just one big mass of ridiculous contradictions. A purportedly proud Luddite who loves Internet forums and Wikipedia. Go tell! But I am sure you don't really understand what I am talking about, or you'll have forgotten it by the end of this sentence. What were we talking about again? Yes, the weathers been pretty wet up here in Lanna lately.

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