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Posts posted by spare5

  1. I'm sure the Thais will welcome advice from outside sources especially other Asians.

    You MUST be joking! Thais don't like to look for 'advice' from foreign sources, especially other Asians they have a 'history' with...

    Um, he was joking.

    Who? The Malay? Giving advise to Thai?

    They better go look themselves in the Mirror.

    What's next?

    Afghanistan give advise I suppose.

  2. There is a big difference between these peaceful students and the ones who look for a bloodshed... Sent from my iPhone...

    Your second picture on the top right is a red shirt guard btw (at the clash at Ramkhamhaeng, some of the people on the red shirt side were also RU students).

    Here's a few more ....

    Don't be fooled.

    These people are wolves in sheep skin.

    I am not saying that these people are not student. They are, but perhaps student from 2nd rate university like Chiang Mai or Udon University.

    Not the student of prestige University like Chua & Thammasart, which fully support the People Council.

    You're probably right as usual, Spare. And look at this foolish old woman below. Shocking how Thaksin has tricked her into believing her vote counts. She should just meekly roll over and accept her disenfranchisement by Suthep and his good people. It's for the best. She only spends the vote buying money on whisky anyway.


    I cannot agree more.

    500 Baht can buy almost 10 bottles of local "Lao Kao" (home brew white spirit).

    • Like 1
  3. 400,000....so we can expect about 10% of that.

    Agree. Last time the spin doctors tried to turn the real number ( 75000 or so) into 6 million...even producing some seriously delusional/deceitful youtube material to try to con the rest of the world. AP, AFP, reuters, BBC, ABC, SBS, Deutche Welle, CNN, not fooled. Not even Fox. Maybe Michael Yon believes it

    Our great and dear leader, Secretary General of the "People" Council never ever claim 6 million people.

    The number of Bangkok people turn up was only 5.8 millions.

    And that is just on the street.

    In theory, only 10% supporters came to any protesters.

    90% of the silence power are occupied with something else.

  4. instant dismissal.

    You've not been here long.............it's referred to as 'transfer to an inactive post'.


    Yes, should be transfer to jail. Just another gravy train leech exceeding his authority

    Short term paint for long term gain.

    Scarify one to save a million.

    I hope all hospital support this brave man who is willing to speak out against evil for the common good.

    I hope all hospital in Bangkok show their strength and shutdown.

    People can still travel outside Bangkok for treatment.

  5. "Anti-government protesters will strictly adhere to non-violent and unarmed demonstrations"

    Didn't work out at Phutam Thani very well...seems both sides have cells the "brains" can't control..it's like political Parkinson's on both sides...

    But, it is only Friday. His promise was for Monday, when things, of course, will be w a y different. Yeah. Right. Sure.

    Resume rants...

    Pathum Thani was just an isolated incident.

    The Yellow have to carry guns to protect themselves from the red.

    It was unfortunate that the red got violence, hence the yellow have to shoot 3 of them (the student included).

    It will not repeat.

    The yellow said they were sorry.

  6. Please give more details than a cellphone video, about where, when, how, and some translation would help, too.

    Please. Most people are looking for information, and this is important.

    That did not sound like pingpong bombs, it sounded like gunfire, which sounded like machine gun bursts. Worse, near the 70% finished line, you can see a police car sitting there in the street past the radio van....but no police are visible while men with clubs of different lengths cross the field of vision.

    Thank you. Help us understand.


    This video is the case of the Pathum Thani red clash with the yellow. Both are doing their rally and they just happened to meet each other. Got some informers said both parties coming to rally has actually prepare weapons. Both sides has guns. The red provoke the yellows and the yellow anticipated back. Witness also said there are police on the ground but can't help the situation anyway.

    Waiting for more info from new witnesses.

    Another informer saw the black shirts (not sure are they the MIB) in the red pickup. Police is guarding them. The informer divulge the men in black in the photo throw ping pong bomb at the yellow protesters. The yellows fled and the black chase up. Later the fight began.


    OMG, from your evident, Red shirt hire MIB to shoot at Yellow shirt again.

  7. This is a Khaosod report remember.

    Most of its reader base in the red north. Same people who broke the story of the PDRC guard caught with the stolen police gun that nobody else bothered to print because it was all fantasy.

    I always read Khaosod reports with my tongue in my cheek.

    Me too.

    I find ASTV and the Manager for neutral.

    • Like 1
  8. One can assume that Thailand has already 'lost face' big time internationally for not ending this chaos sooner..... now this thug wants to make it worse. How long will the people of BKK tolerate this level of disruption of their city, to their lives etc..? It is not for a good cause..... and its most certainly not for the 'masses'. The masses already spoke at the last election - no level of 'reform', apart from disenfranchising everyone north of BKK, will change that.

    The Reds have vowed to keep BKK open, so it seems that battle lines have been drawn. I doubt whether the Police can handle this alone (there's already dissent in the ranks), so the Army will have to get involved..... civil war? Another Coup? Who knows.... but what is certain is that Thailand will rapidly descend to the status of a 'failed state'.....if it hasn't already. In this sate, other things begin to happen, especially around the borders.... so while the army is busy sorting out internal problems in and around BKK, you can be sure the insurgency in the south will become more active. And it won't stop at just the 3 southern provinces... it will be 15. So, by the time the southerners return home, they may find the situation very different - what a perfect political irony that would be! We will then have to get used to living in the People's Democratic Republic of Thailand.... if we are allowed to stay here or have moved out on our own volition....now that's an idea!

    Nobody want to make it worst.

    Suthep want to make a fair and corruption free society. I wish him success.

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