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Posts posted by spare5

  1. Don't blame them in the least in trying to distance themselves from her.

    They are obviously worried about the impact to their brand, I certainly would be.

    When you consider that Leo Beer has a huge customer base especially upcountry, I would not be at all surprised if a boycott was already taking place.

    Funny you should say that, Wave, but our sales of Leo (up here near Chiang Mai) have fallen considerably since that snotty little cow started spouting off about the "uneducated rural voters".

    No hatred in your unbiased reporting of the sales from your shop/bar/restaurant or whatever. Unlike those you chastise for commenting on the PM/DM.

    Always nice to see red tinted fairness in operation. No double standar

    Is the truth hurting you then? Whether you like it or not, the simple fact is that "the uneducated rural voters" are voting with their cash. We actually haven't sold a single bottle of Leo in two weeks, while Chang sales have risen. Don't need tinted glasses to see the facts.

    No hatred towards the "snotty little cow", just utter contempt for her and all the other elitist clowns who have denigrated the populace of the North and Isaan for years. Just look back through some of the threads here on TV, and see the constant references to kwais, stupid idiots, etc used to humiliate them.

    If you sincerely believe that having a few million Baht in you bank account makes you a better person, then I feel very sorry for you.

    " having a few million Baht in you bank account makes you a better person,"

    Then Thaksin & Yingluck must be very very very very very very very very very very good person as they have billions.

  2. Reform?

    Like the frequent coup,how many Thai has Thai politics reformed already.

    Like a coup, they always say the next coup is the coup that end all coup; ie. the next reform will be THE reform that solve all corruption problem once and for all.

    Have we not heard that before?

    The final push. The final final push. The final final final push. V day, D day, Z day, day of Rage, ... endless.

  3. A disgrace to the female sex, giving our prono...

    "The 23-year-old heiress to Singha Beer fortune was seen handing out the controversial calendars from her BMW's trunk to officials, security guards and newsmen who queued up to take them ..... from the Nation"


    But she prove to be a good performer on stage.


    Her English ability:


  4. Thus speaketh the PC Brigade.

    "Even if Thailand now have a sitting woman prime minister, we still look down on women," she said.

    This may have a lot to do with how she became PM, her qualifications to hold the position, and the perceived results. If somebody competent had gained the position through her merits and gone on to be a great leader, it may well have helped raise the status of Thai women. Yingluk has done the opposite.

    The culture of viewing women as a sex slave is not limited to Thailand. It is the general perception in the Far East.

    Singapore even legalize them. I.e. nothing wrong with that.

  5. The North Koreans take them out back and execute them on the spot. The Chinese may still do that. Maybe the North Korean model is what Suthep is talking about. On the spot, shoot from the hip.

    I think he wants to model the country on North Korea with himself appointed as the supreme ruler.

    He already is the supreme ruler.

  6. Don't you think it's better than having any of the

    "Shinawatra" scums? they've taken over excessively

    they've put their hands into anything n everything...it's just

    simple deduction! At least Suthep dared voice

    n stand up at last someone did. Where else you

    others nag n nag n gossip n do nothing no wonder

    the situation is what it is today! Excuse the

    the saying "all fart but no shit!!!"

    So wake up guys, be thankful for a step at a time!

    I have been very reluctant to post my 2 cents worth here as it won't change the situation in Thailand one iota, but I can't hold it in any longer. I really don't understand how and why the hatred for Thaksin and his entire family has such a death-grip on so many posters here. Yes he is a corrupt politician who used his considerable wealth to win an election. And once in power he made deals with tax payer money which lined his pockets. We all get that.

    But how about a perspective and reality check?

    I am guessing that at least some of the haters who are calling for his execution and the expulsion of his entire family from their country are American citizens. Or if not American citizens, you are at least familiar with political history for the past 12 yrs or so.

    Funny but after 8 years of George dubya and DC mindlessly pursuing a war (costing trillions of dollars, not baht) justified with lies and fabricated evidence, and massive conflicts of interest in Pentagon spending that lined the pockets of politicians- can you say Halliburton? And nearly a trillion dollars of tax payer money to bail out the big wall street banks and bankers whose reckless and often illegal actions created a world wide recession that we are all still suffering thru. And a very controversial Florida vote count (read fishy, suspicious, whatever) that allowed that moron and his cronies another 4 years to continue to decimate a country at the expense of minorities, the poor, and the middle class. You guys want to talk about buying votes and corrupt deals in Thailand? Thaksin is a play ground amateur compared to the GOP.

    And yet I have never heard any calls for the "Bush Regime" to be ended or for rules forbidding any of his family or friends from running for government. No calls for Cheney's execution for the untold thousands of deaths he was in large part responsible for. And we all know I could go on and on and on and on.....

    My point is this.... All of you who are advocating for the suspension of democracy in this country need to wake up. Every democratic government on the planet has purchased their term in one fashion or another. Via populist platforms, promises of the good life to come, vilifying the opposition etc. And then comes the patronage appointments. The voting on bills that harm the constituents and profits the donors. Why do you think Obama got elected in the first place? People were sick and tired of the lies and the corruption and government waste and purchased politicians. Like I said, Thaksin is a rookie compared to the crooks running Washington. Can you even imagine suggesting that no one in the Bush family be allowed to run for office ever again?

    Flame away....


    Agree with you totally. I admire that the American have patient, will Thai have not. I respect your view.

    An American witness an accident in the middle of no where. He knew it is messy, and the hospital is the best place for help, even though the hospital is 2 hours away. He call the hospital, waited 2 hours and help came. But that time, it may or may not be too late, but he followed the rule. Don't try to help, because you may be sued.

    Thai is different. Suthep witness the same accident. If he wait for help, the injured could die. If he help first with his limited 1st aid, it may or may not make a different. He tried anyway. The injured may die while Suthep help, but he already tried his best. Suthep knew he may be sued, but he tried anyway.

  7. Cbluck58

    It doesn't- that's why Suthep and co are intent on changing- not the constitution- but the system of governance. He has stated that.

    There are many nations in the world that have appointed councils-- and some of those use the term 'Democratic' in their official names. As in Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

    Some people vote on some stuff- bingo- we are 'democratic'--

    And there are ways this could be done- that an assembly of appointed 'good people' preside over an elected legislature. All legislation would have to be filtered through the upper house- from whom and by whom the prime minister could be elected.

    The upper chamber - (not to be confused with a senate) could enjoy the rights of legislators- also proposing laws.

    OR_ why have so many legislators in the first place- have one representative from each of the sectors- the agricultural, the manufacturing, civil service, military etc. (not the poor though- c'mon what do they know about running a country-- that the wise men from the fish canning industry don't know).

    Let the sector figure out how it wants to go about selecting its representative (elections- reading chicken bones- primogeniter-- up to them).

    Then all the sector reps get together and put on rabbit ears and do the bunny hop-- and then...

    Well- is it time for recess?

    Is that North or South Korea?

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