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Everything posted by GarryP

  1. Because the power is still in the hands of a few generals, but even that is breaking down. Prayuth and Prawit are on the way out and there is a much biggger split in the military. A lack of trust between generals from different camps (Queen's Guard vs King's Guard). Hence the changes at the top by the top. As to whether the protesters ideas are backed by the majority or not, I think you would agree that traditional support on the yellow side has dropped considerably. Maybe some of their ideas go against the grain, but many of them are valid demands that should be acceptable to both sides, and are far from extreme. I personally have been surprised by the number of people who I would have sworn were traditionally yellow, who have spoken out against the current regime/system. They are not youngsters either, people in their 50's, 60s and 70s. The demographic that traditionally doesn't want to see change.
  2. I have an SH-150. They were made in Vietnam but did not sell well here because the seat was too high for the average Thai. One of the best selling scooters in Italy. When I get rid of mine and buy a new scooter, I really don't know what to go for. I want something as high as the SH-150 but there doesn't seem to be anything available on the Thai market. I just noted that the seat height of the ADV150 is quite close to the SH150.
  3. Searching on the forum is pretty useless. I always use Google. If I type Thaivisa prostate or Aseannow prostate, a number of different forum threads pop up.
  4. Had a job offer in Singapore, but flights to Thailand were much cheaper so I decided to have a holiday here first and catch the train down to Singapore. I just never got to Singapore until about 15 years ago, by which time the job offer was no more. It didn't matter really as the trip to Singapore was a business trip for my Bangkok employer. ???? My job title includes the word "manager", but it is not really a managerial position. I was just given the title as a way of saying thank you for such long service, and to justify a decent pay increase. I am a jack of all trades in my department which involves intellectual property. As to staying on, it is not up to me. I hit 60 in December and the office policy is retirement at 60, except in special cases if they want to keep you on. In which case it would be on annual contracts. But I really have had enough. I have had some good times but the past 4 or 5 years have worn me out.
  5. Having read the full thread, I feel that I haven't done anything really exciting or worthwhile with my life. Came to Thailand when I was 19, nearly 40 years ago, and been here since then. At the end of this year I will retire, having been an employee of the same company for 30 years. Not sad to be retiring either as I've had enuff. Just hope my savings last until I die, with some left over for my wife and son.
  6. He was wearing a Robinhood jacket which he borrowed from a mate and was delivering food using his mate's ID/account. His mate has since lost his job with Robinhood. I don't think he's the most popular guy in town at the moment.
  7. No. I left the UK when I was 19. My mum paid a few years apparently, at least that is what I was told, but when I last checked I would have had to pay so much it really was not worth my while. Apart from the paltry Thai pension, I'll be living off savings starting in January 2023.
  8. Not me. But I'd still be covered if I returned to the UK. Not on my to-do list though.
  9. I will get both my social security pension and the Baht 500 a month when I hit 60. As Arkady has mentioned, they have spoken about increasing the age for this benefit but it is a no go at the moment. They are also considering increasing the amount, but with the aging population, there are serious concerns about funding.
  10. There have been discussions about increasing the retirement age from 55 to 60, but this seems to have been put on hold for the time being. This is through concerns that the fund will run out of money due to poor management. There are also discussions on increasing the amount of contribution, but like many things here it could be quite a few years before we see these changes.
  11. My seniority remained unchanged. It was simply a matter of updating the record, not the creation of a new one.
  12. I recall updating my details with the Area 4 Social Security Office on Silom Road about 5 or 6 years ago. It was quite straightforward. However, I had never checked if my SSO number had changed until I read your post. I quickly logged into the app and confirm that it uses my ID card number. According to the app, I have been in the system since 1 July 2541 and accumulated Baht220,699. I will be getting the monthly pension, as I really have no choice in the matter due to being in the system so long.
  13. Those are really good times. But I tend to do it a little bit different. My times start slow and gradually build up so the slowest 1,000m is the first one and the fastest is the last. I need some time to warm up and I want to save some of my energy. Also, I think diving straight in with full intensity from the beginning could have too many negatives (assuming you haven't warmed up before you start your 5km row). In my lunch break now and heading up for my workout now. I am feeling a bit tired so will try to take it easy today.
  14. I do not have a target heart rate. I know what my average rates are so I know if I am going too hard or not hard enough. I can also pick out if there is something wrong, for example if the heart rate is unusually high for the level of exercise. In such case I may rest for a few minutes and start again. If the problem recurs then I may stop for the day. I must admit that this has only happened a couple of times over the past 5 years I've been rowing, but I think it wise to keep an eye on it. Usually my workouts top out at around 145, and only rarely do I hit 150. My normal resting heart rate is 56. For my age group (59 years old) my maximum heart rate should be around 161 (220 minus your age is an approximation of your maximum heart rate). When exercising my rates (based on age) should be around the below ranges, which in fact is pretty accurate for me. Moderate intensity exercise: (64%) 103 - (76%) 122 High intensity exercise: (77%) 124 - (93%) 150
  15. The doctor who did the Rezum treatment on me was Dr. Teerapon Amornvesukit. He has handled most of the Rezum treatments but other doctors have now started providing the treatment too. I do not know if Dr. Charuspong Dissaranan has done the treatment yet. I don't think Bumrungrad provides the iTIND treatment, so probably only BNH at the moment.
  16. Good news on the sleep front. A good reason to keep at it.
  17. Here's my workout for today. No where near your your times. I find that sometimes I feel great but the times are bad while other times I don't feel particularly in the mood or I'm aching, yet the times are better. I've given up trying to work out in advance whether I'll have a good, mediocre or bad time.
  18. When I had a problem with mine, Concept2 got back really quickly and were very helpful. I assume you are using the Concept2 Utility. I used my laptop to update the Firmware and it was quite straightforward. But then I have the PM5. Where did you order the PM5 monitor from? Aviron? I had a day off today too, but only because I had an appointment at the hospital and had a load of other stuff that needed attention. Will be back on it tomorrow.
  19. Yes, I am back into rowing again, although I have decided to reduce my monthly target from 160kms to 120. I used to do 6kms on Tues, Wed and Thurs, and 10 kms on Sat and Sun. But now I aim for 6kms 5 days a week. Took a day off today. So far 106,518ms this month so on target.
  20. Like you, I have found that sometimes you think you are having a much more relaxed row, and yet your time is better than when you seemed to be really pushing it. Probably, because I have found that when I am more relaxed I use my legs more and my arms less.
  21. Correct posture certainly plays an important part in performance. Every couple of months I try to make sure that I am doing it correctly. Sometimes I find I am using my arms too much so I will focus on my legs. Legs are the key power source, but I have found that as I tire I use my arms too much. Rarely have I been totally happy with a workout from start to finish. Today I did a 5km single row. Time nowhere near your level, but then I was quite tired before I even started.
  22. I just got into Chargedefi a couple of weeks ago. It's dropped a bit but still getting reasonable returns.
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