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Everything posted by GarryP

  1. Very true about different responses to meds. When I was put on Silodosin due to inflammation post Rezum, it resolved the problem it was intended for but gave me a severe case of the trots. Had to change meds.
  2. My father had it and was on meds for more than 20 years before he finally had TURP about 3 years ago. He was very fit and active, eats healthily and is not overweight. I am fit and active and am not overweight. I'd say in my case there is a pretty good indicator of genes playing a part.
  3. I was under general anaesthetic for the treatment. In fact it is recommended that patients have at least local anaesthetic.
  4. Unfortunately, I don't know. This is a link to the page on their website. https://mbrace.bnhhospital.com/en/rezum/
  5. There is some information on this thread too. https://aseannow.com/topic/1238152-enlarged-prostate-treatment-rezum/
  6. Shouldn't that be OK TO UNLOAD?
  7. Yes, for sure. When I retire I will start drawing my pension and move to the 30Baht (free) scheme.
  8. With there being no Alaskan crabs to catch this year, they're going to have to come up with something different. How about "What did you catch in Pattaya?"
  9. Well, he pished off the puritans/Prayutites with his position on marijauana, so he probably sees this as the only way to get back some brownie points from those anti-alcohol zealots. Self-serving {please feel free to add your choice word here}.
  10. I had two shots and have had covid twice post vaccination. I know the argument is that the vaccine at least reduces the impact when you catch covid, but if you are a healthy individual, I doubt the symptoms would be any worse than I experienced anyway. I have certainly moved in your direction.
  11. Who gets multiple jabs for things such as tetanus. I think you'll find a single dose will last between 5 and 10 years. You do not need 4 shots in 1 or two years like they are pushing for covid. I can't even remember the last time I had a polio vaccination but probably when I was about 12 and I think it was on a sugar cube. The only case where I have had multiple vaccines in such a short period of time, was post exposure rabies vaccines. And that was due to being bitten by a dog, not interaction with posters frothing at the mouth. I am not an anti-vaxxer but the whole covid thing has seen has seen both sides of the divide spouting <deleted> and there has been a lot of backpedalling by people at the top of big pharma and health departments. Certainly doesn't instill confidence in the system and veracity of claims as to how wonderful the vax is. As a result, I will not be having any booster until there is solid proof of its efficacy and its long term effects have been fully researched.
  12. The one on the bottom looks like she's getting the hump.
  13. I'm still trying to work it out, unless it is a play on the last two words.
  14. I've been through the meds and Rezum and while I urinate fine now, my libido has continued to decline. I will be having my annual health check in a couple of weeks and one of the added things I will have them check is my testosterone level.
  15. Have you got a link to the new law? Also, I would be interested in seeing a sample of the language tests. I speak Thai about 90 percent of the time, and have no problem with listening and reading comprehension, but I cannot write the language to save my life. While I have already gained citizenship, I would be interested in seeing whether I would have failed using the new language tests.
  16. My late wife had an abortion about 30 years ago with no problem. We both went to the clinic and gave the reasons why she/we wanted one. The reasons were accepted as reasonable and they went ahead with the procedure. The clinic where it was done is still there to this day (or at least it was as of September 2022 according to google maps) and, no, it was not an expensive private clinic. What I am saying is that it abortions have been provided by certain registered clinics for years and certainly the costs were not out of reach of most women in the capital in many such clinics.
  17. It's a weird thing many young Thai women do when in front of others and slightly embarrassed or feigning shyness. That is, raise the tone of their voice/heighten the pitch as they think it sounds cute. I just think it sounds totally fake and like you, you wouldn't see me for dust.
  18. Noted. Don't mean to be pedantic but linked to and caused by are very different. For example, if I'd had a single toke or noodles with "ganja" added (yes that has been a thing for years), got on my motorcycle and was run into by a pickup truck driver, who failed to stop at the traffic lights, and blood tested positive for cannabis at the hospital. That is a link, but not the cause of my admittance. And if the pick up truck driver did a runner (without cctv coverage of the accident site) it would be my word against the doctor and we know who would win that. There needs to be greater specificity in order to be ble to arrive at a fair position on this subject.
  19. That is a very big brush you have. Stereotyping all women of the NE from your experience with one. Hope she got her money's worth.
  20. No, when we get citizenship we are still looked upon as foreigners. I think that is normal. When I walk into a post office, bank, etc. why the hell would they think otherwise if they didn't already know we had become Thai citizens. Back on subject, there is still a lot of looking down on people for the North East, but it is slowly improving. I know that some of the staff in my office are from the NE, but you will never hear them talking in their local dialect to each other in case others hear them. Sad but true.
  21. Well prior to "legalization", I doubt anyone would go to hospital for a drug induced event of their own volition due to the risk of being locked up when they've come to their senses, so the numbers must have been pretty low anyway. So if 5 idiots went prior to legalization, the number has now increased to 28.3 people. Saying the increase is by 566% is meaningless if we do not know the actual number of admitances prior to legalization.
  22. I want one but feel I am too old for it (59), but your post has made me rethink this. There are some really great designs out there.
  23. When I was on Samui 40 years ago there was a Scandavian family of four living in a bungalow on Chawaeng beach who used to wander up and down the beach in the nude. Put bare minimum of clothes on when they crossed the track (now a road) to the restaurants. Nobody batted an eyelid back then.
  24. Thanks. My house will be on a two lane road (2253) in a small provincial town in Kalasin so traffic is quite low. Sugar cane burning has also declined in this area too.
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