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Posts posted by questionsreplies

  1. Correct. Used for any meat in industry, but just as MSG that only industry use, Thai are stupid enough to use it on fresh food....

    I know what you mean. I bought this weird bacon that was on sale at Macro. When I put it in the frying pan (low heat), I expected the fat to disolve and lubricate the pan. Instead, the meat refused to turn brown, and just oozed water (not fat/oil). Basically, just stuck to the pan and did not appear to cook. I had this crap in my freezer for a month (It was a big pack).

    Never bought it again, needless to say...and it took months before I was brave enough to eat bacon again. Now I found a place where I can buy it, and it sizzles and cooks as expected. Also smells great, and I am enjoy bacon and eggs..once again (and ensuring my stroke is on schedule).

    would say we got the same one, you described it perfectly, wouldnt brown /crisp up and was watery as with not taste, gave the lot to the dogs
    That behaviour is the result of the pig meat being treated with polyphosphates which absorb and hold in water. The bacon then weights more and so can be sold at a higher price; the consumer is paying for water and the producer makes more profit. The technique is also widely used with chicken meat in Europe. Don't know about with chicken here in Thailand.
  2. I was thinking like you before i started to use my brain....

    My point was kind of that, the bars do not give even close the protection people think they do but they still put them everywhere. With correct bolt cutters anyone can enter any place, quietly, within seconds.

    I haven't seen any fires but neither have i heard of any burglaries... but logic dictates that there are plenty of both in Thailand.

  3. But most robbers here are brainless balless monkeys under meth, so 99% of the time they wont mess with window bars...

    In fairness if you've got bars on your windows for security purposes or not,thieves who are desperate enough will come tooled up to enter no matter what your security measure are.

    Window bars aren't that difficult to remove if you know how

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