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Posts posted by questionsreplies

  1. Stop dreaming, you cannot let anything as you dnt even own the house, only your wife can and she can even ask you to leave !

    op has to be a troll. No one with any common sense would ask a question like this. Go back to the nanny state that you came from op

    Rude and wrongful assumptions. Got out on the wrong side of bed today?

    I happen to have purchased a big house which has a very nice guesthouse which people are interested in renting. But since I don't have a work Visa I'm not allowed to generate income. Yet my wife may.

    So whats wrong with asking some tips from expats before deciding if i need an accountant.

  2. So nobody is able to explain the main difference between msg use in thailand and abroad ? You need to read more...

    In Thailand it is used on frdsh dishes.

    In the west only industry use it in processed food.

    If you eat meatball or fishballs you must have suicidal tendencies...

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