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Posts posted by questionsreplies

  1. The main difference with a Thai brand and an international brand is that telling online that the brand suxx will send you to court and nobody will care.

    If my Michelin suxx i will make so much noise online that they will pay me to stop.

    The main difference is for me that Michelin will never take the risk to sell shiite, but Thai btands who knows and who cares in the rest of the world...

  2. For which car ?

    Well I do have close personal experience with them and found them to be a good low price performance tire based in part on the Goodyear F1 design. In fact I advised and provided R/D on the second series that corresponded with changes on the third evolution series (current design) and they made some recommended changes that made them a lot quieter, better dry grip and significantly better wet performance, with a respectable tread life.. IMO baht for baht they're the best value going..

    Made a correction on second series to third, instead of first to second.. First series demonstrated poor tread life as they were too soft initially..

  3. How to get a 1 year multi entry to cambodia?

    And is it also possible for laos ?

    Thank you.

    Cambodia is looking better all of the time, with their yearly visas, online visas, visas on arrival, they are actually welcoming me to visit their country. It's sad that Thailand is looking down their nose at me now because I'm entering on a visa exempt stamp. Not very conducive to tourism I'd say, and I'm just saying....

  4. In people dreams yes !

    Anyway prices are the same everywhere and nobody beats BANANA IT, JEAB and IT CITY, these are the biggest retail IT companies in Thailand and nobody can beat them.

    Fortune Town is better anyway.

  5. Congratulation, You are the only one here who knows what he is talking about.

    My tenants always leave quickly because they dont want to lose their deposit, or have cops and immigration officers asking them yoo many questions when ringing them too often...

    Get real.. this is Thailand. If the owner sells then the contract becomes null and void, because your contract is with the previous owner.

    In thailand the contract does not specifically give you any rights at all, it would assist you if you take the owner to court.. which you won't do because it's too slow and expensive to be worth the trouble.

    Bottom line is simple, if the owner sells and the new owner wants you out, then you are out of luck.

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