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Posts posted by 6NS

  1. The was a historically significant act of war of Islamists against the entirety of western civilization.

    Charlie Hebdo could be "explained" and more marginalized as revenge against a provocative satirical magazine and also the usual Jew hatred (muddied by conflating all the Jews in the world as active soldiers of the state of Israel).

    So the general public could still feel, well it's only about "them" those others that provoke the Islamists and of course Jews who are widely hated anyway.

    They could choose not to provoke the Islamists with cartoons and Jews, who really cares about Jews?

    This is different. Bigger. This is a message for ALL of us in the world who are NOT Islamists.

    I think this change in tactics was intentional and this message was intentional. It's not only about free speech cartoons, it's not only about Jews ...

    they're after ALL of us.

    Message received.

    It's about getting everyone to think just as you and everyone else on here. It has to be done in grand style or everyone would not unify in there justification for world war. All the big wars are started with false flags. It's not as large a scale as 9-11 but should work to do what the big boys want. All they talk about is the over population of the world, (False) global warming which they say will cause famine. Yes famine may come but will be caused by something other than our cars. And there grand control,,, there order.

    Wake up people.

  2. Nearly 1 hours later and in broad daylight with a defined trajectory and still nothing definitive to report. There would of course be evidence of such an occurrence however Thailand has trouble with things like evidence.

    Thailand at it's best

    I've seen one like this before, and what truly may be the case, is that it was so far away it missed Earth.

  3. If the word is 'safety chain' rather than 'safety chair' then it looks like suicide. Sad, if so. To all reading this thread: if you meet someone who's lonely or sad, try to cheer 'em up. As a farang coming to and residing in Thailand for a third of a century, I've noticed farang men (particularly middle aged and older) rarely if ever get eye contact when out and about town. Come on guys, it's ok to love or even idolize Thais, but don't be so standoffish when seeing a 'stranger' in public. I don't go to bars, but I do have the occasion to meet farang men my age once in awhile. They're travelers, like me. Without exception, every man I converse with has interesting stories to tell. One guy told me about sneaking out of Czechoslovakia on foot, across hundreds of miles - to gain freedom from Soviet domination. Another told me about captaining a small pleasure boat with Rod Stewart as guest. Open up. It wasn't so long ago we were all schoolboys running around the sandlot, yelling at our buddies to 'pass the ball'

    Very good point Boomer. I've bin thinking af the same and doing as you say for all my life,,, having come from a small Canadian town.

    What I come up with is this,,,,,,,,, Europeans have had thousands of years to build up hatred for each other from wars and economic feuding where Canadians have had no real conflicts. Even the average American is friendlier than most European. When I first arrived here I made eye contact with many when walking and nodded at many before I realized I am somewhere very different.

    I say the same, open up and enjoy who others are. Good friends come from the strangest of circumstances.

    Good work on the Koh Tao thing too by the way,

  4. The headman connections are already well known and easy to verify! His power is therefore not limited to "his" island.

    Would be so nice if the press would publish something about that! They are not forced to stick to suspects and it would make a great story...

    Someone did (A famous Thai writer as I recall) two or three weeks following the murders.

    It was like a description of the history of the Island or something.

    I can't remember much.

  5. I see Sean Mcanna has changed his name. The guilty parties(IMO) The Island mafia were wanting to kill him, I wonder why? He should on the stand.

    it wouldn't surprise me if he was involved and when things went too far he separated from his Thai island friends. Feeling guilty he started to tell people little hints about what really happened and that's when they came after him, to shut him up. It was either kill him or let him leave the island and keep his mouth shut, after all he was just as guilty as the other two or three.

    Just a guess ....

    The song sounds like an admittance from afar to me.

    I've written poetry before and everything that came out was subjects and feelings I was then going through.

    He could have said "there" "we" bust said I STOLE THE WORLD.

    Some typos here.

    Should have read he could have said "THEY" or "WE" but said I STOLE THE WORLD.

  6. I see Sean Mcanna has changed his name. The guilty parties(IMO) The Island mafia were wanting to kill him, I wonder why? He should on the stand.

    it wouldn't surprise me if he was involved and when things went too far he separated from his Thai island friends. Feeling guilty he started to tell people little hints about what really happened and that's when they came after him, to shut him up. It was either kill him or let him leave the island and keep his mouth shut, after all he was just as guilty as the other two or three.

    Just a guess ....

    The song sounds like an admittance from afar to me.

    I've written poetry before and everything that came out was subjects and feelings I was then going through.

    He could have said "there" "we" bust said I STOLE THE WORLD.

  7. Sean's an ok musician and songwriter. Tho he could enunciate better. Perhaps it's the Kurt Cobain influence of slurring words.

    I was trying to gauge whether the song was perhaps a commentary on the Ko Tao crime, but couldn't decipher his brand of English.

    Hello Boomerangutang,

    But this song righter is not the Sean from the Ko Tao murders, is he?

    Did you listen to all the songs? The third song!!! I am taken back.

    I hope this song righter is not the Sean from Ko Tao.

  8. I see Sean Mcanna has changed his name. The guilty parties(IMO) The Island mafia were wanting to kill him, I wonder why? He should on the stand.


    My heart is so thumping now.

    Everyone must listen to these songs he's written and singing. Watch all the videos.

    I'm without words.

    I think I get it now. This can not be the Sean from the Island of Ko Tao that fateful night.

    Wow, I was beside myself there.

    You're without words. You would be the only poster on here to admit that, then you disappoint by posting more words. You are telling a little fib I think. rolleyes.gif

    I didn't start it,

    I just got sucked in.

    Go back and look.

    And then listen to the singers words.

  9. I see Sean Mcanna has changed his name. The guilty parties(IMO) The Island mafia were wanting to kill him, I wonder why? He should on the stand.


    My heart is so thumping now.

    Everyone must listen to these songs he's written and singing. Watch all the videos.

    I'm without words.

    I think I get it now. This can not be the Sean from the Island of Ko Tao that fateful night.

    Wow, I was beside myself there.

  10. They are sending so called evidence for retesting so it can get lost for real this time, due to the British also now came forward with evidence which will most probably be a complete different result to what the Thais have ??

    They are stuck in a corner and they know it... Best way out...get rid of their scapegoat evidence and the case gets thrown out of court....problem solved and face is saved. The saving of face to be the most important here.

    Just a thought...

    This will be how it goes.

    It's their only move now.

  11. All the bleeding hearts will be out in force pleading for this upstanding arse - hole to be allowed back into Oz.

    Good move - should be applied more often.

    I seldom quote but had to this time as you clearly don't understand the bleeding harts.

    The bleading hearts are complaining about the lack of justice. They want a good, fare,honorable Thailand where people are accountable.

    Its very unlikely there will be any bleeding harts here. This only shows that you,,, are always on a defense no matter what the cause or topic is.

    I suggest you start looking at facts and also wish for a good civilized Thailand.

  12. Funny when a headman of a certain island...............according to many on here.....is so big and powerful he could cover up the most publicized murder in decades and have the blame switched elsewhere

    BUT according to some of the same this headman is a nobody.

    What a pathetic bunch of sweetie wives.

    You just put your foot in your mouth and must be choking by now.

    The Headsmen were protected again,, it was stated that the Headsman's assistants were the bad guys.

    Black and white again.

    Headsman is free of any wrong doing.

  13. I think the military and police have now given the suspects plenty of time to leave Thailand and hide much of their financial assets. But to play it safe I expect the military/police will wait another week or so to make any arrests---if there is anyone still left in country to arrest.

    You are so off track. This is all so obvious and takes little brains to figure it out.

    • Like 1
  14. My girl friend,a native of Suratthani and a "Rabid" supporter of Suthep, swears that it was the Redshirts, as Khun Suthep's warehouse was also 'torched' cheesy.gifrolleyes.gif

    Are you saying there is no insurance to collect on these targets? If not, your theory has a slight possibility. If there is than one has to think some more.

    Who benefits?

  15. Another sad day in the mixed up world, next isis will be blowing things up in Thailand, the world -- sorry politicians and arms manufacturers, oil and mineral corporates creating havoc globally on a now massive scale every day, is there nowhere safe anymore?

    Watch out for smoke and mirrors, Illuminati type, do-it-and-blame-the-other-side trick.

    • Like 2
  16. "He said the Ministry had already conducted a study on the high speed train project but the report was sent back for reconsideration as the new project also involves tourism perspective,"

    ​How in the name of God could you do a feasibility study for Bangkok- Pattaya and Bangkok- Hua Hin and not take into account "Tourism Perspective".

    It just went back for an attitude adjustment.

  17. Thais as a people have to mature and grow up. They need to understand modern interdependencies and correlations. That's usually achieved by having a proper education system, a stable family/society, and by social interaction when growing up.

    A culture that shuns taking responsibility for own actions, a society who is told they are perfect and can't do anything wrong, governments who are clueless on what drives development (or hamper development on purpose)...these are the wrenches in the works, pull them out and maybe the cogs start turning (if you wear the correct amulet)

    You are very right, but at least the majority of Thais know there's a problem. At least from this pole it's said.

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