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Posts posted by 6NS

  1. 14 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

    at this stage COVID is endemic everywhere in the world. Tracing is only useful to prevent outbreaks but we're already into month 12 and we've seen 2 "waves". How much of the world has caught COVID already I wonder? No country has tested 100% of the population so we don't really even know. Could be higher than 50% even.

    OK, some facts. The Spanish flew killed 220 Million with a population ratio to equal out population now. We have so far lost only .9 million from Covid 19.  What do you fellas think is going on. Look to Australian news for these figures. One of their Ministers resigned yesterday and told this story in discus with his Government. 

    • Sad 1
  2. 21 hours ago, JohanB said:

    ”Yes, the best performing currency in the SE Asia.

    My god how good I am to manage the economy”

    This rise of the Thai Baht is simple. China manipulates the Baht like they do there own currency. If the Baht was cheaper companies would move to Thailand to manufacture. Not rocket science. China more than ever needs every edge they can get to keep from loosing the markets they still have under un-fare practices. Get used to it. Thailand is in China's pocket.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Was it Thai visa righteous brigade who complained ?

    From what I can see (mostly from the sidelines) is that these so-called righteous Farang are more interested in Thailand changing a bit for both Thais and Fang's safety and well-being. This add only goes to show how ingrained in the society this multi layer behavior norm is. And the lower levels of this society are susceptible of pushing the same buttons when they feel their in a position of power as well.

    I haven't been all over the world so maybe this is the norm in 2nd/3rd world countries, I don't know.

    But back to the bashing. There is just as much Farang bashing as Thai bashing.

    It appears most of the Thai bashing is out of discuss and wishing Thailand was more advanced

    It appears the Farang bashing is a little systematic.

    I don't bash Thais per say as I try to say little if I've nothing good to say.

    I feel I should bash Farang at times, when they act in a childish, righteous, braggart manor, but again, I'm not here to fight.

    I also try to make sure I don't defend the side of a criminal element that is in the wrong.

  4. How about take this money to improve existing rail lines, add/improve rail lines to container ports, establish container handling yards at the larger Issan cities and the border crossings to Laos and Cambodia. Then ensure the transport rates are low enough that a majority of the current heavy truck traffic is reallocated to rail transport. This would greatly reduce the amount of non-agricultural heavy traffic from the roads reducing bus and passenger vehicle travel times while improving road safety. It would also reduce the damage to road surfaces that is currently being done by overloaded trucks.

    In all honesty how many Thais headed home to Issan for songkran will be able to afford a high speed rail ticket and how many wealthy Thais go to Korat?

    This could not have been said any clearer. Best bang for their buck.

  5. A stupid move to try and get out of paying for drinks. If I tried to steal from Thais in this way I would expect the same treatment.

    I really like the Thai style of getting a bill rather than having to pay for every single drink every single time you buy one like in pubs in other countries, where you have to wait at the bar to be served, then wait for the waiter to pour your drinks and then pay for your drinks and then have to wait again for your change.

    If idiot farangs keep behaving like this it will ruin it for everyone. A couple of Canadian girls tried it in a go go a couple of weeks ago and I have personally seen it many times. Come on a holiday to Thailand and steal from the locals. Scummy.

    Or perhaps they tried to overcharge him for drinks he didn't order. OR maybe he only thought he was being overcharged. Either way I don't think it's fair to say "idiot farang" and automatically take sides with the guy who slashed the victim with a beer bottle, then starting kicking him in the police station, then proceeded to start kicking the police. That's the kind of thing someone does when they're on amphetamines. He doesn't sound like a very stable person honestly.

    I think your right on here.

    The baby has a problem and knows he doesn't need to pay accountability for his actions.

    This behavior alone gives judges in normal countries reason enough to side with the brutally beaten Canadian, (who I don't believe came here to steel from honest bars), LOL, LOL. Give me a brake. He's freaking out in the police station over money that supposedly is owed to his boss.

    I had a girlfriend like this once. Every time,,, lies, lies, lies.

  6. A stupid move to try and get out of paying for drinks. If I tried to steal from Thais in this way I would expect the same treatment.

    I really like the Thai style of getting a bill rather than having to pay for every single drink every single time you buy one like in pubs in other countries, where you have to wait at the bar to be served, then wait for the waiter to pour your drinks and then pay for your drinks and then have to wait again for your change.

    If idiot farangs keep behaving like this it will ruin it for everyone. A couple of Canadian girls tried it in a go go a couple of weeks ago and I have personally seen it many times. Come on a holiday to Thailand and steal from the locals. Scummy.

    I can't say,,, "like you do", that I believe everything a Thai bar worker says to the police.

    I think you must be a tourist as well.

    What fluff.

  7. The vast majority of TVF members need not apply, as they can't even spell.

    I fall into this category of highly specialized skills. I have a Thai company BEGGING me to work with them for 75,000 baht a month.

    I'd rather be beat in the ass with a mad rattlesnake than take that offer.

    Oh, the irony ! I'd rather be bit in the ass by a rattlesnake.

    I agree,

    I bet he's a looser. So funny.

  8. Incredibly bad reporting ! She "cheated" him by trying to avoid robbery ? "Blackmail" ? This can only be the case when the bad guy has the dirty on the good guy, and demands money to keep quiet ! As previously stated, this guy is bad news and must be caught before he kills someone, but to have that happen someone has to pay the police sad.png

    Proper English or not, the person (possibly Thai) that wrote and published this article is a bit of a hero.

    Please don't bash those Thais that understand what we outsiders want to change here in Thailand.

    If you understand what he was saying, than great, good enough.

    His English is much better than most of our Thai.

  9. English seem to be handle their liquor better than most but not much tolerance to the psychedelics..

    this is a joke b4 i get manhandled by every english person out there and then it spirals down to trump banters..

    lets smile a little today

    I think education is the answer. Chugging down a bunch of shrooms, in an unfamiliar setting, without any awareness of or respect for the potential effects is a recipe for trouble.

    Those dam shrooms,,, I get it now. Leaver her alone, she needs to rest. We all have something we regret doing.

  10. More crooked heavy handed tactis by corrupt businessmen where are the police on this.

    Unfortunately it looks as if the Moken have no title to the land. If that is the case, and the construction company has a legitimate title, then the Moken have no case, despite their long occupation of the site.

    I agree. If they do not own the title, they should be grateful for their very long and free stay.

  11. I think this sort of thing would effect simple little things like Poles.

    Is a pole not asking you to chose which position you like.

    For instance.

    A pole may (and apparently has been cast, and 99% were in-favor of this government) be asking,,,,

    Are you in favor of 1) this government or 2) or having a free election

    In my opinion, I think it too broad to be a cause of guilt of braking any free world law.

  12. Just for a bit more info on why the Form is required ...

    As the goal of the FTA is to promote the trade of goods manufactured in the countries that are members of the FTA

    It is not just shipped from China...

    Otherwise, you could by goods from any country in the world and then just arrange for a transshipment in Any Chinese port... And get the BL TO SHOW origin port in China

    Then get duty reduction...

    As you can imagine, that would not be the intent of any such FTAs

    Customs needs to know what you seam to know then. And I agree.

    I understand and know it is the same in the North American free-trade agreement,,, BUT, if you buy something (made/manufactured here in Thailand) from say America and have it shipped here, DHL and the others still throw the entire book at you. They are ignorant of the true facts of importation.

    Like always, just grab the money.

    DHL is the worst for over charging.

  13. Well, the look of the tourist police to the far right is priceless. giggle.gif

    I have owned pistols as a member of numerous pistol clubs over the years and I don't know anyone that would carry one mag with two rounds in it, you just wouldn't do it.

    Also isn't the Sig 9mm the standard issue now for the RTP???

    RTP doesn't have a standard issue. Each officer buys whichever pistol he likes.

    Besides, in the OP it says the guy admitted he didn't have a permit, but says nothing about him saying it wasn't his. Another point is, that once it gets published as it was, it is all official and doesn't appear (to me) to be a scam. The idea of a scam is you get caught, and you are given the option to pay under the table INSTEAD of going through the official way.

    I suspect the accused didn't get a chance to edit the headline.

    Do you not think many discussions, questions and answers are not listed in this article?

    How Dumb cane some of you get. There is much more to this. How many court cases are two questions and two answers.

  14. He did not have a bad idea, but bad way to put it across. Read again, the idea was to have the info on the microchip. This means it is only accessible for relevant government agencies.

    It is NOT a bad way to keep the statistics and know what your people are earning, even more so in a country where hardly anyone pays tax or has any office to register their skills or be licenced

    So why not just a 666 on the foreheads of his wealth followers. This way, tax and treat poorly the rest. Good idea, wake up.

  15. As for USA the data do not show the number of suicide made with guns. Wich is hudge. It's made for scared people. Just like in France and in Europe where we are supposed to be in a war with Islamic State. We are, all citizens, in danger, we are all possible target for terrorists. But the first decision European Commision is trying to take is to ban guns ownership from Europe. They don't want legal ownership of gun. They don't want honnest cityzens to have gun. They say that it is to fight terrorism! Bullshit. They are affraid of us , the people , not of the terrorists. It's the same all over the world. This campaign is made to help governments to disarm honest people.

    Yep, next they will be dosing the water supply with drugs to ensure the honest people are fully compliant with the government's agenda.....

    They are now,,, just like Hitler did.

    It's called Floride. Do some research, please take ten minutes and come back with a different attitude.

  16. As for USA the data do not show the number of suicide made with guns. Wich is hudge. It's made for scared people. Just like in France and in Europe where we are supposed to be in a war with Islamic State. We are, all citizens, in danger, we are all possible target for terrorists. But the first decision European Commision is trying to take is to ban guns ownership from Europe. They don't want legal ownership of gun. They don't want honnest cityzens to have gun. They say that it is to fight terrorism! Bullshit. They are affraid of us , the people , not of the terrorists. It's the same all over the world. This campaign is made to help governments to disarm honest people.

    And all the sheep don't understand this. They are so disgustingly ignorant.

  17. In 1993 gun deaths in the US were 7 per 100,000 [ about where this article claims Thailand is now ] and by 2013 had dropped to a little over 3. According to the FBI website violent crime in the US has dropped by 49% from 1992 until 2012 and is now over a 50% drop. Meanwhile gun sales during that same period have exploded especially in the past 7 years of Obama when over 100,000,000 more have been sold. The FBI just stated that during the "black Friday" super shopping day last week a new record was set for the most background checks for new gun ownership in history. The above information is probably a bit shocking to my Brit friends out there.

    Here is a good video that explains things you won't see on outlets like CNN, BBC, etc.


    The reason for the increase in gun sales are because the American people are waking up to the control and slavery their infiltrated government has planned for them.

  18. "Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday thanked the EU for recognising Thailand's determination to improve its aviation safety standards" - actully the reality seems to be that when it comes to international standards...ON ANYTHING, Thai is perpetually on the borderline......they only do anything about it until the international community threatens them with sanctions or some other action. Their seems to be a general culture of "lets see how much we can get away with" before nyone sits up and takes notice.

    it would be such a refreshing change to see Thai authorities being proactive rather than reactive in these areas...instead of wasting their time chasing pockets of opposition around internally they should maybe listen to what they hae to say and act on that instead.

    I agree,

    Thailand's focus does always/or almost always, seem to be on street level where there is immediate cash.

    Thailand, in my opinion needs to higher outside help in many industries. They could start with this issue with air travel and use what they learn and follow up with ground carriers safety measures.

    I think their first step is to understand they cannot do it without help.

    But, I may be wrong, and it may just be that they have not enough dollars (in the air travel industry).

    Buy the above certainly applies to Road carriers. Get them off the road until the business owners learn how to perform safety measures.

    I wouldn't know how to implement safety measures,,, I'd have to ask for help.

  19. Nowisee The army should be marching around and checking and documenting every person that fits the profile of a terrorist. Make it so these people cannot walk around freely. Concentrate on the muslim areas, the stores, the restaurants. They stay somewhere, a safe house. Someone sees them everyday. To all you PC fans, it's time to wake up.

    To..... How totally typical Nowisee!!! . This is how all our governments are taking our rites away, with our blessings. It's you who needs to wake up.

    To another poster above,,, there has also been shootings in America that have been proven to be false flags. Why false flags??? should be the question.

  20. Again, they are not only after Russians. Is Paris in Russia? In Pattaya and Phuket they get Russians and westerners. You can't really step out in Pattaya and segregate yourself from Russians (or westerners).

    I'm asking a serious question.

    Should we avoid the malls, walking street, etc.?

    It's hard to completely avoid the malls but I think it would be sensible to avoid large gatherings such as at festivals that attract mostly foreigners.

    As far as the Russians ... so now Egypt is out. Turkey is out. So ISIS wants to make Pattaya out too?

    Maybe it's Russia wanting to keep there dollars/Repels at home.

    It's hard to believe whats said by governments anymore.

  21. This could be anything, from creating false rumors which the Thais excel in, to deflection of another

    situation brewing on a another front to divert attention from is REALLY GOING ON.. who knows?

    I don't think that even the PM and the top brass are privy to what is really going on in this country

    until it's either too late or it will be killed and buried... after living in this country for so many years

    I have learned that nothing is what it seems to be on the surface... lots of shady stuff going on all

    the time that the public is mostly oblivious to it....

    Sounds just like what I have been reading about the "Deep State" in the USA

    I've got to agree with you.

    This sort of thing is escalating big time right now,, all over the world.

    We see lies and red flags everywhere.

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