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Posts posted by 6NS

  1. From your smugness I can see you KNOW there will be a SWITCHED match because it's obvious who you work for.

    I'm sure your proud of yourself.

    <removed BKK Post Link>
    This article says that the accused have admitted to taking Hanna's phone and other valuables to be destroyed behind the house where they lived.
    I seem to remember in very early statements by the police that they said the motive didn't seem to be theft as nothing had been taken from the crime scene.
    Anyone have a link to that report?

    Clearly states in the link you provide that Pol Gen Somyot said the phone belonged to one of the two victims. While it does also state the suspects say they took her phone ... obviously what they thought was her phone if reported correctly. Somyot also said it is a key piece of evidence. So clearly it will not be the same phone the police showed and collected the first day.

    Bottom line is might have been confusion regarding this but the bottom line is nothing here to obsess about. They clearly have never claimed it was the same phone they collected and showed the first days and really bordering on crazy to suggest this or to believe such a scenario.

    Why would they "think it was her phone" would they not remember who they removed it from?

    You say "So clearly it will not be the same phone the police showed and collected the first day" - There's nothing clear about it.

    This is the whole problem, what you think it clear others CLEARLY do not.

    How you can be so clear on everything I really don't know. If everything was CLEAR there wouldn't be thousands of posts on this whole subject.

    As for your bottom line, many of us are "obsessing" as you put it because we want to be SURE not just clear.wai2.gif

    Forget the phone boys!!

    Whose semen inside his poor unfortunate woman is what counts - the fact that they found 2 DNA traces should be enough to clear the AC bar owners son and implicate the two Burmese as prime suspects.

  2. Thailand couldn't care less. It is a sovereign nation and if it wishes to protect its powerful and wealthy political class, even if they are rapists and murderers, it will.

    It is a strategic ally of the West in the region and knows the UK, the EU, USA, etc. will never push too hard except on matters of strategic security, e.g. Thailand as a hub for international terrorism.

    The killers have got away with it here, appalling as that is to normal people.

    I will no doubt get flamed by all the 60-year-old noobs hanging out in Chiang Mai for saying this but this is the way Thailand is, there is a ruling class and they are above the law unless they attack another member of the ruling class. Foreign tourists do not count. Do not, for one minute, think you are living in a civilised country with the rule of law because you aren't.

    And that's why we are all here with voices. We want the country to take it's first steps closer to civilized life.

    It's what the General himself has stated he has in mind.

    Your like saying,,,,,, don't buy a car because you don't know how to drive.

    Get with it buddy.

  3. This case is so full of holes it is unbelievable - here are a few no brainers

    these 2 guys look way too small to overpower and brutally murder a couple

    the police say one of the suspects had blonde hair - but in 7-11 cctv footage they all had dark hair, or did he bleech his hair after going to 7?

    Furthermore the phone that turned up outside the 'murders' house had been handed over to police by friends the morning after murder -

    For more sights check out CSI LA facebook page -

    However did this has serious connections and will probably never face justice in Thai system- sad but true

    Has JUSTUS been served here.

    I think most of us here know the present Justus system was created in England centuries ago.

    I think we also know that the system was established to protect the rich (Illuminati, IMF type people) from the lesser rich, namely poor people.

    The fact is,,,,, the word Justus comes from the words JUST US. Now maybe it's more understandable the true JUST US is being fulfilled.

    It makes one sick..

  4. WOW that big, In the real world the whole force would go to jail for something this blatant.

    Was there any mention of a mobile phone during this ghoul-show?

    There is a poster claiming the phone was in police hands the morning of the murder:


    Yep, my friend definitely had the phone in her hand the next day, handed it over to the police and gave them the passcode


    From what I've just found out: the 4 girls went out together, one of them had Hannah's phone in her handbag (perfectly normal for some girls not to take handbags out). The police asked for the phone and the passcode the next day. The English girls left the island the next day and flew back to the UK, so the police were free to do what they wanted with the phone and the only people that knew about it were thousands of miles away.
  5. I'd rather spit on Putin's boot than be in that Safe House with them.

    Police officers then led the two to a safe-house where they were intensively interrogated.

    This is the scary bit . . . . . probably admit to anything while there.

    Scary indeed. "A safe house where the BIB's vigorisly beat the crap out of them...and there you go....confession!
    In all truthfulness i dont believe any of them did this. The big shot headsmen and son...absolutely did! IMO.
  6. I agree, Sean is the whole case. He and the other English people there should be brought back (with heavy English/Escorts/World Backing) to blow this DNA planting thing out of the water.

    We all know the people who would not supply DNA are the real number one suspects (if they were also the men in an argument between the recessed prior that same night).

    I want to hear from Sean McAnna,

    it may be that he fingered the guys arrested and that is why he was threatened

    Sean also said he was among a group of people playing guitar on the beach near the scene. He must have seen or heard, and known, the other Guitar players on the Beach. I guess not many Guitar players where on this beach during the Night. The police where looking for the Guitar players from the beginning.

    I am also a guitar player,

    if I was on that island, I would know every guitar player, especially after 18 months

    if one killed two people, it would be passed along fast, assuming anyone saw it, which, Sean may have

    Sean's post to facebook about not seeing david that night may have been false, but, he may have fled because he was going to get killed, because he was the only witness

    Ive come to believe that Sean was telling the truth and news sites have actually just made up certain statements

  7. Some naive people here ask what benefit or reason it would have for an innocent non-Thai to confess...

    Get real people, this is real life, not Teletubbies!

    Perhaps the reason was to stop the pain of the "grueling investigation" in the "safe house", or the promise to get life instead of the shooting squad, or perhaps they promised the "migrant workers" to leave their families back home in Burma alone, as otherwise a friend over there would visit mom, dad and the baby sister? Or perhaps it was just to survive that one day in the "safe house", regaldless of what comes next, because they told him he'll gonna die tonight if he won't sign.

    If it smells like a rat, it most likely is. This was a hate crime, an act of revenge - not a romantic "I got aroused" story!

    Over and out!

    Exactly, an I'LL GET YOU BUDDY and , he did.

  8. Is it just me or does this pro,,,,,,,, 'we have the killers arrested' bull come in waves?

    If this is all true then it's great news for the families to these scumbags finally arrested and give at least some closure for them.

    There's a lot of unsolved all around the world that will never be solved and the Thai police were under the pump from day one with such a high profile case.

    Let's hope that all the authorities involved in this case will learn from this including procedures and press statements in future cases.

    18 days is excellent work considering the amount of suspects they had to deal with.

    Well done despite the press gaffs along the way!

    Agree completely with you. As I mentioned in another thread, not exactly textbook criminal investigating, but, it now appears certain the RTP have found the culprits.

    The way the families of David and Hannah have conducted themselves throughout this ordeal is a real credit to them. I am also extremely proud of the RTP for sticking to their guns and investigating they way they deemed most appropriate.

    I believe this outcome will surely go some way to restoring people's faith in not only the RTP, but also in Thailand as a holiday destination.

    Stay safe guys, use common sense and let's all stop with the silly conspiracy theories and get on with the healing process for all involved.
    Meanwhile the real killers are sitting somewhere laughing and joking. Does that sit easy with you in cloud cuckoo land?

    Too many on here are unwilling to accept any outcome other than a Hi So Thai.
    They themselves are as bad as they claim the RTP to be. Only interesded if evidence points to Hi So.
  9. My bet right now is that the planted DNA matches the two that the first interrogated Burmese was made to point out and not his.


    DNA samples from two Myanmar workers match with those collected from British victim

    BANGKOK: -- A police source has confirmed that DNA sample from two of three detained Myanmar workers matched with DNA extracted from semen found on a British tourist who was killed along with her compatriot on Koh Tao on September 15.

    The source said the DNA results will be used to obtain arrest warrants to make formal arrests of the two suspects.

    Police Commissioner General Pol Gen Somyos Pumpanmuang will hold a press conference to announce the arrests of the two on Koh Tao at 10 am Friday.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/DNA-samples-from-two-Myanmar-workers-match-with-th-30244677.html

    -- The Nation 2014-10-03

  10. Why even bother replying to these planted statements of disgrace.

    If this is all true then it's great news for the families to these scumbags finally arrested and give at least some closure for them.

    There's a lot of unsolved all around the world that will never be solved and the Thai police were under the pump from day one with such a high profile case.

    Let's hope that all the authorities involved in this case will learn from this including procedures and press statements in future cases.

    18 days is excellent work considering the amount of suspects they had to deal with.

    Well done despite the press gaffs along the way!

    Agree completely with you. As I mentioned in another thread, not exactly textbook criminal investigating, but, it now appears certain the RTP have found the culprits.

    The way the families of David and Hannah have conducted themselves throughout this ordeal is a real credit to them. I am also extremely proud of the RTP for sticking to their guns and investigating they way they deemed most appropriate.

    I believe this outcome will surely go some way to restoring people's faith in not only the RTP, but also in Thailand as a holiday destination.

    Stay safe guys, use common sense and let's all stop with the silly conspiracy theories and get on with the healing process for all involved.

    How can the healing process start, when its speculated that Thai Police are known for their lack of proper duty and care.

    Since day 1, this whole fiasco is about tourism and you yourself add to that horrible practice.

    Healing will start when parties outside of Thailand with no vested interest in Thailand have access to samples for testing

    Should results confirm the Thai version, then so be it.... But be careful of jumping on the Police-Tourism-Incompetent bandwagon!

    There is a reason why there are conspiracies... some of it boiled down to lack of trust in anything official in Thailand... You dont think the Junta took over Thailand. just for the hell of it,...... sheesh!

  11. In the original story there were some guys singing english songs (Sean) I wander that they do have 1 of the culprits but not all. There are still many pieces missing. The most important question I have always said, is where did the hoe come from. I do not believe there are garden hoes that belong to no-one in particular left all over the beach at night. Which restaurant did it come from.

    Why from a restaurant?????? Another troller.

  12. With regard to all this everyone should ask themselves a basic fundamental question:- ''Do you trust the Royal Thai Police'' ?

    I really don't think we need to run a poll to know the overwhelming answer to this simple question.

    It's very sad but If convicted nobody will ever truly believe that these Burmese were responsible unless the DNA results are confirmed by a third party. Since the victims were British then it is the British that would logically make the ideal candidate for such a confirmation.

    If reconfirmed then the Thai police would be able to go to sleep at night knowing they had finally done a good job in the worlds eyes. The doubters such as myself would have to eat humble pie....and for an excellent reason I would be more than pleased to do so.After recent form it would be quite a dramatic turn of events for them.

    Only a fool or a Thai policeman would not take this opportunity now.

    Why do we not get photos of these three suspects??????????????? Maybe because they have bruises all over perhaps.

    I suppose we'll see these poor patsies faces when ready for camera and bodies when healed.

  13. If this is all true then it's great news for the families to these scumbags finally arrested and give at least some closure for them.

    There's a lot of unsolved all around the world that will never be solved and the Thai police were under the pump from day one with such a high profile case.

    Let's hope that all the authorities involved in this case will learn from this including procedures and press statements in future cases.

    18 days is excellent work considering the amount of suspects they had to deal with.

    Well done despite the press gaffs along the way!

    Your replying as if this is true,,,,,,,,,,,come on troll somewhere else.

  14. there needs to be clear evidence that this guy is not a scapegoat all tests should be verified by an outside trusted expert.

    I'm so upset with this &lt;deleted&gt;,

    Only those that know they can get away with murder, murder, period.

    Myanmar people seldom stick there head out to be chopped off.

    This is wealthy untouchable stuff.

    Not people that are scared to see any official person of authority because they could be sent home (for many reasons).

    Myanmar cannot afford Yaba.

    Attack this coverup forever.

  15. Sean may be the key to this case, he was v close to the action that night and posted very openly on his Facebook that the owner of AC Bar did it … no smoke without fire as they say

    Exactly, Sean is the only witness. Who in the right mind would speak the words he did if they weren't true.

    We all here know, the Keepers son fled to Bangkok, has witnesses saying he was in Bangkok at the time because he had 10 days to round them up and fabricate evidence,,,, like change the date on a surveillance camera, teacher's word etc. He and his father both have telephones I'm sure with all the money he is said to poses so why didn't he surface a few hours after it was pronounced he was a suspect, Duu. All police have done since that time has been COVER-UP.


    I'm sure the BIB will have some fictitious DNA on hand by now to cover up for the real killers.

    The Thai people need an outside police force in on this.

    This shit needs to stop, for the good of Thailand and it's people.

    Like everywhere, a fraction of a % have all the power and money and the rest the spoils of there greed.

    • Like 1
  16. I strongly think it's possible that the original DNA samples from the raped and murdered woman have been switched out with samples from people who've never been near that Island and that no suspect will match now.

    Why, when trying to protect the guilty, would they be testing against genuine DNA of the victim?

    I think your exactly right.

    I do feel that him refusing DNA also proves him guilty. If he has refused. Maybe the BIB have been polite and not asked for it.

  17. But the DNA??

    So the female victim is raped by two Asian men, and this mysterious farang comes along and kills her and David??

    Please, please Thai police keep your mouths shut!!

    The police will do and say anything that protects the real killers.

    Has that run-a-way young son of the Island keeper that went to Bangkok been let off the hook without DNA sample? After 10 days he gave himself in. Why 10 days????????? needed time to pay off witnesses?

    It is so pathetic. Why don't they just bring the real killers to justest instead of defending them.

    I'll back off this reasoning if they have his DNA and it doesn't match and it's proven to an outside country it is so.

    The kid that pointed him out would never have done so if it weren't true, at least in the situation he was in.

    Now they have a foreigner who planted Asian sperm in the girl? Come on, just another paid witness.

    The whole world is watching them defend there own.

    Dam, it's even going to be scarier out there in this country.

    They have no discipline, no accountability, no shame.

    I take all this back if that kid gave DNA.

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