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Posts posted by 6NS

  1. I keep posting it but whatever,

    Somebody posted on Hannah's original Facebook stating why the where killed that night, they said that in the bar a local Thai was hitting on Hannah and Dave got in a argument with the Thai.

    The Thai left and was hiding on the beach with a friend waiting for them to leave around AC bar.

    Everybody I know on Koh Tao who works there left the same day because all bartenders are foreigners with no work permits, they all say this is what happened. It's sad you don't hear about this in the news.!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    This is exactly what I would have expected had happened.

    Thai boys don't take lightly loosing out to a Farang in there country.

  2. It sounds to me as though there might have been multiple killers because of the sea water found in the male victim's lungs and evidence of a struggle by wounds on his body. One or more assailants was possibly attacking him including dragging him into the water, while one or more assailants was attacking the girl. The semen does not match the DNA of any of the suspects currently, and sound more like the actions of a local gang.

    What possibly started as a rape ended in a double murder perhaps. Based on this and the murder weapon (the hoe), the investigation should also focus on local Thai suspects, as they have avoided even the mention of this for tourism reasons thus far only vaguely referring to one Asian-looking suspect.

    I would be focusing some of my staff (police force) on the employes at the party.

    To me this is starting to look a little more planned.

  3. I'm so sorry for you, the families of the two healthy young people in this article.

    For you clue hunters,,, and the police.

    I've had one of those construction hoes in my hands a few different times and I will tell you it would not be a premeditated weapon.

    There is not one of them in Thailand that isn't covered with a centimeter or 2 of solid concrete as it would take an extra minute at the end of the day for a Thai or Burmese to clean it. To count on being able to swing one of those heavy clumsy objects as your weapon in a fight would be sure suicide. I claim it was either used to finish the job or the couple were indeed too preoccupied to here someone sneaking up on them.

    Possibly the boy was in a fight and badly hurt and in the end executed, before turning to do the same to the girl.

    I, like all you others are a shammed of what goes on here.

    My Thai girlfriend makes me install locks everywhere and has told me several times "we can't live there, people will kill you" Apparently if your a Foreigner your rich and they envy this, so much it kills them, or you.

  4. I predicted a couple of years ago during the so called western financial crisis that a large scale war is a reset button - I would not be ruling it out - these things can escalate very quickly to a point of no return

    I agree, the US will not allow BRICs model to succeed and break away from IMF/World Bank/US influence. They don't need a war, though, they just need Russia to toe the line and be a good boy.

    Your exacly right. What the IMF wants, IMF gets. Obama is and so have all the Presidence for over 100 years been there pupet.

  5. I think it will never return to the really heady days. Western economies will remain weak for at least a decade with high unemployment especially in the younger age groups. The £, $ and Euro are weak v the THB and even with a coup and all of the troubles this remains the same. Prices are rocketing, more restrictions on holiday fun.

    Then there is the fact that other previously less accessible destinations are opening up and becoming prime holiday areas.

    The times they are a changing, we were lucky to have been here in the heady days (well those that were here were smile.png )

    Well said.

    • Like 2
  6. "Please respect the police force," he said.

    He has a short memory. Respect the citizens and victims of terrorism by arresting the culprits. Didn't happen thus reform is needed.

    "Don't stay silent. You have already lost some of your rights.

    You stayed silent when asked to find the culprits of the terrist attacks. That is why reform is needed.

    "Police will become more powerful, while politicians go the other way," he said.

    That is the idea. We have already witnessed what damage democracy can do in the wrong hands.

    It is as if the PTP and it's supporters have the memory of a goldfish. They ignore the police bias when the boss was picked by a criminal. yingluck ignores all the arrests and irregularities found in the rice scheme when she asked again for more witnesses. If only the PTP could be contained in a goldfish bowl then it would not be so bad, but alas they cannot, thus why reform is needed. They truly are an aggressive stubborn cancer (yes, yes a democratically elected cancer. I get it) that simply won't subscribe to any medication and will fight until the patient is dead.

    Not arresting unelected accused terrorists, accused mass murderers and convicted criminal fugitives caused quite a stir as well. Putting the below photo up in the office of the police chief caused quite a stir as well. The Police commissioner having to investigate it to understand if it was actually against police ethics caused quite a stir as well. This is only causing a stir amongst the cookie thieves.

    This reform is long overdue and we are all aware of the lack of justice for one side of the political divide due to a politically biased police force and it comes as no surprise that the PTP are complaining about it. They are the ones that used it to their advantage. They should be welcoming it. But just like a mum that puts a lock on a cookie jar the only complaints are from the cookie thief. The country and the innocent victims of the terrorist attacks are sighing a collective sigh of relief.

    Again this is a stark contrast to the narrative that the Junta do not allow negative news. He have had the DEM's complain about the Junta's actions and now the PTP. Of course there will be the proverbial, BUT, BUT, BUT from some. And when this argument has been proven wrong they will move onto the next and then the next.

    Just how much power would this new Police Chef have. In government there is always an opposition party to keep the leader in check. Remember it's all about the people. Too much control and away goes our rights.

    A little bit of power - a little bit of control and corruption.

    A lot of power - a lot of control and corruption.

    Absolute power - absolute control and corruption.

    This all has to be thought about from human rights and safety side. Martial/police state is a state without rights. I prefer a democracy, even if there isn't any more such a thing with the IMF running the world. .

  7. Must be salmonella or cross contamination something. Poor preparation . and I mean really really poor preparation.

    No not necessarily poor preparation. Sometimes horrible things happen and you always have a bunch of sanctimonious types looking for someone to hang.

    Even in the West


    See, this is the same thing as jumping to conclusions in a rape case. WE NEED MORE EVIDENCE. Guilty after prooven it was food poisoning.

  8. It may not have been the chicken. It was probably bad rice or the oil they mentioned. Let's see with more findings. What a shame.

    You are probably right.

    The most likely cause was the rice.

    Cooked rice that is left out is a very fertile breeding ground for Bacillus Cereas, which can be fatal.



    Yes Rice is just about the most dangerous.

    Most often it is the meat that is the problem...although most any food can harbor any number of common pathogens that can rapidly grow inside your digestive tract within hours, in some cases, and overwhelm your whole system.

    Wide spread bacterial infections of food is not common in Thailand overall ...but the conditions needed are about right for outbreaks of any number of strains or individual kinds of pathogens to flourish and cause havoc with the population.

    One of the big offenders here in Thailand is the Som Tum with those little black crabs that they love to add to the Som Tum dish.

    I can assure you if you were to perform Coliform testing of the water that they are kept in and or the crabs themselves you would commonly find the bacterial levels off the Richter scale.

    I had a GF who liked to eat that version of Som Tum ( there was one of those mobile Som Tum wagons always located near by my apartment ) and I warned her about eating those little black crabs.

    Once she brought her Som Tum dish to my room and the smell permeated the room for 2 days and I forbid her to ever bring that food dish into my room ever again.

    She was not happy at all about that new rule.

    One time I called her at her home and her mother answered and said she was sick and in the hospital.

    Naturally I asked what the problem was and the Mother answered saying: Tong See-ay ( rotten stomach, bad stomach )

    She told me which Hospital she was in and I went there to visit her...to her surprise and embarrassment.

    I had one of the doctors come to her bedside and I explained to him how the girl liked to eat the Som Tum with the little black crabs included and how those crabs were very questionable indeed as to their origins and their bacterial status while most likely that is why she was very sick and in the hospital.

    I told the doctors to ask her what she had been eating previously.

    No surprise she answered: My Loo

    The doctor agreed that the Som Tum with crabs is one dish that can knock you down and out while understanding the mechanics involved creating such a condition with those crabs soaking in murky blackish water in the plus 30 degrees Celsius weather for who knows how long or how many days before they buy new crabs and the vendor does same thing over again.

    I told the doctor to explain this to the girl in Thai language so she could understand that food can be dangerous sometimes and she should avoid those crabs,,,the Som Tum part is OK........but do not eat the crabs.

    And what does she do when this is explained to her by the Thai Doctor .

    She is upset that I am lecturing her and embarrassing her in front of the doctor and tells me to go away and do not come to see her again.

    So I waved 1000 baht in front of her face and said I was going to help you a little bit but your stupid Thai attitude sucks.... so good by ..and walked out

    I hear ya, They so do not want to learn from us.

    • Like 1
  9. Doesn't look like Salmonella to me. They died too quickly for that. I think it's more likely some kind of pesticide or poison was mixed with the food.

    The problem is often that cleaning products, pesticides and cooking oil are kept in unlabeled containers at the same location.

    It would be better if schools would stop buying unlabeled bulk containers.

    You may be right here. Not often are so many willing to eat something that most definatelly must smell bad enough not to eat.

  10. Don't see any problem here!!

    Well, while I sure hope that this monster gets much more than a slap, I see a very big problem. When the case comes to trial, the defence now has an added argument that the confession was given under duress. This can have a lot of weight on the proceedings and can cast a very real doubt on to the monster's guilt. I admit it, if I wear the officer in question, I probably would have found it very hard to restrain myself and do give him much more than a slap, but restaint is a must if they want to bring this monster (I refuse to call him a man or an animal) to justice.

    I am very confident, that if the guy is found guilty and goes to jail, he will be subjected to what he deserves, but please officers let us all make sure he goes to jail only if he is guilty, and let us not give the appologists reason to set a guilty monster free because you could not contain the slap.

    On further thought, only the confession can be thrown out. They would still have a case to prove with other evidence they can gather. I see no problem to convict this guy.

    It is not a technicality, it's just un-submit able evidence.

    Everyone can settle down now.

    Well, you better hope there's a lot of good evidence beyond this confession (and I'm not talking about a ghost appearing the to victim's mother in a dream). My co-worker was murdered by his wife a few years back ... shot in the back of the head while asleep. The wife, who was initially not a suspect, was charged with the murder. The video of her confession was thrown out by the judge in the pre-trial disclosure of evidence because at the point the police started to suspect her of complicity, they did not advise her of her rights (at the point she went from being a 'witness' to a suspect, she should have been read her rights). As a result of the loss of this critical piece of evidence, she was found not guilty of first degree murder. .

    Your exactly right, that's how it works. In this case however, it looks like the man or men were with her for a long time and there will probably be a lot of evidence,,,if the police are capable gathering it.

  11. Don't see any problem here!!

    Well, while I sure hope that this monster gets much more than a slap, I see a very big problem. When the case comes to trial, the defence now has an added argument that the confession was given under duress. This can have a lot of weight on the proceedings and can cast a very real doubt on to the monster's guilt. I admit it, if I wear the officer in question, I probably would have found it very hard to restrain myself and do give him much more than a slap, but restaint is a must if they want to bring this monster (I refuse to call him a man or an animal) to justice.

    I am very confident, that if the guy is found guilty and goes to jail, he will be subjected to what he deserves, but please officers let us all make sure he goes to jail only if he is guilty, and let us not give the appologists reason to set a guilty monster free because you could not contain the slap.

    On further thought, only the confession can be thrown out. They would still have a case to prove with other evidence they can gather. I see no problem to convict this guy.

    It is not a technicality, it's just un-submit able evidence.

    Everyone can settle down now.

  12. Seriously you just can't do that, it's stupid and unprofessional. People saying "well you cant blame the cop if he just heard the guy confess...." really! Would you then say its ok if the case goes to court and is thrown out and the guy walks free, because of that cops actions?

    Think I am joking? I'm not, this happens all the time in the US and the UK. The cops have to be above that sort of behaviour and actually apply professional interrogation techniques to get answers. Cases have to be locked down and water tight leaving the scum no room to wriggle out of the charges! Sure we would all like to be in a locked room for an hour or two with this guy. However would we then want to face the family when he walks on a technicality? Yet again this is the BIB showing lack of professionalism, lack of training, and stupidity on then posting it online. I hope the forensic evidence is strong enough to convict without having to reply on ehem....'confessions'

    By the way- I fully accept the Thai courts wont care if the confession was under duress'. I still think its wrong though! I am also not a bleeding heart liberal. Trust me his immediate future in prison is going to be a lot worse than what the TV keyboard army would actually do to him!

    I couldn't have said it any better. Your right all the way.

  13. for me it looks more like beating on the head, than slapping.

    slapping is with an open hand on a skin, this one is violently punching on the back head, so it moves.

    surely, a case for an officer dismissal. Firstly, for beating a detainee, secondly for recording it on his mobile and publishing online. Breach of regulations.

    defense lawyer might use it in the court case as intimidation

    I know for a fact that Police in Canada and the USA are much harsher than this Thai officer and for much less of an offence.

    I don't understand this video getting out.

    He can now claim he was forces to confess.

    Maybe he paid for the video to surface.

  14. Anyone know who is Wissanu Kreangam, the creator of the new provisional charter?

    • wissanu.jpg
      ico-list-loxley-box-left.png Dr.Wissanu Krea-ngam

      Independent Director


      icon_dot.png LL.D. Honoris Causa Chulalongkorn University 2001

      icon_dot.png Certificate from National Defense College 1997

      icon_dot.png J.S.D. University of California,Berkeley 1976

      icon_dot.png LL.M. University of California,Berkeley 1974

      icon_dot.png Barrister-AT-Law (Thai) 1973

      icon_dot.png LL.B. (Hons. 1st Class) Thammasat University 1972

      icon_dot.png Director Accreditation Program 68/2008 Thai Institute of Directors Association

      Work Experience for the Past 5 years

      icon_dot.png 2009-present

      Chairman, Amata Corporation Public Company Limited

      icon_dot.png 2008-present

      Chairman, BFIT Security Public Company Limited

      Chairman, Bangkok First Investment and Trust Plc.

      Independent Director, Loxley Public Company Limited

      icon_dot.png 2007-2009

      Director, Amata Corporation Public Company Limited

      icon_dot.png 2006-present

      Chairman, Sikarin Public Company Limited

      icon_dot.png 2006-2007

      Member of National Legislative Assembly,National Legislative Assembly

      icon_dot.png 2002-2006

      Deputy Prime Minister, Government House

      icon_dot.png 1993-2002

      Secretary General of the Cabinet,Government House

      icon_dot.png 1992-2000

      Senator, Senate

    See, just like I said. He's a banker and stock manipulator. He's IMF directed. Case closed.

  15. Anyone know who is Wissanu Kreangam, the creator of the new provisional charter?

    He has to be a puppet of the IMF New World Order (most of you think of them as USA government. They've infiltrated the US the hardest because of their military might and operate through there puppet leader which is Obama right now until they put the next in place),,,no doubt about it.

    This Junta has come in and done way too much too soon. They've been coached all along. It's been easy here in Thailand, almost like it's been in the US to take their rites away. Just look really close at this new charter and see there'll be rights taken away. Home invasions legal as will be phone tapping like in the states.

    I <deleted> moved here because it looked like there was a bit of freedom left. Instead of calling me a fool just remember what I've said and see for yourself what comes of this. This Junta is too organized to work alone. Google and You Tube away you people, please.

  16. Charged but not yet convicted. This is not conclusive evidence of guilt.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


    No it is not, and this is a very slim line to be walking.

    The death penalty is a big punishment and should only be considered in cases where the result of rape is death it's self. We all know perfectly well that disgruntled  wives and girlfriends in countries we come from often play the sexual assault card for revenge. For rape and rape alone death is out of the question.

  17. Because the whole fabric of society is corrupt! to make changes now is going to be very difficult. Good luck to them.

    I believe this is the tip of the iceberg to come.

    Look out for the new IMF banking government.

    First comes some control, then more control, than indebtedness then a crash to grab funds.

    Of course this never ends, tax, steel, punish and control.

    The new Mafia has arrived. This Junta has done way too much too soon to be anything else.

    Control and enslavement. You watch. Taxws everywhere will soon arrive.

    At lease the present Mafia is somewhat fair and they can be avoided.

    Good luck to us all.

    • Like 1
  18. I'm thinking military junta 2016. It seems to be working in Thailand. I say we give it some time and if Thailand is still in good shape by then, USA should give it a try.

    I agree whole heartedly, and before thier allowed to pay for there own second army right in the middle of the country that belongs to the people,,,, The country does not belong to the IMF boys.

    America must wake up. It's America first than Europe and so on.

  19. Let's see how the elections go this November. Eric Cantor's defeat recently says that RINO's* are out of fashion. Romney would need another nomination by the Republicans. That's doubtful.

    With Obama's approval ratings so low he has to suddenly act like he's securing the Mexican border, his Democrats in the Senate could just lose the majority in the Senate in November. Time will tell. If that happens, Obama is really a lame duck with both houses of Congress under Republican control.

    *RINO = Republican In Name Only.

    What? The control of the houses of Congress under Republican control. It's the IMF control. Your or any government has no control. Puppets all leaders of all countries that count. Thailand is coming under more control also, you watch over the next ten years how rights and taxes will be changed to feed the families of the world there control. It is so pathetic to listen to the news and to those so sucked into there <deleted>,,,,,,,,, inslaving, future they are funneling us into. The news is not news,,,it's theator, there controling Stage.

    • Like 2
  20. The military does not have a good track record for " getting this sorted". Couldn't be further from the truth if the past in anything to go by. Perhaps General Prayuth will prove to be different from the long list of predecessors. I hope so.

    The problems do seem to be piling up for the junta and they seem to be trying to deal with far too much in too short a time.

    Perhaps they should prioritize their "to do" list before it all gets out of hand?

    I agree with you here. I think the Junta has done way too much too soon. It's all good,,,,I think, but how can they do a good job with everything at once when they aren't even trained in these matters. Who's pulling the Junta's strings? Think about it. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing, then everything. Something is going on behind the curtain.

  21. Oxymoron of the day the Thai "public secret." I hope Mr. Hall has the resources necessary to defend himself and win the case. If it is a charge against printed or video media, then it is libel and the defense is 'truth." Was it proven to be true? It's a certainty that Mr. Hall has his evidence and hopefully will receive a fair trial and unbiased interpretation by the judges.

    Unfortunately 'truth' is not the defense you think it is under the Thai defamation laws. These laws are horrendous and do nothing to better the country but protect criminality and malpractice and hamper progress.

    Thailand does not like its dirty laundry aired in public, true or not. Like its society it prefers things unexposed and hidden so it can deceive itself of reality. It is a mirror of society and the way people personally conduct themselves as a general rule.

    Western nations are guilty of turning a blind eye for the benefit of profits which is just as nauseating, preferring to pay lip service to fool their consumers, the average person who does not want to support slavery and in humane conditions and would prefer to buy from more morally responsible companies. Unfortunately the same people want things as cheaply as possible which does not gel.

    What a wonderful world we live in.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    Are these migrent workers being forced to work in these factories or are they in Thailand working because the pay and conditions in Thailand are better than in there own countries?

    If this is about migrent workers on boats whitnessing mirders than we have a different case,,,murder. Why is this about workers willing to work for more money than they could earn elswhere and not about exploited, forced, slavory if this is what's happening???

    Ummm, all the above?? Have you ever been to Burma??

    Here you bring up Burma,,,Burma's bad conditions are why I thought they were better off here. This is why I posted in favor of them being here and chosing to work for what I thought they'd be paid, 9000B to 20,000B like they do here in Phuket. I thought they had the right and hopfully a couple hundre Baht and could chose where they landed. I see now I was wrong and there is indeed slavory happening (this without proof,,,,to me anyways). Other than the slavory aspect I see no reason to give them special treatment.

  22. I know at least 3 dozen Bermeese workers, all earning 9,000B to 20,000B, is that explytation? The Thais won't take these same jobs. If the workers in the factories and on the boats aren't happy they should go elswhere in Thailand for work, or back home. I'm not defending low wages, I just don't see there can be any other issue here than forced slavory. If forced slavory is happening than yes, drop the hammer down and drop it hard.

    Did anyone accuse any of the employers of your dozens of Burmese aquaintances with expoitation? Thais take plenty of low wage jobs in factories throughout the Kingdom. But there are some industries in, say, construction, agriculture and fishing, that don't want to pay the same wages that are paid in the more urban factories. What happens here is that Burmese flee Burma, often from persecution or from dire economic straits such as their land being conviscated by government actors, and enter Thailand ignorant of the plight of illegal workers. Once accepting employment they are forced to work for far below wages any Thai would accept. They are then threatened if they complain or attempt to find work elsewhere, threats backed up by the local police who are paid to act with prejudice if they should find such illegals leaving the plantation so to speak. Sometimes the chains of slavery are not clearly visible to those who do not quite open their eyes wide enough. Mr. Hall and Finnwatch attempt to open those eyes and now the Kingdom is using its ridiculous defamation laws once again to intimidate those who would justifiably cause the Kingdom to lose face. Chaiyo!

    Indeed it's great the man had the courage to go this route and so very sad he's run up against Fascisms at it's highest. I'm sorry that I myself was ignorant to what is going on in places other than my own back yard.

  23. With luck all the foreign workers who are leaving now will just show how much there labour is needed in Thailand and server to improve there lot should they return. Get them all to join together and demand fair pay and living conditions now or with draw there labour while there worth is fresh in the minds of Thais.

    Yes there labor and more-so know-how will be missed greatly. I agree they should be banding together and demanding easier work visa enrolement.

    Is it not true that this will all be mute once the Asian community is in place? ONE WORLD ASIA.

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