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Posts posted by mrbojangles

  1. Week No       19   Overall Leader Board  
    keithsimmonds 35   ClartyBoots 456
    smokie36 18   Fulhamster 450
    Oldgit 18   MrMuddle 445
    hotandsticky 17   Jockstar 439
    RedArmy 17   hotandsticky 439
    Thaiwrath 16   Mouserless 437
    Mouserless 15   RedArmy 435
    owl sees all 14   Oldgit 419
    mrmicbkktxl 14   Thaiwrath 408
    MrMuddle 12   mrmicbkktxl 402
    ClartyBoots 11   Champers 398
    Fulhamster 9   owl sees all 393
    Champers 9   smokie36 382
    Jockstar 9   Bangrakbob 363
    Bangrakbob 0   keithsimmonds 346



    Hall of Fame 17/23        

    Wilai                            58   

    Smokie36                   53   

    BIGTOE3                    51   

    Mouserless                 51   

    Evenstevens               49   

    Evenstevens               49   

    Mr Muddle                  49   

    Mouserless                 49   

    Wilai                            49   

    Jellydog                      48   

    Jellydog                      48   

    Mouserless                 48   

    Mouserless                 48   

    Wilai                            48

  2. 10 hours ago, RickG16 said:

    It's funny, there were 2 laughing emojis reactions to this post which have now disappeared.


    I also haven't heard from Red Army in several hours.


    Could this be the workings of the Asean Now inner circle?

    I've just looked and there are 2 hearts now. Maybe the users changed them. Either way, as far as I am aware only the user or tech department can alter and remove them.


    I hope you don't think I would have contacted the tech department to remove 2 emoji's. And you also think we've kidnapped Redarmy just cos he went missing for a few hours. Jaysus


    Edit:- Just looked into the emoji change further. The smiley emoji has been turned off / removed. That's why they disappeared 

  3. 31 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    It's funny, you are probably using exactly the same tactic that City's hot shot legal team has planned.... Be pedantic and go round in circles til the other side runs out of stream 

    That isn't being pedantic. You were putting words in my mouth. The fact that the Daily Mail thinks it's a bit dodgy is one thing and you obviously feel the same as them , as it was you who suggested something is iffy and then you try and say it's me who is childish. When in fact, it was you're own words.


    Nothing further to say about the ref's reffing their own clubs now I've put you back in your box on that one?

  4. 2 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    There's a pretty famous ref who is allegedly a United fan (from Alty I believe) who has reffed United games, and I can't remember him making pro United decisions.

    If you are thinking of Anthony Taylor, he is an Altrincham fan. He doesn't support United.


    There are rules in place to stop ref's officiating a team they may favour. Have a read of this, it lists refs and who they support and what process is in place to ensure ref's don't get to do what you made up in your head.





    2 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    You are suggesting a lawyer can't be impartial because of the team he supports... isn't that correct? Or what was the meaning of the post

    I merely posted 2 pictures that were on the front page of a national paper. They must have thought the same as you are suggesting. Once again, I didn't suggest anything, you came up with all that on your own.

  5. 2 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    Occasionally referees do ref the team they support. And I trust them to do their job. If anything I'd think they'd be harsher to that team in order to make a point.

    What a load of tosh. NO referee in the PL EVER refs a game of the team they support. The uproar would be too much. You make this stuff up as you go along.



    2 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    Let's just screen all lawyers to make sure they don't support a football team. Is that what you are suggesting?

    Tis you who is suggesting it. I merely posted 2 pictures and YOU'RE OWN imagination ran wild suggesting things that I never mentioned.

    • Like 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    Are you suggesting lawyers aren't allowed to support football teams? I'm pretty most support a team and there is a good chance they are in the top tier.


    How childish to think that someone who has reached the top of their profession would actually be influenced by who they happen to be a fan of. 

    I didn't say that but you obviously think it though.


    Would you be happy for a Liverpool supporting referee to ref a game between United and Liverpool?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Sparkles said:


    I quite understand true banter, since I played my first competitive game in 1952. Banter should be amusing, yours is far from it, Its a jealous obsession for you with MU, fermented over many years.


    I can understand your frustration. MU being a bigger club ,largest fan base in the world, largest ground capacity in the EPL, a ground which is always full, more trophies and more football history than your club  could ever dream of and more to come


    To your credit, your regular updates (banter ?) of the leaking roof at OT seem to have evaporated it must have stopped raining.

    And you are quite the bore. I know United are a bigger club, I grew up in the area but you lot get tender about not being at the top of the pile anymore. Tis you whom I think has the jealousy now "how dare someone knock United off their perch"!! Typical RAG in your glory.


    Now, if you wonder why I come in here, firstly it's a forum and this thread isn't limited to just United fans. You don't get to dictate who can say what in any topic, as long as they stay within the forum rules ANYONE can post in here whether you like or loathe them or find them "jealous and obsessive". Secondly, if you look in the City topic and see what litter both your United friends post in there, I think I am quite within my rights to retort in here. If you don't like what I have to say then scroll on past.

  8. A good summary piece in the Daily Mirror by Simon Mullock


    Man City knew Premier League charges were coming as plan to clear reputation emerges

    Manchester City have been charged by the Premier League for breaking over 100 financial rules after the organisation underwent a four-year investigation in the club

    Manchester City always knew there would be a day of reckoning with the Premier League over their finances - and are already primed for a battle they believe will finally clear them from allegations of cheating.


    The Etihad hierarchy were stunned to be told that they must face an independent commission to defend themselves against more than 100 charges of financial misconduct over a nine-year period.


    But it was the timing of the Premier League’s announcement rather than the confirmation of the allegations that took City by surprise.


    And the defiant message from the reigning champions is that the commission will give them the opportunity to rid the club of the stench of suspicion that has lingered over them in the two-and-a-half years since the Court of Arbitration for Sport overturned a two-year Champions League ban imposed by UEFA for alleged FFP violations.


    CAS issued City with a £9 million fine for failing to cooperate with UEFA’s investigation. But the fact that some of the evidence was time-barred has been used as a stick to beat City with. The club insisted at the time that they had material to answer all of UEFA’s claims.


    The Premier League investigation can include evidence that was ruled to be time-barred by CAS in July 2020 - and City feel is a chance to prove they have done things by the book.


    City believe the Premier League rushed out their announcement to go after the champions to avoid criticism following the government’s decision to postpone the publication of a white paper on football governance.


    No prior warning about the charges was given to the club - and City claim they have proof that some media outlets were briefed before they had even been made aware of the announcement. The Premier League deny that any media were made aware of the charges before they were published online.


    City also say they were being informed of the situation by telephone when the Premier League released a statement on their website. The club’s legal team also noticed that a significant number of the charges and the regulations they breached were incorrectly notified on the original announcement and were later altered by the Premier League.



  9. 6 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    Why *wouldn't they be impartial?

    They might believe they have been impartial but it doesn't mean that they have been. They "may" have felt pressured by maybe 8 whining clubs who put a letter in.


    Anyway, we have submitted all the information they required during the 4 year investigation. They have decided to put charges against us.  A third party will now decided after the PL put their evidence / argument forward and we put our counter evidence / argument against the charges.

  10. 1 hour ago, RonniePickering22 said:



    You know the rules by now. But just in case:-


    10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

    • Haha 1
  11. 47 minutes ago, RedArmy said:

    Will be interesting to see what statement United put out. If the sponsers don't want him back anywhere near United, they could either choose to terminate his contract or sell him abroad - The kid is only 21 years old, the case was dropped, but unfortunately, due to social media, everyone heard the tapes & saw the pictures - This issue is very very complexed indeed - Even though the law says innocent untill proven guilty, he will always have that stigma attached to his name - Has he got the mental strength to overcome this ??? Only time will tell.


    Personally, i can't see him ever playing for United again, although i hope I'm wrong.

    Maybe better for Mason to move abroad & try to resurrect his career elsewhere.

    Totally agree with your summary. Social media are all saying the same thing, the key witness pulled out and they all reckon she was paid off.  Unfortunately, the CPS are left with no alternative but to drop it.

  12. 52 minutes ago, NE1 said:

    Mason Greenwood charges dropped.........https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-64502021 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I hope the lad can put it all behind him , and return to full time training and eventually back in the first team.

    He will still face abuse on the terraces , so he has to return mentaly strong.

    He has been a big loss to our team .

    United are carrying out an internal investigation first. 

  13. 14 hours ago, Sparkles said:

    Jeeez you are like a dog with a bone, obviously too much time on your hands ,try knitting

    You are obviously not aware of the banter between Redarmy, Ricky and myself when they come into the City topic. If you don't understand banter try reading up on it before poking your nose in ????

  14. 14 hours ago, jellydog said:

    Cancelo to Bayern on loan?! I didn't see that coming though he has been out of favor lately. He's a heck of a player when on song.

    Yeah. He's been out of form lately but when he got that red card I think that hacked Pep off a bit. He simply dropped down the pecking order due to some top drawer performances from Ake who went in to cover his position

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