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Pii Kate

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Posts posted by Pii Kate

  1. I don't know much about finances but I do know when the companies I am invested in are planning on making big changes (Nokscoot) I get sent a prospectus and get to vote on the deal. So if you ASIA shareholders sit on your butts enjoying the benefits without taking the slightest bit of responsibility for your company ??????????? I don't even know how to end this sentence, I'm stunned. Money comes in because you want it without any personal involvement other than cashing the check? Protest a bit louder. Go straight to the Gen/PM. Advertise your ignorance and see how many more international companies back off from Thailand.

  2. "Prayut Chan-o-cha would propose at the Asean Summit, to be held on Monday and Tuesday, that Asean should jointly strengthen the agriculture sector so that the region becomes the world's food supplier."

    Now if anyone knows how to lead the agricultural sector it is Thailand. Let us kindly and openly share our information re: RICE GROWING DURING A DROUGHT.

    I wonder what air lines fearless leader with take tomorrow?

    One great thing about ASEAN is that Thailand and Prayut cannot hid. The culture and it's cast of characters are well know to other Asians.

    Last comment/question. Who are the sophicated critics fearless leader is referring to?

  3. Oaky, so you are poor and uneducated. Your son has not prospects so you send him to the monks. He grows up in a system of uneducated men, devoid of religious commitment but at least having a roof over their heads and food in their bellies. Parents are let of the hook.

    How can you expect more from these guys? I believe they are responsible for their actions but when you come from their backgrounds, know nothing and get treated with deference and respect for doing nothing.....anything can happen.

    I met a Thai woman in Chiang Mai who sells amulets and she had some wild tales to tell about black magic secretly practiced here routinely. The amulets wee being sold for protection

  4. Sadly, people with mental illness in this country do not get help beyond medicine. And, if you don't prescribe the correct medicine, symptoms can be exacerbated. I can't imagine what life is like in his head. That said, it is also clear the police have not been trained to recognize a seriously dangerous man...searching for two hours? In the west the police become dangerous when one of their own is assaulted and the greater majority of the force are committed to finding the perp.

    A few months ago the Bangkok Post did a big piece on the great woman who runs a mental hospital near Bangkok. These poor folks were wearing pajamas all of the time. Photographs were posted in the paper. No dignity. Mental illness is treated as a shameful disease. Repress your feelings, smile all of the time and it has to come out at sometime and often sideways.

    Sorry for the injured cop.

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  5. I am also an American and love our constitution but you must remember the right to bare arms was written in a time when the country was new, folks lived in untamed areas, the whole land was untamed, and we had just ended a war with England and were constantly at war with Native Americans to rob them of their lands. Guns may have been necessary then, but now? We don't hunt for food anymore. We hunt for pleasure, sport and a misdirected, paranoid need for safety.

    The NRA is one of the strongest lobbying group in the country. It's sadly unfortunate that the victims and families of victims of guns can't form their own lobby. There would be as many members as in the NRA providing some balance. Oh wait, they are in mourning and not up to it.

    Thomas Jefferson wanted a constitution that was reevaluated every 20 years to be certain it met the needs of the current citizens.

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  6. What is with this "effeminate" reference to the teacher who went to Singapore? Most child molesters appear to be straight, have families, and abuse their own children. Gays are attracted to the same sex and are not pedophiles. Another comment akin to sexy dressing causes rape. What a primitive, uninformed, uninsightful, repressed group of people!!!.

    How can these folks be so blind to the devastating effects molestation has on children? I am in a group of recovering people and every drug abuser who is a woman in the group was sexually abused as a child. Coincidence? I think not. Get a grip guys!!!!!!

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    1. Look at the HIPPA laws in USA. Patients have a right to privacy.
    2. Look at the Patient Rights Act. Patients have the right to expect and receive appropriate care in a timely manner and with dignity.

    All of my doctors(in USA) took courses in customer relations meaning they learned to listen to the patient rather than put everyone on antibiotics and send them home. This reduces law suits as well when the patient feels heard and understood.

    Insurance company intervention in what care can be given and how much effects patient care but health insurance is not an issue here.

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