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Pii Kate

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Posts posted by Pii Kate

  1. It is really disgusting that because of a violent murder we are discussing the behavior of young drunk tourists who attend parties organized and condoned by Thais.

    Victim Blaming.

    That so many ignorant farang are joining in is despicable.

    Agreed. Consider the known fact that so many young people are graduating college, university, trade schools and not finding work. So they travel now, Iive in cheap dumps and enjoy life before they find a job. We did the opposite and don't you sometimes wish you had your young and youthful energy again?

  2. What is so strange about this? It's part of expat culture in Chiang Mai.

    Don't worry. Just show up at 5:30 am and soon you'll figure out what to do. It's the retirees who really have it bad. There are more queue tickets given out for tourist visa extensions than for retirement extensions -- different counters process these extensions. Us oldsters have to really fight it out. If we get there by 6:30 am, we're out of luck. You could probably push your luck and get there at 6:30 am, but why not come at 5:30 am and watch the old folks in hand-to-hand combat?

    I got so sick of dealing with these guys, constant rule changes, etc. that I got a visa lawyer. His staff go in for me and I show up, with them, once a year. We go in together in the afternoon and never have had to wait more than a few minutes. The staff is so well known and has all the paperwork organized and done correctly that it is literally and in and out process. More time spent looking for a parking space.

  3. Problem Solved, cheap, no insurance required, does not mater if he can drive or not he will blend in nicely, traffic rules do not apply , 4 wheel drive capability, plenty of room for the family, air con & power steering optional, motor capable of running all farm equipment attachments.


    Add gas, oil changes, tune ups, brakes, tires, general care of truck and soon it will be rotting in the front yard and be used as a garbage dump. Insurance is the least of your concerns.

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  4. "Can they be safe in bikinis unless they are not beautiful?" "Burkas for sale, homely women only should apply."

    Once again blaming the victim for the crime. Murder is murder. It doesn't matter what they wore, how they acted or what they said. Murder is the worst crime of all. Robbing someone of life......causing enormous pain the family and loved one....

    I would think that gangs on Yaba, crazed out of their minds may be at fault. Whose to say the victims were not dressed before the assault? I think the fact that the victims were alone and in an isolated spot put them at risk.

    Grateful the Brit tourist and Burmese guys are not guilty and hope someone starts looking closer to home. These s**t heads will never take responsibility. I can't wait for ASEAN to come to Thailand.

  5. Some of these comments anger me. Have you not read about the bees? World wide decline in bees due to pesticides is killing them off and at the rate this is happening, no more bees, no more pollination, no more fruits and veggies. I understand wanting them gone, no one likes being stung, but the smartest move is to give, even pay, a bee keeper to take them off your hands but keep them safe and alive. In the case of bees, one must think of the global need to preserve them.

  6. I am upset about all of the assumptions being made by the Thai government. Partying at a bar before going to the beach could just be having a few drinks with dinner.

    Making love on the beach is a fantasy most of us have shared. Where are their clothes, no mention of finding clothes. Stolen?

    Life has so little value here it is frightening.

    The accusations about the victims behavior is much like saying a woman wanted to be raped because she was wearing a short skirt.

    A last comment on the new PM. The Thai army could not save this country from invaders to save their lives. Since the 1934 coup when the king was exiled, the army has been working for the king and it's job is to protect Him and his way of life only. Shame on them.

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  7. Perhaps a little sympathy might be in order here, she was, after all, a 65 year old woman who may have had personal issues with family or health. It certainly wasn't the fault of the crocodile farm. At least she didn't throw herself under a train and cause many people to be upset.

    Rather sad actually.

    ...under a train and cause many people...

    Like there were no people to get upset watching the crocs have lunch?

    Or reading about crocs having lunch.

  8. I know you were trying to be charitable, but what kind of a gift is tissue paper and milk?

    What's wrong with flowers and grapes as is the norm in the west?

    It reminds me of a time when I was going to a French friend's birthday party. I stopped at the 7-11 on the way to pick up some sangsom (you know, like the kind of thing that people give as gifts for birthdays!?), but my girlfriend suggested a wicker basket full of that weird "Brand" drink (looks something like Bovril, who knows what it is). I just thought that was a weird gift, just like the tissue paper and milk :-)

    Actually giving flowers is not done here unless you are graduating from college or university. Thais appreciate practical gifts. Shampoo, body soap, handi-wipes, etc.

  9. Depends what you like, too many to list..

    1. White Temple in Chang Rai.

    2. Some lovely Beaches in Phuket, plus visit the Big Buddha Phuket, amazing views from there of the island...

    3. Royal Palace In Bangkok, and various other Museums in Bangkok.

    Like I said, lots and lots to see and do, just depends what rocks your boat..

    White Temple in Chaing Rai was badly effected by the earthquake in May. No one allowed in now. Add Doi Inthonon to list.

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