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Everything posted by brucegoniners

  1. And he looks like a fool. Especially going to the media like this. Good think for the mask, lol Wait, let me guess, when he met her she was a bar girl...
  2. From the pictures it looks far from "busy". Breathing is more like it. I remember when drinking street was wall to wall.
  3. If you can afford a car here, you can afford a car seat. The real issue is children on motorbikes with their parents and siblings, most not wearing helmets. That's where most kids get injured or killed. And the sad part is there's really no good solution for it. Can't ban that or poor people won't be able to get around.
  4. Every time I hear about someone here doing something highly illegal and promoting it online I just shake my head. The sheer stupidity is stunning!
  5. Hahahaha. These guys just crack me up! They've been saying this for literally decades. I have an idea, do just like they do in London, charge a toll for entering the city. Problem solved.
  6. “Endemic”. They love that word. It means nothing except it gives them license to make irresponsible decisions. Covid cases worldwide are soaring. They’re certainly not going down here. Not exactly ending anytime soon.
  7. Anyone who thinks covid is either over or ending is not paying attention. Cases worldwide are up. New variants are popping up on a regular basis. And the world as a whole doesn't have enough people who are vaccinated or have natural immunity. Plus new variants get right through vaccinations and there have been repeat cases. Covid is here, it will be here and it's not going away.
  8. We need a handyman for some odd jobs. I'd prefer someone who speaks English. Thanks in advance. Bruce
  9. What a bunch of <deleted>. Been to Pattaya Beach lately.
  10. I'm not so worried about the summer. But come winter and the problem will be back many times over. They just don't learn their lessons do they?
  11. I could care less to be honest. Call me whatever you want. Just don't call me late for dinner...
  12. These guys crack me up "a pandemic free event". Want to bet me on that?
  13. 2 million baht. That's hilarious. Don't spend it all in one place, lol
  14. Ah, someone in the Thai government obviously clicked on an attachment on a work computer. Classic!
  15. Which makes them just like the Thai authorities. I've already drained my account. Too late. Bye bye. I have options and Paypal has gone downhill over the years. Used to be a great service, but I've had lots of issues with them.
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