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Everything posted by brucegoniners

  1. That guy might be the most disgusting person on god's earth.
  2. These guys just can't make up their minds. And they wonder why attempts to get business to Thailand largely fails. First they go off half cocked and adopt an "anything goes" policy. Now they don't like what they decided. This hurts businesspeople. You'd think they'd want to help them.
  3. These people never learn, do they? Of course, considering how these guys are mismanaging the government, the Shinawatras might be a nice alternative. After all, even though they're corrupt as hell, they get stuff done.
  4. They should spend some of that money on the homeless problem here, which got much worse during the pandemic. I see people living on the beach here in Pattaya.
  5. Ah, the great fighting force that is the Royal Thai Police to the rescue, lol
  6. What a bunch of bullsh*t.
  7. Way to screw up an already screwed up economy guys. Get a clue! Haven't the businesses been hurt enough?
  8. What are the odds the system doesn't work? The record of the Thai government and websites isn't good. Hopefully we don't need to have IE anymore, lol
  9. I have a stupid question. Why did it take APEC to round these people up? If there are warrants for their arrest they should have been arrested anyway.
  10. This country cracks me up. First they want this, but only for "wealthy foreigners". Guess what guys, wealthy foreigners don't want you. Then they get rid of it. Bottom line is this, foreigners can own property and land by forming a Thai company. It's easy and cheap. Certainly their precious "wealthy foreigners can do it and already are. I don't understand what the big fuss is all about.
  11. Why are there never articles about taxi drivers who pocket the cash? lol
  12. Some of these Thai men are just scary. Especially the cops.
  13. They should put the owner in a cage for everyone to gawk at...
  14. That will certainly get them to all pack their bags, lol Have these guys ever thought of hiring a western marketing firm? What a joke!
  15. We do not live in a Democracy. There is no freedom of the press.
  16. Here we go. Once something like this happens all the crazies come out, armed to the teeth. This is a bad time for Thailand.
  17. How to discourage people from visiting your country, by the Thai Government.
  18. That is awesome! How about all year round with no rain? I can dream can't I???
  19. WC Fields said there's one born every minute. Why in the world would you carry that kind of money around? Especially late at night on Pattaya Beach.
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