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Everything posted by brucegoniners

  1. What are they smoking when they come up with these proposals?
  2. What a tool! You just don't pull that stuff here. Glad he got caught. Bye bye!
  3. “Drink driving campaign”? Sounds like they want you to do it, lol
  4. The headline made it seem like people were arrested in their houses for gambling. That doesn't seem to be the case. Man it would be nice to get some real journalists for this website. Ones who can at least write a headline, lol
  5. Oh my goodness! Another shocking happening in lovely Pattaya. First ladyboys and now this!
  6. Oh my goodness! Do they have those here????? Absolutely shocking, lol
  7. How many stupid mistakes can one guy make? He left her in the room which had cash and his phone there? Dumb, dumb, dumb…
  8. LOL. Well, if you're on an overstay you can come out of hiding tomorrow. These guys crack me up!
  9. Hahahahahah. What did Forrest Gump say? "Stupid is as stupid does"...
  10. Somebody should smash his head against the ground until he bleeds to death. SOB!
  11. Another "crackdown", lol Ah, they love their "crackdowns", don't they? I feel safer already, don't you?
  12. Don't you find it funny they make such a big thing here about hookah pipes? What a whole lot about nothing.
  13. Good for them. This guy should go directly to jail. Do not pass go...
  14. No Bolt and Uber, eh? What's so unsafe about those? I tend to think they refused to pay the necessary "fees"...
  15. "restore Pattaya's image"? That IS Pattaya's image, lol And doesn't the word "crackdown" make the police sound tough? They use it all the time for their occasional sweeps. Cracks me up!
  16. I was just saying the other day that what this country really needs is fighter jets, lol Who are they going to war against?
  17. "THF"? There's a writer who knows what he's talking about, lol So first they legalize it and now they're making it an illegal drug again. Incredible. What do they say to all those people who invested their money in weed businesses? In a bad economy they're not doing people any favors.
  18. Prayut spent most of his time with the worst of the worst. Would Biden showing up have made any difference?
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