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Everything posted by brucegoniners

  1. That's bull*#@t. He should have his third leg removed instead.
  2. I pay 100 for my haircut and the guy is awesome! I even tip him 100 for the great job!
  3. Ah common. It's been a while since we had a good ole fashioned coup. It's one of the things about Thailand that's so charming, lol
  4. She won't sell it, even if it's worth a fortune? She might want to think twice about that. Could change her and her entire family's lives.
  5. What do the crocs have to say about it?
  6. The sites aren't "evil". It's like saying alcohol is evil or sex is evil. It's only evil if you're addicted. If you are then get help.
  7. Hahahahahahaha. Another "crack" down I assume???
  8. FINALLY! Now, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  9. How many of these a day are they going to publish. Ladyboys stealing is like saying the sky is blue and the sea is green. It's not even news.
  10. Too funny. What does he suggest we call it? Oops, there they go again?
  11. Oh my god, let's not make it too obvious dude! Can't you be a normal counterfeiter and just pass them? And he promoted it on social media? OMG
  12. What is that stuff in 1.5 liter water bottle I see being sold on the beach? They're a brown color. I thought that was some kind of drug.
  13. This guy should face the same fate the dogs did. He should die a slow painful death.
  14. My dear departed Mom used to say, you get what you pay for. Taking an airline with lousy ratings for an international flight is like playing Russian Roulette. You may survive or you might die.
  15. LOL. And I'm sure it will be a great innovation over what's already out there.
  16. Well that was fast. Too bad. I'm tiring of all the traffic here in Pattaya.
  17. There's one born every minute. To leave your personal belongings with a stranger is just asking for trouble.
  18. They're complaining now? That's what got them to vote for Thaksin before, lol
  19. Hey, it will reduce traffic in Pattaya, so I'm for it. There guys are really good at shooting themselves in the foot, aren't they? Really dumb.
  20. Why would the staff have to pay for her bill? And don't they collect either a credit card, a deposit or make people pay up front? They certainly should. Oh and nice sheets, lol
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