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Everything posted by brucegoniners

  1. Depends on the woman. You can't generalize. They're all women. Nuff said, so there are inherent issues no matter what. But I have never considered marrying an American woman. NEVER!
  2. Aren't they nice? For that kind of money you can buy citizenship in Cyprus.
  3. You'll be tested on arrival I believe.
  4. So the country isn't treating its own citizens for Covid who use the national health plan because they're too poor to buy private insurance? Gee, that's really nice. There are some very rich people in Thailand who could contribute to the fund if it's running out of money. Maybe they should do just that.
  5. This place cracks me up with their alcohol bans. Get the coffee cups out at the restaurants!
  6. Nice app. Tried both my USA and Thailand QR codes. Couldn't read them. Sure this wasn't made in Thailand?
  7. How about lower the taxes on foreign liquor and other goods? Frikin ridiculous!
  8. These food delivery services are one of the worst thing to ever happen to road safety in Thailand. These guys are constantly zipping in and out of traffic here in Pattaya, causing accidents. I'd love to see them all banned.
  9. Hilarious! And what makes Thailand believe they'll be any better at tracking crypto transactions than anyone else. Whoever said this doesn't know a thing about it.
  10. Just f*&$ing brilliant guys! Why did I know this was one that would be reversed within a day or so?
  11. Now that's funny. So if you have a box of 50 you can't take them with you? Will the mask police confiscate them?
  12. I think your best bet is to speak to some government agency, like one of the embassies in your country.
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