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Everything posted by brucegoniners

  1. “Electrocuted to death”? As opposed to???
  2. This is a huge mistake! Good way to alienate the US and all the NATO countries.
  3. What does GPS have to do with anything? Was it driving the frikin car?
  4. There's so much of this. Bottom line is this, don't trust people you know if they offer you a job overseas!!
  5. Ah the outrage! Haven't they ever had a "sex on the beach" before?
  6. Prepare the handcuffs, lol
  7. Oh, Faux News. There's a reliable source. Would you rather have the criminal Trump back in office?
  8. I'm laughing. When I lived in Bangkok the taxis were rude as f&*k. Maybe we should make this nationwide!
  9. That would make way too much sense for this country. All alcohol bans are stupid. Including the daily ones. Yeah, open sales when people are driving home. BRILLIANT!
  10. Gee. Do you think maybe this guy should be locked up and the key tossed on the roof of the condos? I'm not hearing any sense of immediacy by the police at all here. They're "going to investigate" when he's done this numerous times? Either the police should come get him or the military should, but the man certainly is a danger.
  11. Transgender and snatch should not be in the same sentence ????
  12. Oh my god. Let me get off the floor from laughing so hard, lol Yes, those hard working, dedicated men are at it again, protecting us from those horrible ladies of the evening. Thank you sirs!
  13. Someone really needs to put this guy in the happy house...
  14. This is my shocked face... Taxi drivers overcharging in Bangkok? Amazing. Just amazing. First time I've ever heard of that happening...
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