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Everything posted by brucegoniners

  1. Lordy. "to protect exports". Seriously? Don't these people understand how this virus is transmitted. Spoiler alert, it can't be sent UPS or FedEx...
  2. That's probably the smartest thing I've heard from any medical professional since the pandemic began. BUT...wear a mask, practice social distancing, keep your hands clean and if you can GET VACCINATED. Now that I'm vaccinated if I get Delta I'm probably alright. I'm looking forward to getting the booster in January in the states and we probably will have to get used to annual covid shots just like people get flu shots. I for one don't get flu shots, but covid is a bit more serious. And as I get older I will probably get flu shots as well. Many seniors die each year of the flu.
  3. For the last few days, when I go to the site here in Thailand I get a "forbidden" message. <deleted> guys? I've contacted support and they haven't responded. Is anyone else having this issue? If it wasn't for my VPN I wouldn't be able to access the site.
  4. Oh really? Sounds like wishful thinking from Thai banks, especially since a Thai bank wrote this, lol Of course most Thais don't have a million baht in their account. We do. My wife and I were talking yesterday about opening a second account at another bank to spread our money around and not be over the one million baht threshold. So whether they know it or not, there will be changes. However I doubt it will affect any one bank, since all banks will be affected, losing and gaining from it rather equally. If any banks will benefit it's likely to be some of the lesser known banks who will get deposits they wouldn't otherwise have. Just my humble opinion.
  5. What a bunch of BS! The property market is dead as a doornail in Thailand and will be long after the pandemic is over I'm afraid. People have seen what something like this does to a market. You would have trouble giving a condo away right now.
  6. Brilliant! So you're telling me that the lack of tourism is because of....wait for it....not yet....a lack of tourists? I had no idea. Man this poll was enlightening!
  7. People can buy essential home appliances and accessories on Lazada or Shopee or other online platforms. These guys are just going to setup more places for the virus to spread. Brilliant!
  8. I was gone for 3 months between going to the USA for vaccines and quarantine. This is what I am witnessing, pretty much business as usual. The government has already screwed up big time not having a strict stay at home order like last spring. This has not been done. It's one thing to "shut everything down" (which isn't happening now) and it's a complete other thing to have a stay at home order like last spring. People have no choice but to obey it because of the checkpoints. If you can't prove you're out for a reason you can get arrested and fined. And that's what this country needs right now. Yes, shutdowns do work. It worked last year and it will work again. Granted there will be residual damage in lives lost and ruined. However if this isn't put into place soon this thing will get a lot worse and they'll be forced to do it anyway. In fact a Wuhan style lockdown is on the table in some circles and nobody wants that.
  9. Well isn't that nice of them to help themselves that way? It forgets to mention the total botching of the pandemic the second time around as well. But I'm sure that's covered.
  10. This economy, if you want to call it that, is in a very, very bad way. Much worse than the first time around. Government mismanagement is the main cause. They have let the pandemic get out of control and sadly are not putting the measures in placed to stop it. They keep putting incremental measures in, as opposed to a full scale stay at home order so as to stop the pandemic in its tracks. Anything less is a bandaid on a massive head wound. Yes, that would cause more short term pain for businesses, but in the long run the country will be the better for it. What's just stunning is the very same government did everything right the first time around and now faced with a much worse outbreak isn't taking its own advice this time. Eventually they'll have no choice but to do what I mention above, but by then many more will be sick, many more will be dead and the economy will be in complete and total tatters.
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