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Everything posted by brucegoniners

  1. Funny, I didn't see anything about an arrest in this case.
  2. That just shows how incredibly corrupt the system is here.
  3. They used to have an app where you could report cabbies acting badly, like asking for flat fares or refusing to take you someplace. It didn't work.
  4. Thanks but I'll pass...
  5. Gee, you would hope they’d be doing this regardless.
  6. Not that many, but when I needed to take my dog somewhere there were definitely cabbies that didn't pick us up. That was usually to go to the vet, so it was frustrating. Glad I'm out of Bangkok and in Pattaya now and have a car. Life is much better.
  7. It would be nice if they’d say what’s in the bill. I thought it was already legal. The media here can’t write a decent news story to save their lives. Even the underlying story tells me nothing.
  8. Oh I'm sure they do. Thailand is in no position to push anyone around. But they should take a stand nonetheless. What Russia is doing is criminal.
  9. Gee, what was their first clue???
  10. You better tell the taxi drivers to dig them out.
  11. This is why Thailand struggles to retain foreigners. They make it almost impossible to live here. I'll stick with the annual retirement visa I guess. Easy peasy.
  12. Wow! This guy needs to get a clue and bow out.
  13. 7-11? Oh yeah, that's where I get my really good wine, lol
  14. Yes. It's all the media's fault, lol If they didn't report the bad news it would just go away like magic...
  15. It's just amazing how stupid some of these people are.
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