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Posts posted by PiPiFFS

  1. Keyboard justice warriors are getting old and still hampering the investigation. Your speculation and guesses are having a negative impact on the case. You only need to have seen the Police follow the rumours round the island, to understand the harm you are doing. THE MAJORITY OF YOU DON'T EVEN *@!%ING LIVE HERE or are not related to the victim. You are in no position to pass comment or assess the situation. Stop trying to get 5 minutes of fame and seem cool off something so tragic, please let them rest in peace, god knows they deserve it.

    I have lived here for a few years and seen all the good this place has to offer. The people here are amazing, kind, helpful and understanding. I regularly leave expensive items unattended for a few minutes at a time, to no ill effect. Crime here is at an all time low, not just for Thailand but also for the UK where I come from. We the people who make it what it is pride ourselves on just how safe it is here. Like for like my local town makes Koh Tao look like heaven, gangs of youths, muggings of old ladies and drug addicts everywhere.

    We are angered at the introduction of extra police and camera's. This we believe is going to create more crime and antisocial behaviour. When you give crime a front seat, the effects are potentially an endorsement.

    Sure the island has it's own way of doing things, everywhere does. That does not mean it is the wrong way, otherwise we may as well start preaching ourself as American or Victorian British label them savages and destroy them. GROW UP. The media is purposely and wrongly converting 'village chiefs' to mafia heads, to buy extra readers. It is despicable to take someone of good standing and trash their name just because you heard rumours. You wonder why they closed ranks? You forced them into it. Like a lot of you say the as Thai did with the burmese, you have done the same with them.

    Now lets clear up some myths you all have.

    DNA - Hannah's body has already been in the UK for some time now. Upon arrival to the UK she will have undergone an immediate post-mortem examination to verify the Thai evidence. In the UK or forensic science is at such a level that tampering would become noticed straight away. They will then also take their own samples for comparison. They will know if they find more than 2 different types of DNA, which would be expected in a cover up.

    Physical mismatch - David was a big lad and as the official version goes was locked in a fight to the death to defend himself and a vulnerable person. Anyone who has grown up in the UK is used to trouble at night. The 2 people who got the better of him were of no physical comparison. He could have merely held one in each hand to stop the attack.

    Investigation - Our conclusion was that the police used the wrong methods to investigate this crime. The island has a huge sense of community, this was never levied by the Police. They came in like bull in a china shop charging about, 'owning' the island. This is what caused the ranks to close.

    Interception of WeChat. The chinese wechat provider is set up to allow law enforcement direct access to the logs. Why haven't these been requested.. Any Thai person who has shown me anything to do with the case has mainly been using Wechat to discuss it. It can filter by keyword so direct viewing of messages isn't needed.

    I wish people would think before they pass comment, and affect a serious investigation.

    I call for ThaiVisa to moderate this better, whether they understand it or not they are clearly having a negative effect on the investigation by wasting police time with useless leads and rumours. RTP when you read this please understand the culture of the foreigner to pass comments on things they have no personal involvement with or do not understand.

    Why is it OK for you to speculate, just because you are a temporary foreign resident there, and not OK for others to do the same? People are still speculating because the crime is still unsolved and the rapists and murderers are still at large.

    You can continue to leave your very expensive items unattended for a few seconds at a time and that's wonderful but, if you leave your teenage daughter unattended, you might come back and find her raped and hacked to death.

    Stop. Think. Breathe. Speak

    Plus learn to read things in full, not just want you want to hear.

    1) I am not a temporary resident.

    2 ) They are facts not speculation

    3) Crime here is exceptionally low

    4 ) It is not ok for people to affect a murder investigation in a negative and time wasting way.

    5 ) My daughter is safer here than in the UK

    6) Hannah was not a teenager.

    Think of it this way, with all the false stuff put on here that they wasted time following, they could have been looking for the real killers instead of being trolled. It may have even prevented them.

    I have travelled the world and feel very fortunate to have done so. If there is one thing this has taught me is that whilst people want the same things, they all agree upon a different way of achieving it. This island is unlike the mainland, world's away from it. It has its own way of doing things, this too wasn't respected by the police during the investigation.

    Please think before you speak people you are affecting something very important. If you don't agree with it, petition your local embassy or join the petition on change.org

    Where did you live, Moss Side?

    What the hell are you on about? Even my own Thai family who have lived in the UK, who have lived in France would tell you you're utterly wrong.

    It is not safe there.

    Funny I and many people I know have never been a victim of crime nor ever felt threatened at any time. I have never read such complete and utter crap as has been posted here..

    Rampant crime ?

    Primitive and cheap immigrants,

    Vigilante arsonists,



    etc etc.

    Yes it was a heinous crime but a very rare one at that. People are getting seriously over the top.

    Back in the UK a 14 year old young girl has just been savagely murdered and her body hidden in a river. The killer killed himself and the police botched the whole investigation from day one. The head of Scotland Yard admitted he hadn't a clue yet we don't hear any outcries about this heinous crime like we do this one ?

    Koh Tao is a safe place and if anything is even safer now.

    • Like 1
  2. I see this morning they are now playing the race card with this man. Evidently the hospital was racist in the way they treated this man because he was black. He was allowed to die yet the white doctor that was flown back survived.

    Is there nothing the race division loons will not use to try and divide the people ?

    As an aside. A British man has died of suspected ebola in macedonia even though he has never been to Africa and was in the UK a week ago.

    Getting scarier

    You're not serious. Are you? That's scarier than Ebola... You really should at least go through the motions of some homework before you begin the race baiting. You could start here: http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/09/health/ebola-duncan-death-cause/index.html, unless, that is, your true agenda is just to stir up racial animosities.

    Dr. Brantly and Mr. Duncan were two entirely different cases. Dr. Brantly received his experimental treatment much sooner and while in still relatively good shape whereas Mr. Duncan's condition had progressed & deteriorated significantly by the time he received his. Perhaps if Mr. Duncan had presented himself at a hospital in Liberia before lying in order to get on a flight to the U.S. (via Belgium), he might've had a better chance of obtaining earlier treatment and surviving. We have only his family's claim that he told the hospital he'd come from Liberia on his first visit to on 25SEP, at which time he had not yet been diagnosed with Ebola, the same family that later violated orders to remain in their residence to avoid exposing others and subsequently had to be placed under armed guard to prevent them from doing so.

    No evidence whatsoever of any racial preference here, although there IS some of misconduct on Mr. Duncan's (and his family's) part.

    Sorry to burst your bubble here but it isn't me doing the race baiting here but the usual suspects. I'm just telling you what I am watching on US TV. it isn't me comparing the two totally different cases but as said the usual race dividers. I think trying to use this as a race case is beyond disgust

  3. And what if the dog did have it and there was a chance of passing it on ?

    How many people here would take in a dog that belonged to a person confirmed with ebola and take the chance that it can't pass on the virus to them or their family ?

    As said this is a virus with a very high mortality rate and as such you need to take drastic and sometimes harsh measures.

    So, how about checking whether the dog had ebola or not? They can do that, you know!

    Its a dog for crying out loud ! They are trying to contain a very dangerous disease.

    I notice you didn't answer whether you would take in said dog into your family and risk it ?

  4. Hundreds of thousands of people may die from this, and the Thais are wringing their hands over one dog?

    It isn't just the Thai's though. Thousands in Spain and others around the world have been trying to save this dog. I love dogs as much as the next person but if there is even a very small chance you could contract ebola from the dog it would have to go. Sorry sorry.gif

    People seem to lose all sense of reality whenever a dog is involved wacko.png

    What if the dog didn't have Ebola? Then there is zero chance of catching it.

    And what if the dog did have it and there was a chance of passing it on ?

    How many people here would take in a dog that belonged to a person confirmed with ebola and take the chance that it can't pass on the virus to them or their family ?

    As said this is a virus with a very high mortality rate and as such you need to take drastic and sometimes harsh measures.

  5. Bikers either love HD's or hate them. The people that are into them don't just buy a bike they buy the HD lifestyle. They are very loyal customers and every other manufacturer would love a customer base the same. I can't say that they are any different to other riders. Just go to any of the many bike shows around Thailand and they are as friendly and mix as much as the other owners / riders.

    I've met plenty of tossers riding Honda's as well as other marques whistling.gifwink.png

  6. I see this morning they are now playing the race card with this man. Evidently the hospital was racist in the way they treated this man because he was black. He was allowed to die yet the white doctor that was flown back survived.

    Is there nothing the race division loons will not use to try and divide the people ?

    As an aside. A British man has died of suspected ebola in macedonia even though he has never been to Africa and was in the UK a week ago.

    Getting scarier

  7. Hundreds of thousands of people may die from this, and the Thais are wringing their hands over one dog?

    It isn't just the Thai's though. Thousands in Spain and others around the world have been trying to save this dog. I love dogs as much as the next person but if there is even a very small chance you could contract ebola from the dog it would have to go. Sorry sorry.gif

    People seem to lose all sense of reality whenever a dog is involved wacko.png

    • Like 1
  8. Great Britain is finished as a nation, run for years by a succession of spineless governments, who have allowed any piece of scum from any s*** hole on the planet to enter. Now this is the inevitable, predictable result. A once great nation overrun by these extreme murdering vermin

    The UK is NOT finished as a nation.

    The succession of spineless governments will end very soon.

    I can see that there will possibly be another hung parliament in next year's general election. That means next time round it won't be the Lib Dems who are invited to join in a coalition with one of the two parties polling the most seats. It will be UKIP.

    I can guarantee they won't want to get into bed with Labour, but they might consider forming a coalition with the Cons, and we all know what the demands from UKIP are going to be...... ONLY IF the other party commits to a national referendum on EU membership.

    They can hardly be refused that... That is what Farage is pinning his hopes on, and I know full well that the UK people will vote themselves out of Europe in a landslide.

    That is when the game will change and it will change dramatically.

    The trouble is it isn't just immigration that has finished the UK. It is years of political correctness and the insidious EU human rights act. Decades of spineless and gutless politicians have taken a tolerant people and a once Great Britain and totally destroyed everything that made it great.

    UKIP are a start but it is going to take the people of the UK to rise up and tell the politicians that are supposed to be doing the wishes of those that elected them into office that enough is enough

    • Like 1
  9. I also read an article that had the deputy admitted to hospital with signs of ebola. It isn't looking too good at the moment. Didn't a hospital in BKK say they had come up with a cure ?

    Obama telling everyone that it is very hard to contract and everything is under control doesn't seem to be ringing right either. I don't think they are telling us all they know and it is time to stop all travel out of the affected countries now

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