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Posts posted by cooL_guY_corY

  1. talk to people who have mediocre command of english and are ignorant to euro-history and day to day recent events in Thailand then surely you will have the problems you are describing. I think the Thai education system is a lot less euro-centric then the euro system... just a guess on that one though. It really would be difficult to judge for sure. Just curious when you talk with these people ( girls 100% of the time i assume) that you dont ask questions about time line of events in the 30's and 40's in Siam ? Just cause you seen some movies with nazis and shit in it doesnt mean the Thais have. I am not trying to make you feel bad but please do not express surprise that some semi literate (as a second language) girls you "know" are not listing off nazi dates and places too you. And Thais are nationalistic? f u ck yes, its true. dont be stunned..

  2. i live in Khon Kaen some of the time, got some property up there with a buddy thru some friends of ours via land purchase and renewable 30 year leases. I think you will have a great time in Thailand if you dont invest all your time and money into one thing (or especially PERSON) I live in kk sometimes, more as a vacation place, i live in an apartment in bkk right now with my girlfriend, shes 25 and works full time, shes 3 years older then me and is self supportive, so its cool everyone is busy and independent. Isaan is an amazing place, with a lot of amazing people, but if you are a sucker or just really naive you will be dismantled in no time. I love what that guy said regarding the quote from HEAT, great movie and great quote, stick by that and you wont go wrong. never put someone in a position to f u ck you over, EVER. If you do it then you deserve it. good luck

  3. go see her in person. ask her. if she refuses then thats that. obviously it sounds like an easy move on her part to do this for you. It also sounds like it is warranted considering the past betweent the two of you. On the other hand though doing things just to score favour points its offisde.

  4. I still have no clue about re-downloading VC games. Also is it even true that once you have a copied game you cant play online? The thing with me is that games are 2000 baht a game, if i get 10 games thats 20000 baht. That sucks. If any one knows about the vc thing let me know please :o

    Also, its not like i am some game pirate maniac. i've had every nintendo system and have had tons of orginal games. in bkk all wii stuff is overpriced and sometiems has be me doubitng its authenticity even when it is probably is original.

    besides wouldnt it be possible to just get legit copies of games you want to play online/

  5. kinda worried, just read a few things i searched for on google and it seems that its not very clear/ or straightforawrd to download VC titles that you have bought or ( licensed as nintendo says) say incase your wii breaks or if you have to delete old games to make room for new ones.. i hope nintendo makes a better system for this because for example ive went thru 2 or 3 ps2s over the years and cant be just rebuying games i had.. would be great to have a nice library of classic games. i know with the xbox 360 thing the games are able to be downloaded inifinite times and just attached to your id or something rather then a unique copnsole like the wii. hopefully i am wrong and just read some baloney or something.

  6. hey guys, i was talking to most of you in the other threads about this.. i come back to bkk on a few weeks, i just got my wii ( yay ! in canada btw) even though it was sold out when i went, but eventually found place with some instock, i am just curious, yeah i am getting it chipped once i get to bkk and everything and have held off on buying games so far, except for virtual console games. Now as iam a complete wii newbie, whats this registering online with wii? Like i am assuming once you have bought VC games you will have them for life ( ie wii breaks you get a new one you can just download them for free?) Anyone know where to register this or what the correct route to take is for this ? sorry this seems like a stupid question, i havent been able to find much info about this.. i downloaded a few vc games already off the wii points card i bought kinda thing, but i did not see any online reg. stuff. Thanks for the help! Wii is awesome !

  7. Don and I have never had a drink in our entire lives, he's the only other white guy besides myself that I've ever met that never drinks and never did.


    oh well id' be pissed o if spezzy and the heater cant hit up the cup...

  8. Again this doesnt apply to all women but some people can have kids and i guess.. "act" retired, when i say this i dont mean retired in the old person way but in the " wow i have a totally free day, maybe i should get smashed instead of working or doing things like raising my children" sort of way. Anyways, yea i dont think its child time for me, maybe once my age doubles ill consider it. keep up the good work responsible adults! yay

  9. Rainy november: I did not say anything about women being lazy. That sounds like a sweeping generalization on your part, and i think you should shed your stereotyping attitude and atune your self to a more modern outlook on life, especially regarding women. This message board is already full of degenerates and scumbags, no need for reactionaries to be added to the mix.

    Thankfully i do not have any children of my own and in my previous post i am making that statement based on situations known to me.. for example i know women that have have had children, collected child support monthly per child and over multiple fathers( which is on a sliding scale of the fathers salary, make more-pay more), lived in subsidized government housing ( subsidized for child rearing single females only ), collected welfare, employment insurance and other government based free money programs like family allowance and tax breaks/refunds. Now considering how females can almost always get full custody of children ( which actually i think is starting to change SLOWLY ) fairly easily and put themselves in these situations, they literally can be retired with as i mentioned in my previous post, "unlimited free money". Another thing that is very upsetting is that in the above situations ( yes plural, i know various iterations of this scenario past and present) a lot of this money is really managed poorly and irresponsibly even, like purchasing crack cocaine, heroin, or just for financing all day drinking parties.

    Anyways, all responsible adults should take precautions against getting things like children, or diseases.

  10. there are safe and sanitary places in phuket to have ink done. You should probably steer clear of the places that are right on the roads... theres some very high quality places and professionals there though. check out Sid Siamese Tattoos, its in soi seadragon on the right hand side about mid way in ontop of some prostitute bar. check the place out though and it will help you decide and get a picture of what you should expect as far as safety and cleanliness.

  11. hmm jackpot. cool, yea they have been hard to get around here too, iam only in canada for a few weeks, but when i went to the store there was like 50 on the shelf and ever since then ive been hallucinating about the wii.

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