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sean in udon

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Posts posted by sean in udon

  1. Ericthai, did they just check your testosterone or did they do a full check i.e. Thyroid function, liver function, cholesterol, check iron levels, calcium levels, etc

    Also, any other info you can give, increase/decrease in appetite or thirst. Any cravings for particular foods? Any change in sleep pattern? Even something you think is trivial or not important, share because it might point to a problem.

    There is a massive knowledge base on this forum and although health professionals should always be consulted for health problems, armed with a little more knowledge/advice you might be able to get the help needed quicker.

    And as most people are aware, some health professionals are more professional than others.

  2. The latest thinking I've read suggests that stretching before exercise is counter productive, chapter and verse here:


    The debate about stretching can rage unabated, my personal experience means that I have a good knowledge of what works for me.

    Again, in my youth, I was involved in martial arts. The stretching I do now is the same I did then. Not for warming up or cooling down, but to keep my body supple.

    There are quotes in the article that do say short and light stretching before training and post training stretching is beneficial. The wording is critical. The criticism is aimed at 'extensive' stretching before training. I don't have the motivation to pursue their definition of 'extensive' stretching but would assume that it involves pushing to the point of pain (albeit briefly) and more than a couple of minutes.

    The comments about HRT I find very valid. For women it has been accepted and used for decades. Men just have to get on with it. Why?

    Protein drinks/supplements is another area of contention. As is the debate about how many grams/kg of body weight are 'essential'. I advise that a lot of it is personal choice. If you enjoy a post-workout protein shake, cool...enjoy.

    Claims are made that between 1 and 2 grams/kg are needed to maintain and build muscle. At 90kg I should be consuming between 90 and 180 grams of protein every day. I eat healthily, average 70 grams of protein a day and haven't had a protein drink for about 25 years.

    As for testosterone use making your testicles shrink...no it doesn't. Although wording here again is critical. If I replace the word 'use' with 'abuse' then, yes, it does make your testicles shrink and over the years I've had a few people confide in me, with a certain amount of panic, that their testicles have shrunk to pre-puberty size. It is quite easily rectified. Penis size is unaffected. Or maybe that's just me - it's always been small :)

  3. Go to the gym and get a personal trainer to organize a workout program that takes into account your current fitness ability...

    Depends where you live. Out in the sticks in Kut Chap, there doesn't appear to be anything gym wise until you get to Udon, about 45 minutes drive. I like training, but a 90 minute round trip on Thai roads for a workout is not appealing.

    I improvise with various things around the house. Press ups and stretching are a part of my regular workout.

  4. Will try and get a zinc supplement.

    Re Tiffy, one of the family brought some round about 2 hours ago. So got that covered.

    Thanks for the replies that seem to confirm my initial thoughts about the immune system. It's good to hear that it's not just me.

    I think I might be getting off lightly with a bit of man flu. Pneumonia and malaria sounds like a vicious combination.

  5. As a newbie to Thailand I'm hoping that my immune system is just struggling with Thai bugs.

    In the UK, I get one cold a year and usually only for a 2 or 3 days. My business in the UK was a computer shop, so I was constantly exposed to members of the public and the germs that came with them. They come in with their kids snotting and coughing or the grown ups are snotting and coughing.

    I've had 3 since I've been here, 2 with my usual recovery time, 1 took a week.

    The family I live with is quite large and at least 1 other person in the family has had the same symptoms usually one or two days before mine start.

    Hygiene for me isn't as issue. I am quite fastidious about food preparation and washing hands.

    Would appreciate feedback on this.

  6. I signed up with Walen in Pattaya in September 2013.

    My need was 2 fold. I wanted the Ed visa so I could stay in Thailand 'easily'. But I also want to learn Thai. The staff were extremely helpful, told me exactly what was required of me (cost, documents, passport size pics, etc) and basically gave me papers and said sign here.

    The whole process was completely painless.

    Living in Kut Chap, I chose Walen, because I can do the course using Skype. Skype isn't perfect as some of the Thai vowels and consonants really need 1 to 1 tutoring.

    However, I use the Walen lessons to supplement my own learning. Some of which is done online (lots of YouTube mini lessons available for free) and some with the Thai family I live with.

    I started the Skype classes mid November and am extremely happy with the teachers and the mix of abilities that are in my 'class'.

    The English spoken by the teachers thus far has been very good or excellent. And they are very patient.

    From my experience, definitely a thumbs up for Walen.

  7. To clarify my previous post a little (the free house, free money, etc) take a look at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1293730/Somali-asylum-seeker-family-given-2m-house--complaining-5-bed-London-home-poor-area.html

    You are in some far off, war torn country and a friend shows you a printout of that article. Or any other inflammatory Daily Mail article.

    In fact, if I could change my identity and go back to the UK as an asylum seeker, I would.

  8. This may be off topic. Apologies if it is.

    I am completely opposed to the EU's open door policy imposed on it's member countries. The asylum system in the UK is abused beyond comprehension.

    However, consider it from the perspective of the alleged asylum seeker. The streets of London are literally paved with gold for them. Get into the UK and you have the chance of getting free accommodation, free money, free healthcare, etc in a relatively civilised society.

    If you play your cards right maybe bring your family over. Want a guarantee of getting asylum? For men, stick your tackle in some bird and make a baby. For the ladies, give birth in the UK.

    The point I'm trying to make, which should be relevant to all countries being inundated with asylum seekers, is, in the same circumstances as them, what would you do?

    I know I'd be on the next available boat, train, lorry, whatever. Free money, free house, free food and a potential future - I'm only human!

  9. Opened an account with Kasikorn in Pattaya. No problems, just passport and address.

    They offered me an ATM card but I politely refused, which surprised them. I paid about 150baht to receive SMS alerts for any transactions that occur on the account - that's for 1 year.

    I have emailed them with questions, in English, on 3 occasions. Response received in almost perfect English, answering my questions fully, within 48 hours on all 3 occasions.

    Kasikorn were recommended to me by a farang. I'm glad I listened to him.

  10. Thought I'd give an update. I did a 140km round trip and came back with an American Staffordshire bull terrier. I was expecting to see a mastiff but Am Staff somehow got lost in translation - amongst English speakers :)

    I' m pleased though. He's an adoption, is a bit thin and needs his 'happy tail' looking at, but 1st impressions are lovely temperament and intelligent - as expected for the breed.

    Hope the happiness continues (for both of us) when he's at full strength and the 1st couple of weeks 'honeymoon' period is over.

  11. I had no idea that such a simple request was going to tap into a wealth of knowledge about dogs.

    "...honestly can't fault this breed but then again I think most dog problems come from there owners."

    coobah666, absolutely agree with you.

    do you want me to move this to the vets /pets seciton, you might get more replies?

    those ridgebacks are beautiful.. btw, do check out the thai village dogs.. they arent just mongrels... they are native dogs, perfectly adapted to their surroundings, almost no genetic problems (although prone to demodectic mange due to improper care)because theyare left to themselves , i saw them in action with my husband's father, hunting, and also around the house yard.

    manyforeigners tend to dislike them because they seem to be/are ill behaved and run in packs in the villages but when taken care of i think they are perfect .

    i saw one up for adoption maybe in chiangmai?somewhere here on the forum? or maybe on facebook? a female. ill try to find out...

    If you think the vets/pets section is a better place, I am happy to trust your judgement.

    I'm a little disappointed Moo Daeng isn't readily available locally as Chiangmai is a bit of a trip from Kut Chap, but I appreciate the effort you've put in to help.

  12. I've only been here a couple of months, so I'm on a constant learning curve and appreciate the suggestions put forward.

    bina, a very considered and informative response.

    Yes, I am a dog person, and the long term plan is to have at least 2.

    I chose the term 'problem dog' as it would mean different things to different people. Fortunately it got the kind of replies I was hoping for.

  13. May seem like a strange request, but I'm after a big dog. Fairly new to the forum, so I hope it's ok to make this sort of request.

    In the process of buying some land to make a home and do a bit of 'hobby' farming. The dog is part of my security plan. An early warning system and, hopefully, a deterrent to unwanted late night visitors.

    I'm in Kut Chap and have been advised to try the night market in Udon Thani.

    But I don't really want to buy a puppy, I'd like a problem dog that someone is struggling with. Helping a struggling owner and dog seems better than putting money into the breeding puppies trade.

    Less than 3 years old would be ideal.

    Not after a specific breed, but poodles and labradors are not at the top of my list.

    And when I say big, I mean Alsatian kinda size. No Great Danes please!

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  14. Thanks for all the replies.

    Went searching yesterday afternoon in Udon.

    Tried Makro, big C, Global House, Power Buy, Home Mart and a couple of others that i can't remember.

    Global House gave the same response as pianoman 'had but now finish'.

    Everywhere else I got 'my mee' .

    Bought a 2KW electric grill from Power Buy. Cost 554baht. http://www.mamaru.co.th/mr-1411.html

    Not ideal, but I have no kids to worry about & it does the job. Was lovely & warm last night.

  15. Have found the topic Space Haters In Udon Thani? which includes info about oil filled radiators, but it dates back to 2008.

    Before I go searching Udon, can anybody make a suggestion of where to find oil filled radiators?

    Have enquired at Tesco & Home Pro with no success.

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