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sean in udon

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Posts posted by sean in udon

  1. I am out of touch, living my sheltered life in Issan.

    Not heard of neknominations until you educated me.

    Quick search on the internet brought

    me up to date.

    Presumably 'planking' has died a death and this is the latest craze?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  2. Example 1: Its not a good idea to throw water at an IT City where there are lots of expensive electrical devices. Common sense.

    Example 2: Its not a good idea to throw a chemical compound and flour in the eyes of someone who is riding a motorcycle in busy traffic. Common sense.

    Example 3: Bubbles are very fun, we all like them in the bath. But when you throw large amounts of surfactants on to a road you get what is called a skid pan, this is very dangerous in busy traffic. Common sense.

    The heart of this issue I think lies with the imbeciles......

    Your 3 examples are followed by the simple truth that explains why so many people here have no common sense.

    To give it some balance, there are a fair few imbeciles in the UK. The major difference being the nanny state has put many, many controls in place to protect them from their own

    lack of common sense. But bless them, with limited options, they still manage to find ways to hurt themselves or others.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  3. Lots of possibilities re the pot of dead guppies.

    Could be positioned where it gets too much sun and they overheated.

    Overpopulation may lead to a few dying at once and there bodies decomposing, causing the death of the survivors.

    Could have been something in the pot which caused problems with the water.

    Think you are doing the right thing, with the dump, clean and restart.

    With regard to the guppy babies, they should create a natural balance. It's been a long time since I kept fish, but if overpopulation starts to happen, generally the little ones become a food source as other food becomes scarce - if I remember rightly. Not quite the same situation as overpopulation with adults.

    The good news is, it looks like the pots are working. And you had the satisfaction of killing TONS of mozzie larvae.

    It may take a while for you to break the cycle. Whichever water source the mozzies are currently emerging from, will probably have a good supply of mozzie larvae. As they start using your pots and the guppies have a feast, the numbers should diminish. But as mentioned, before, eradication is probably only a dream. They are survivors. Mate of mine in the UK has a scrap yard and one day he showed me a broken tea cup with about an inch of water in. It wasn't full of them, but there was a good number of mozzie larvae in there.

  4. Some people don't seem to be bothered by the little sh*ts and some people can't go anywhere without attracting them.

    As a member of the latter group I've tried plenty of the suggested natural repellents including high doses of vitamin B complex, marmite and garlic. I've even tried these three at the same time.

    The garlic seems to help a little but nothing beats DEET. I spray it on my clothes and try to keep the exposed skin to a minimum, thus reducing the amount of DEET I put directly onto my skin.

    If you try any of the traps, fans, etc please post an update, I'm interested in killing as many mosquitoes as possible and reducing my usage of DEET.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  5. A member of my family in Buriram Province was a local schoolteacher. Absolutely laden in debt his teaching salary used to pay off his loans every month

    Eventually the crunch. He's now lost his house, his car and his job in the local school and is living with my wife's grandmother.

    I think his cautionary tale is probably being repeated over and over.....

    I think it is being repeated over and over.... All over the world.

    I am aware of 3 couples/families in the UK that live from month to month with overdrafts to the limit and all loaned out. What they pay in interest is ridiculous.

    My favourite bit is the loan to consolidate your payments. Cool, let's do that. Couple of months later and they've got some financial breathing space. Ooh, that means we can get an iPad on credit and still have some money left over each month. Six months later and they're in exactly the same position before the consolidating loan. Morons.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  6. longball53098 thanks for the bump. I may not have found this thread without it.

    Sounds like the solution to my future problems. Renting at the moment but plan to build just down the road. Neighbour has a workshop and every time he uses power tools the lights dim, aircon gets quiter, etc. Took me a few weeks to make the connection.

    IMHO the info about available kVA as opposed to quoted kVA was also useful.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  7. Thanks for the replies.

    Per BAAC web site, here is what they charge for an inward remittance.



    Feel a bit stupid about this one.

    Had a look at the site and didn't think to look at the International Business section. It obviously is an international transaction. Appreciate the link.

  8. Would like some help to clarify how much will be deducted from a SWIFT transfer into a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Co-operatives account.

    Am using UKForex and sent £1,000 as a test to make sure everything went ok. The next transfer is £40,000..

    Was impressed with the ease of setting up and using the UKForex account. The interbank rate when I sent the money was 53.8xx. Forex gave me 52.964 with no fee (March offer on small amounts).

    Before the money was sent, I went to BAAC to ask about charges and was told no charges for receiving SWIFT payment. Money took 3 days but only 52611 Baht arrived. When this was queried, I was told it would be my bank taking a fee. I had no chance of explaining that I didn't use a bank, but stepped outside, phoned UKForex who confirmed that amount sent by them was 52,964 Baht. UKForex also said that BAAC were probably using an intermediary, who would charge.

    Back into BAAC. Different bank clerk, "no we don't charge. Will be your bank". This time I insisted the fee was at the Thai end. She went away and got somebody with a brain, who confirmed that the SWIFT transfer would come through the Krung Thai Bank and they do charge a small fee. Cool, somebody with a brain, "How much will the fee be if I send 2,000,000 Baht?"

    "Don't know."

    "Can you phone Krung Thai and ask them."

    "Sorry, cannot."


    On reflection, had the bank clerk with a brain phoned Krung Thai and come back with the cost of the fee, I'd still be posting on here. I have little faith in BAAC and there would have been no redress if she was wrong.

    I have phoned Krung Thai, had a conversation in English and they say the fee will be 500 Baht.

    This being Thailand, if somebody could confirm that figure, especially if through personal experience, I'd be grateful.

  9. There are too many pages for me to read the entire thread, so apologies if someone has already made this observation.

    Terrorism is definitely going to be on the agenda with this disaster.

    I believe, that terrorism is not a factor.

    The purpose of terrorists blowing up a plane is to 'promote' their cause and spread terror.

    No scumbag has crawled out of his cesspool to jump up and down saying 'We did it. We're great.'

    Terrorism is not to be dismissed (& I'm sure it won't be) as part of the investigation, but I think toward the bottom of the list of possible causes.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  10. Oh dear what a great question. Fight for Thailand, my guess is most faangs in Thailand are here for the easy life, cheap booze, cheap women. Can I or any one else see the keyboard brigade putting their easy lives in danger. No way easy come easy go, and when it gets harder ?.....?..

    Whenever I've asked it to people who wax lyrical about how much they love Thailand, I get the feeling 'the easy' life is the only reason why they are here. I too think most would say no yet in my opinion if you make somewhere your home and love it, you should be prepared to defend it, ot

    protect what you care about.

    Fight for a country? No, not a chance.

    Fight for my family or my friends? To the death, literally.

    I don't love any country. I do love my family and friends.

    So, we certainly agree on one thing - to defend or protect what you care about.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  11. I don't think Farang understand Thai's problem, let alone the Korean.

    No we don't, because no Farang country has ever had a government that is self serving, doesn't listen to the people and certainly doesn't have the nation/people's best interest at heart.

    And how about having 2 main political parties that spend a good proportion of their time acting like 6 year olds. 'It's not my fault the country's turning to sh*t, it's their fault.'

    Sound familiar? Take your pick: USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, etc, etc.

    There is almost always an elite, powerful and wealthy bunch at the top. At the bottom are the mass of the population, better known as the sheeple.

    Caught in between these two groups are the few that are intellectually aware enough to actually see the problems and are aware of potential solutions.

    You will find quite a few members of this latter group posting on this forum.

    The frustration they feel is the same I feel, because sometimes the solutions available to the government in country XXXXX are so simple, they are staring you in the face.

    'Don't understand Thai's problem' - Jeez!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  12. Looks like all comments on here fell on deaf ears, as the Japanese have discovered they cant live without full power and are going to fire up the reactors that were shut down after the disaster. Don't see why not as they are all ok in the other countries around the world.

    Probably get them running just in time for the next natural disaster.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  13. Yesterday the local tessaban came to our village. It was time to pay the annual land tax. I suppose in the UK it would be called Council Tax. My brother in Cornwall pays 190 GBPounds a month to have his rubbish removed weekly. My wife owns a few plots around the village (OK I paid for them). These plots total 22 rai. For these 22 rai we were charged the exorbitant sum of SIXTY BAHT. Yes folks TWO WHOLE DOLLARS!!! I do love Thailand.

    Your Brothers 190 pounds a month,doesn't just cover having his rubbish taken away. It's for Police Services,Fire Brigade,Ambulance Service,Council tax,and other services.No doubt you don't have these services in the village,so no need to pay for them in your village.

    And don't forget the REALLY important services that the £190 a month pays for.

    The bloated council hierarchy.


    Not totalled the figures but it looks to be in the region of £2,000,000. Not bad shared between 24 people.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  14. A conundrum this one. Should I shouldn't I?

    As always on TV, I enjoy the many and varied replies.

    I think a mix of judging the circumstance, your own ability to protect yourself, personal experience and your own moral code are in play as to the reaction at the precise moment you become aware of a situation like this.

    People slapping each other about, even if it's one way, screaming and shouting is one thing. And can sometimes be entertaining.

    When someone, male or female, or something (dog or other animal) is taking an absolute one sided beating, I draw the line. A few years ago, I would have physically intervened without thinking. Now, I would interrupt with a question. 'Excuse me. Did this person kill someone in your family?' 'Did this dog savage your child?'

    'I think they've had enough'

    However, if the person did kill someone in their family or the dog had savaged their child, 'may I help?'

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  15. Many Thai females also smoke in Thailand i have noticed, and long may it continuebiggrin.png . Must be something about the place and I guess prices and no excessive peer pressure to stop.

    Seen a few female smokers in Pattaya. Only seen one in Kut Chap. And from the smell, she wasn't smoking tobacco.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  16. OP, your statement "I come from the UK and over there smokers are firmly in the minority" needs some more research.

    Currently 63 million (ish) people in the UK. 10 million smokers. Which leaves only 53 million non-smokers. I can see why you would question the OP's statement about smokers being in the minority. Ever considered a career in politics :)

    Agree with the OP. In my limited circle of farang associates, there is a disproportionate number of smokers.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  17. Daniel Boon. Been sitting down to p*ss for about ten years. I wish I'd discovered it much earlier. You are only the fourth man I know who's admitted to p*ssing like a girl :) Anybody else out there ready to come out of the closet?

    It's so much easier. Especially in the middle of the night when my brain function, and therefore my accuracy, is very limited.

    h90 re your comment about Arnold and his heart operation. I have to agree with ginglee. I don't believe there is any reason to associate his steroid use with his heart trouble.

    He does like to smoke big fat cigars, drinks and must have been using steroids throughout his bodybuilding career. And he's still going strong.

    As for the toxicity of oral steroids, I'm with you on that one. As an example, Nap50's. Guy I used to train with (23 years ago) started taking one a day. After 3 weeks upped it to 2 a day. His strength and size were starting to noticeably increase, but so was the lower back pain he was getting.

    After 5 weeks the pain was getting debilitating.

    When he started p*ssing blood, he stopped taking Naps immediately. Few days later, no back pain and waterworks back to normal.

    But, as mentioned before, there is a big difference between use and abuse.

    Personally, I've never touched Nap50's. They scare me.

  18. Mini mango's i have seen many times in Thailand. Small okrung, very early in season and cost like 120 baht or more.

    Bought a canistle tree today, it is flowering and for 50 baht. I never ate it before so we will see.

    Jackfruit from seed is maybe even better then grafted, they fruit about the same time and from seed will be a bigger tree.

    Personally i prefer grafted tree's, they stay smaller so i can plant more tree's. Also they fruit faster and sure have the exact fruit.

    Chatuchak has loads of fruittree's. On wednesday is the plantmarket.

    The info about jack fruit is interesting and of all the seedlings, they are definitely growing the fastest.

  19. The UN should not exist at all, as it is just a money wasting organization which has never resulted in any solution anywhere .

    My knowledge of the UN isn't extensive enough to say there has never been a solution anywhere. But I am willing to say that the UN is toothless and a waste of time and money. Just as the League of Nations was before it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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