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sean in udon

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Posts posted by sean in udon

  1. Who's the dumbest? Stupid people.
    And there's plenty in every country.

    Asking monks for winning lotto numbers is an excellent example.

    Maybe you just wanted to get this off your chest. I hope you feel better.
    Or maybe there's a bridge in your life.

  2. Dear Russia,
    The thing is that nobody wishes to invade Russia. Heck, nobody wishes to be even in close contact with what Putin's current Russia presents. 

    We all would be very happy if Russia would stop trying to be the superpower it once were. You'll never get there with your attitude. Improve your own country to the level it deserves to play with other kids in the neighbourhood. Stop trying to be a schoolyard bully, what you have become in the past few years. 
    If you don't know how to behave, please don't bother the rest of us with your childish and rude attitude. 
    With regards, the people of the world. 

    A small edit of one paragraph shows this cuts both ways:

    We all would be very happy if America would stop trying to be the superpower it once were. You'll never get there with your attitude. Improve your own country to the level it deserves to play with other kids in the neighbourhood. Stop trying to be a schoolyard bully, what you have become in the past few decades. 
  3. 5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    The US budget is much higher than Russia's, but it is being reduced.  While Russia and China's are being increased dramatically.





    If the true figures reveal the truth, switch to percentages to manipulate the truth.


    The bar chart looks very pretty and shows a MASSIVE increase in Russian defence spending, but Kiwiken kindly provided the actual dollar amount spent by Russia in 2015, 60 billion US dollars.

    Compared to America's 560 billion US dollars.


    Let's skip the manipulation and talk simple numbers. The 2015 US defence budget is 9 times the Russian defence budget.

  4. 16 hours ago, basatop said:

    Much more obvious reason: the wallet had been lost during the fight with original driver.

    The ID the police 'found' in the truck seems to vary depending which news report you watch/read.

    There's been ID card, asylum rejection paperwork and wallet (I've only seen wallet in this thread).


    Also a little strange that after the original Pakistani suspect was released, the German police were saying they didn't know who they were looking for, but then miraculously find ID (of some description) under the front seat.


    2 days to find an ID document/card/wallet that wasn't secreted, but allegedly fell out of a pocket during a struggle? Seems perfectly reasonable in such a low profile case.

  5. No, this isn't a cheap charlie post.


    Went into Spice Club on Soi 15 last night. Had a great night, but was surprised that the bar fine was only 600 baht.

    There's a good mix of girls working there (3 in particular that ticked lots of boxes for my personal taste), service was good and everything was on a par with other gogo bars that get my repeat custom.


    As I'm used to 1,000 baht bar fines, are there any other gogo bars in Pattaya that offer 'cheaper' prices.


    Having reread what I've written, maybe it is a cheap charlie post. Sorry.

  6. 1 hour ago, DoctorG said:


    The tuk-tuk driver also reported the same thing.


    We had a problem with local kids occasionally stealing our livestock.


    I eventually caught 2 of them and they got a bit of a slapping. 4 ran away.


    All 6 went to the police with their parents and all had the same bs story about how they were simply playing near our land but were being noisy. The nasty farang came over and was violent with them for no reason. As the news spread, the locals were in agreement, nasty farang.


    When the police took me in and told me what had been said, I showed them video footage of the thieving little toerags.


    Everything then changed, I even had a couple of locals tell me I should have killed them. 

    The general consensus about the slapping they received after seeing the video?  'som nam na'.


    And when I say kids, they were aged 15 to 17.


    Two Thais with the same story?

    As so often happens here (and everywhere else), without video we'll never know the truth.



  7. 4 hours ago, somchai jones said:


    Gotta chuckle as the TV amateur bar stool detectives start to 'solve' the case :rolleyes: 

    What case? ............overweight, middle aged 'hansum' man visits Pattaya and has sex with young prostitutes every night with the aid of viagra after drinking all day..........the unhealthy guy's heart can't take it...........there it is in a nutshell. Pretty sleazy but by no means unusual..........

    You might think sleazy, I think 'what a way to go'.

    No complaints from me if my times up after a fun night with a hot chick.


    2 hours ago, thairookie said:

    My question is why Viagra ?  There are so many other brands that Thai pharmacies in Pattaya carry, and Viagra is definitely not the cheapest.  I would avoid anything with sildenafil citrate as one of the ingredients.  


    The pharmacy that sold him Viagra should have recommended him a "fully herbal" capsule.

    They probably use viagra in the news because it's an easy frame of reference, that everybody will understand. 

    If they used the appropriate generic name, readers might have to think or even do some internet searching to understand.


  8. BANGKOK, 23 September 2016 (NNT) - The Pollution Control Department is moving ahead with the ASEAN Transboundary Haze Free Roadmap to eradicate haze from the region by the year 2020. 


    Just before New Year's Eve 2019 or just after new year 2020, an extension will be granted to continue the 'great successes and targets already achieved' up to that point.


    Basically they'll have done nothing, as usual.


    Its always good for a chuckle to read these stories, 'cos that's what they are - stories.

  9. Can you "blame" the father? Yes, you can "blame" him for his actions, murder. Can you sympathize and agree that this is not exactly the same as a person of clear mind, criminal intent,  and rational judgment planning and carrying out the same crime? I can draw a difference. It is called a "crime of passion". he was punishing someone, in his mind for the crime of murdering his daughter. The man had unbearable pain, anguish,  and grief, which none of you can imagine unless you've lost a son or daughter or husband or wife to any form of violence under similar circumstances, convinced that it was deliberate. It is more than enough to unhinge someone's mind. In this country he might plead temporary insanity, or probably take a plea for 2nd degree murder or manslaughter, do some time, and get paroled in time to at least TRY to have some life in his remaining years. The US court would undoubtedly consider his loss and his state of mind, his lack of any prior crimes, and his service as a police officer if he was a good cop. The court would not view this the same as a common criminal. I don't know how Thailand handles such things. Now two families have tragedies that they may never recover from. I will add that I have experienced that kind of pain and anguish, and come very close to making mistakes that could have ruined my life, but for the grace of God, and I did not. 

    Objective, subjective and touching; all in one excellent post.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  10. Recovering after 3 nights in Pattaya.

    Sugar Baby is still doing the business. Had a great time in there.

    Crazy House has loads of girls, no pressure and had a great time in there.

    Disappointed with Baby Dolls on Soi 15. Only a few girls and as soon as we had ordered drinks, girls sat next to us and started asking for drinks. Stayed long enough to neck the whisky, pay and go.

    Silver lining was Imagine on Soi 15. Went in after Baby Dolls and had a fantastic night. Lots of quality girls, several mini shows, pole dancers and no pressure.

  11. The same things it's based on now, mostly - tourism only accounts for 6% of the country's economy, at least according to Wikipedia.

    Would be interested in a link to qualify the claim of 6%

    My quick bit of Google research found the following:

    Tourism is a major economic factor in the Kingdom of Thailand. Estimates of tourism receipts directly contributing to the Thai GDP of 12 trillion baht range from 9 percent (1 trillion baht) (2013) to 16 percent.[1] When including the indirect effects of tourism, it is said to account for 20.2 percent (2.4 trillion baht) of Thailand's GDP.


    And this is specifically about prostitution in Thailand:

    In 2015 Havocscope said that about $6.4 billion dollars in annual revenue was being generated by the trade.


    Even at 6%, if Thailand lost its tourist industry, that's a 23 billion loss per annum. You seriously think Thailand can loss that kind of money and not notice? Especially with the current poor economic performance and outlook.


  12. There's been a few posts recently suggesting that the government would like to dismantle the sex industry. Obviously it's debatable whether they could ever achieve this - out if they seriously intend to. But just for a moment, let's imagine that they do. How would you react? What do you think this would mean for Thailand?

    Personally, I'd welcome the removal of much of the industry. It's a stain on the country's image, and attracts some pretty unpleasant individuals. I don't think a complete eradication is practical, or even desirable, but I think Thailand would be a better place without such a visible sex trade.

    'It's a stain on the country's image...'

    Nice to see a bit of humour thrown in with your comments and questions.

    How would I react? With or without the sex trade, wouldn't change my life here.

  13. So according to CMD, if it's on YouTube it must be factual.

    Gewd give me strength.

    Yes actually, if you are watching a video on YouTube you are actually watching what happened. If you don't like one video, try another. After watching hundreds of them and seeing many many occasions where cops escalate situations and brutalize people you may begin to understand what i am saying. Of course, if you are not interested, then don't bother. Just keep mocking me.

    There's literally BILLIONS of Poluce actions taking place each day around the world and you conjure up a few hundred unclear video clips along with a few clearer ones and suddenly all the cops are bad, no good.

    Come on man, turn it up.

    I also accept sometimes police make mistakes and bad decisions, some are criminals, but they are the minority.

    Walk a mile in their shoes wink.png

    So you agree with me then? Why didn't you just say that before so I wouldn't have to waste time explaining all this to you?

    I wouldn't want to walk a mile in their shoes. It's a tough job and a lot of civilians don't appreciate their work, or the stability it gives, allowing them to live in a civilised society.

    Having said that, I wholeheartedly agree with ChoakMyDee. Having seen the ridiculous amount of uploaded clips on YouTube, particularly about American cops, there are just too many to be pushed aside as isolated incidents.

    There's plenty of evidence on the Internet to suggest that American cops are disconnected from the public they are supposed 'to protect and serve'.

  14. Unless the rules have changed since 2013 (last time I checked), without an international driving permit, driving in Thailand is breaking the law.

    I had an accident in the girlfriends car in 2013 and the insurance company (1st class insurance policy) took details from my UK driving licence and my IDP before processing the claim.

    Although this forum is a mine of (usually good) information, for peace of mind ask your insurance company.

    If there's a problem and thus a claim, they're the ones deciding if they settle that claim.

  15. This has got to be the ultimate in nightmares for these parents.... Playing with your child in a foot of water only to see him snatched into the jaws of an alligator, I am removed by many many miles and the complete unknowness of the family and it gives me just tremors. As a parent, I can think of nothing more frightening

    God be with this child and may he rest in peace

    It would be a nightmare for the parents IF they were playing in the water with their child. The news reports I have read indicate the child was alone in the water and the water was about a foot deep where he was walking/wading.

    Seems more like the parents are a nightmare. What the hell was a 2 year old doing, playing in a lake, alone, after dark?

    First the zoo incident and now this.

    I could say 'fortunately' only one fatality as a result of the 2 incidents, but there's nothing fortunate about the death of this child.


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