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Posts posted by aimbc

  1. Mon goes to the beach first at.

    3:44.15 then must have come back (no pic )

    then again at

    4:49.01 then come back

    4:51.28 then go again (no pic)

    Then come back again running.




    attachicon.gifpost-223227-0-47481400-1419906699 (1).jpg


    I may be wrong, but I dont think this is Mon. If he was notified about the murders from the cleaners then I doubt they would have started working before 5am. I think he is a crucial part to this case but but I'm not convinced yet that this is him in the cctv

    Can they make him run several time and compare the video? Of course that would be too logical and would never happen under the rtp watch.

    • Like 2
  2. So in your opinion it was completely legal not to pay the farmers for their rice?

    In you opinion is it legal to cut power supply at the Commerce Ministry forcing auctions to be put off?


    Is it legal to threaten banks to ensure farmers can't get paid?


    And the aim of it was quite clear:

    Suthep urges rice farmers to sue govt


    So at the same time Suthep was crying crocodile tears because he felt sorry for the poor farmers who did not get paid, he was doing all his best to prevent any payment to occur. Just to support his political objectives.


    "Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has said the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme.

    The cabinet has said it would spend no more than 270 billion baht for the scheme in the year from October 2013 to September 2014.

    Early this month, Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongphaisan said, "Since the cabinet has approved the budget of 270 billion baht for the scheme, it is the duty of the Finance Ministry to figure out how to get the money.""


    Following Ms. Yingluck dissolved the House on the 9th of December 2013 and her caretaker government could not borrow 130 bililon Baht.

    Somewhat negligent

    I know. It could have been allowed by the EC which did not allow it. But the attitude of the EC was ambiguous, saying that it was lacking authority on this matter et letting the government take its responsibilities. So the government still tried to get some loans. Therefore the threats and protests of Suthep in order to make sure no bank would lend money.

    Of course, the Dems also declared that the next government (if not PTP) may not accept to refund banks which would lend money.

    Additionally, blocking of rice sales by PDRC has nothing to do with restrictions on caretaker governments (as well as blocking election of a new government with full authority).

    I think the increase in the budget for the policy was due to the G-G deal that was suppose to be on the table at the time. But we know it was nothing. It may have been used as an excuse to get the budget increase.

    Many people were not going to allowed an increase in budget over the set cap until the government made the policy transparent for audit. Which they refused to do. Only feeding the rubbish that things were ok but has been proven otherwise by audits done by the current government. The project was capped at 700 billion or so. Borrowing the money would have made the project even more. They had the commodity to sell, why didn't they sell? I believe because most of the rice were not to standard. The recent audits said that there were only 10% to standard rice.

    So many hidden agenda by the YL government. I think that is why the G-G issue will be the big bullet in court. Other things which is hard to prove, like refilling the rice with old rice bought else where for cheap or missing rice. It will be the usual excuse of pointing finger. But the ultimate direction it lead to is the person in charge. The only way YL will be able to declare her innocent is to find all the criminals that made her look bad.

    The trial will reveal many other things that will lead to many other criminal charges. We must not forget that the master mind behind the plans didn't make all the decisions and is not perfect.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I see the only way YL would get amnesty is to admit that her brother TS actually made most of the decisions. And that she was just a puppet PM.

    Don't see any logic in that statement.

    If she verbally openly admitted the paymaster made all the decisions she would surely be in even more hot water, not closer to amnesty.

    Amnesty is used for really odd circumstances. And usually for some one who is willing to accept wrong doing. In YL case, she was duped by her brother and her party to be the fall person.

    But I must admit TS is smart to make her sister the poster child in order to garner sympathy from her supporters.

  4. Most taxi drivers are fine in Bangkok. If the driver does not want to turn on the meter, just get out. Not sure why a Priminister needs to get invovled in this. He must have a cape and tights in his closet. I guess he feels guilty for muddling up the tourist industry to start with.

    Aren't taxi used for getting from point a to point b? So why would anyone need to get out? It should not be a crap shoot and citizens should not feel so threaten when using public transportation. This is a concern for all and not just tourism. These taxi drivers make a bad name for all.

    Besides, If taxi driving is not a good profession, why are there so many taxis. So the argument about not making enough is bogus. Taxi driving is easy work for easy money.

    • Like 1
  5. Personally, I think it's more of a sin to waste the rice rotting in storage than just giving money away freely. The government should have sold the rice at a lost rather than hold on to it. The money that bought the rice are hard earned baht that every individual in Thailand paid for directly or indirectly in a form of tax. And the rotting rice in storage is something that the land provided for the people of Thailand.

    Why would they hold it in storage. No one wants to buy aged rice. It's bad enough that they will sell it at a loss. Now to incur more loss because the quality of the rice has deteriorated. Unless this was the goal of the policy. Then YL can claim it was a success.

  6. Banned from politics for life, Significant asset seizure, imprisonment for 10 years and only allowed to visit Siam Paragon once every 6 months and that would be a good start and send the message that you were sincerely trying to improve the country and clamp down on elitism and corruption.

    The "elites" and middle class are the very ones against the PTP. Wealth is not necessarily an indicator of elitism OR CORRUPTION for that matter. She is not being charged for corruption and there is absolutely no evidence presented as of this time that she personally profited from being in government, so give it a rest. Give me an example of a political party world wide that does not promise something to their supporters and once in government try to deliver on their promise. in the USA, Obama and his party are a good example as his sole goal is wealth redistribution.

    Comments like the one above tell more about the poster than anything else. When I see the venom in many TV posts against Yingluck and the constant references to her wealth and shopping habits, it seems they hate her for her wealth more than anything else. It is just sour grapes in my book.

    Why not try to find out where the good general and his brother accumulated their wealth while working on an army salary? There are much worse examples around than Yingluck when it comes to corruption. Look at CIB Chief, we will never know all the tentacles of that bit of corruption or how far up it reached because the powers that be will never allow a "complete" investigation.

    This whole show and process against the former members of the PTP is being run by the puppeteer who wants to weaken the PTP and Yingluck. In a final irony, if the PTP is smart they will wait it out (as there is not much they can do in the mean time) be working with their base in the north and find another Shinawatra to trot out and start building on that person as a leader and just wait for the elections that have to come at some point. Let's see how an election would go. If they win they should go after all the generals that took part in the coup, investigate thoroughly, and jail them for illegally taking over the civilian government. That might once and for all keep the generals in the barracks where they belong.

    It is amazing to me that those so against the PTP are so supportive of the coup. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. While I am no fan of corruption and feel that it is necessary to route it out it is not always a person like Yingluck that is the blame. They should be going after the money first and prosecute those that benefited from corruption. As it is they are trying to cut off the head of the PTP and that is what this is about.

    This is just a part of the process of finding the true criminal hiding behind the policy. Unfortunately she was the chairperson and the PM, so she must endure this process. She first have to proof that she was never in charge of the program and never took responsibility. Then once that happens, then we can ask the question, who was in charge then.

    This it's just the logical process. She will need to defend her self as she is the chairperson for the policy. Not being the prime minister now doesn't clear her for the tremendous damage her policy has caused to the people of Thailand at the time.

    Technically she allowed corruption to happen under her leadership. And allowed the policy to go on, even though it reached the budget cap and the govt need more money. The cap is there for a reason. The problem should have been tackled with a long time ago before it reached the budget cap. But nothing was done, as YL didn't do her job. Simple as that.

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  7. I see this as a tactic to bring the real criminals out to light. She will deny forever that she didn't do any wrong. Because we all know, she didn't even know what the responsibilities her position entailed. So technically she is right. But taking the highest office in the nation is no trivial matter and not designed for someone claiming ignorance.

    She should have read the fine print before signing the contract with the devil.

    So the question will be, who did the criminal deeds. Thaksin is ready to sacrifice his pawns to save the queen.

  8. AleG just got served... Nice!

    Please explain how that proves the claim that the DNA from the two Burmese suspects was analyzed and the results were negative.

    It's easy to see what issues spook the Headman's people shielders the most. One which spooked jdinasia was the furniture showing in Nomsod's alibi video, ...furniture which had been moved out, weeks earlier. One of the issues (among many) which spooks AleG is the claim by RTP that RTP tested 100 to 200 Burmese migrants, and announced all were cleared ....then a little while later, declared matches for two of the three Burmese scapegoats. To die-hard shielders, let me say this: these and other annoying issues will show their fuzzy heads in the ensuing months, because the potential evidence implicating the Headman's people won't stop (or dry up and blow away), just because you (and the RTP) desperately want it to.

    "It's easy to see what issues spook the Headman's people shielders the most."

    Every single time you repeat the same thing only shows how desperate you are to spin reality into something that makes you feel good about yourself.

    You can spin all day long, what you can't do, and you know that you can't do but will not allow yourself to face, is the reality that there is not a single shred of evidence supporting the claim that the two suspects had been cleared by DNA testing before their arrest.

    It's more than likely the rtp is spinning the story. Can you explain than how the police can make a statement that no Thai could have done this, and then found the two Burmese as suspect. And was the DNA testing done by a forensic team? Or someone other than the police force.

    One just don't make such a bold statement about the murder without even completing investigation. You are right too say that I have no proof and it's just pure speculation. Just as much speculation as you think the police have the right person. And that the investigation was done properly. Yea, the problem is that most people know the investigation was not done properly and that the real killer is out there still. But you being the logical person, believe that the rtp have the right person in custody. And no I am not going to wait till the trial to to find out the truth. Because that is the idea of the Thai police, to have people forget about this horrific crime so they can pin it on the two in order to protect someone high up in the island. But people like me will never allow out to happen.

    Don't tell me that that the big guys in the island have high moral integrity. With so much drugs going around these full moon parties and the population so little, the police some how can't stop the drug sales. Right...credibility and reason for shielding the big guys is obviously there. Stakes are high on the island.

    And I thank you for helping out bring to attention on how important this case is. Beside, without your comments, I would not have any comic relief from this serious matter.

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  9. Are you quoting from what the police said? Or did you actually witness the investigation? I don't think you were there to witness the investigation. So everything you based your argument are from hearsay from the police statement. And nothing has been checked or validated by any one. Or have you checked it?

    Simple answer please, can you confirm and validate the report by the police? If not, then using the statement to prove your point is pointless and speculation as well. For all we know, it was fabricated. Unless you can provide solid proof that it is true.

    The RTP, at this point has a very low credibility.

    The claim that the police planted bloody trousers in Chris Ware's luggage to try to frame him comes from armchair "detectives" with a chip on their shoulders and is supported by nothing but their own imagination, so yes, I'll take a police statement against that any day of the week.

    Besides that, you still don't understand how the concept of burden of proof works.

    So you are saying that you falsely believe that the police report is true, since you haven't validated the report yet?

    Note, this whole investigation has may inconsistency and from a source that majority of the population do not trust. You can blindly believe the police, that is your stance, most of us posting here are looking for the truth. Burden of proof mean you must provide proof that the police report is accurate. If you can do that, then I will accept your claims. That is all I am asking. Can you provide that. And things will be more clear for all of us?

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  10. AleG is picking up where jdinasia left off, regarding comments on this crime. They're fixated with bandying around "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist" in nearly every one of their posts.

    They're quite busy, trying desperately to discount every tidbit of the deluge of possible evidence which points at the Headman's people. It must be tiresome. If they were open-minded, they would take an attitude like mine: I've already stated that if the DNA evidence shows the Burmese' DNA matching that found in Hannah, then I will admit the Burmese had sex with her. However, The DNA typing (to satisfy me) has to come from the Brits' independent analysis. Thai officials have zero credibility at this time. Since the replacement Head Cop was put in charge, there have been more screwed up statements than a ref can blow a whistle at.

    Conversely, if independently/Brit garnered DNA evidence shows matches between Nomsod and/or Mon with that found in/on Hannah, the Gang of 4 will not admit it's implicating. that's but one difference in our attitudes toward this case. I'm willing and open to consider all solid evidence. In contrast, the Gang of 4 is consistently discounting any bit of evidence which implicates the people they're shielding.

    I admit, I go off on theories and scenarios, but that's my right, on an internet blog. Part of a discussion, is putting forth theories of what happened. Thai police ventured similar, and that brought us the ridiculous reenactment on the beach.

    btw, Police have not raised a finger to do any reenactments of suspects (yes, including Mon and Nomsod) walking/running on that same CCTV path. For any remotely competent investigation, that would have been a key thing to do. Cops either didn't think to do it, or simply figured it would further implicate Mon and Nomsod, so stuffed the idea. It's not too late.

    Interesting thing you pointed out. Over time people will forget and details tend to become fuzzy. I think the entire strategy here is to prolong the trial so that a reinvestigation will prove to be worthless along with crime scene contamination.

    The murderer will seem to walk free in this case. Definitely it's not part of the 12 Values.

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  11. Can we all agree not to answer comments made by someone who wants to wait until the trial starts. This person comments just makes the thread so hard to follow. It's like noise in all this discussion.

    And I am not sure why this person wants to discuss anything as he has nothing to add, because he only believes the police and not even the suspect, who is not been found guilty.

    I want new information to come out of this discussion and not someone criticizing on the side line.

  12. >>Calls could be reached right to the duty police officers directly in addition to the busy 191 call by dialling 0613850191 / 0613851191 / 0613852191 and 0613853191 at 24 hours, he said.<< Quote

    So to replace the too busy emergency line, they bought 3 mobile phones!!

    Pure genius!!

    I think this is to allow callers who are calling from their mobile and not the public phone booths, as the calls from phone booth can not be traced while mobile they can.

    May help reduce prank and non emergency calls from public phone booths.

  13. If I was the red shirt leaders, I would be embarrassed that I still need daddy to lead my hands still. This actually speaks loud that there is no better person for the red shirt as a leader. How can this be possible? They need to be able to stand on their own.

    Is it because Thaksin has built the red shirt up? And finance them? All for his benefit?

  14. I would like to see anyone on this forum try to tie their hands behind their back. See how easy it is.

    Then simply step through

    Ok well that was easy enough. Can you now show me a video of someone stepping thru their tied hands.

    But their hands must be as tightly tied as the French guys were, not just some loose tie like she made.

    With her head in a sling whilst balancing on a handrail

    Wearing a sarong
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  15. I think it's nearly impossible to step into the noose after tying your hands in the back. We can all agree that the rope is of a nylon make. If it was hanging down from the ceiling, it would be nearly impossible to slip your head through it, as there would be no shape at all. So the person must have slipped it on first and then proceeded to tie the knot on his wrist and stepped through to position his arm to the back.

    But to step thorough while wearing a sarong, it's quite a feat, but I am sure if you try, it would be possible. Not sure how tight the sarong was on him our how long it was. It doesn't leave much room to bend your knees. The chances of losing balance is quite high.

    Looking at the link for hand behind the back suicide that many people posted, it seems very plausible. But what seems to be consistent in most of these cases, are the height in which they apparently jumped to their death. This could be because they would be able to slip the noose over their head first and have ample rope length to allow them to get their hands to the back.

    But as I can see from the pics, it doesn't appear to have that much type play as the person was hanging from the ceiling.

    I don't see with that little rope play and wearing a sarong, one can step through ones arm.

    But it not impossible what a human being is capable of doing. Possible, the person has a degree of flexibility. If it was me, it would be very hard and nearly impossible. But with all the past cases, it would be very easy to do if they jump from a high place.

    I think it's nearly impossible to step into the noose after tying your hands in the back. We can all agree that the rope is of a nylon make. If it was hanging down from the ceiling, it would be nearly impossible to slip your head through it, as there would be no shape at all.

    It would only be possible with a creative solution, which I think should leave signs behind. You could do something like using a week thread tied to the noose to hold it open in a preset position. This would allow you to put your head through and the weak thread would then break when you jumped. The problem I have with such an idea is that anyone clever enough to devise this would also have been clever enough to arrange for the knot to be at the side of the neck where it causes death more quickly and efficiently. Perhaps, Dmitri was in a confused but creative state and this really was suicide.

    Perhaps it's a suicide, but every situation should be treated as a fresh case and hopefully the rtp does not just brush it off and go by some historical cases and call suicide. As I see some posters here have already set in their mind.

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