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Posts posted by aimbc

  1. I think it's nearly impossible to step into the noose after tying your hands in the back. We can all agree that the rope is of a nylon make. If it was hanging down from the ceiling, it would be nearly impossible to slip your head through it, as there would be no shape at all. So the person must have slipped it on first and then proceeded to tie the knot on his wrist and stepped through to position his arm to the back.

    But to step thorough while wearing a sarong, it's quite a feat, but I am sure if you try, it would be possible. Not sure how tight the sarong was on him our how long it was. It doesn't leave much room to bend your knees. The chances of losing balance is quite high.

    Looking at the link for hand behind the back suicide that many people posted, it seems very plausible. But what seems to be consistent in most of these cases, are the height in which they apparently jumped to their death. This could be because they would be able to slip the noose over their head first and have ample rope length to allow them to get their hands to the back.

    But as I can see from the pics, it doesn't appear to have that much type play as the person was hanging from the ceiling.

    I don't see with that little rope play and wearing a sarong, one can step through ones arm.

    But it not impossible what a human being is capable of doing. Possible, the person has a degree of flexibility. If it was me, it would be very hard and nearly impossible. But with all the past cases, it would be very easy to do if they jump from a high place.

  2. Has this pic been discussed already?

    attachicon.gifUni pic.jpg

    Is this not the one people claimed the furniture was not as it would have been on the date in question? It's not so easy to find this pic online anymore and I would be interested to hear an explanation about that door, if anyone has one...

    15th or 16th.?????

    R U Sure..

    or this one

    It would be interesting to see the entire footage of this. Maybe of him coming in the night before as well. But no stills though. I am sure on BU campus, there has to be camera as well.

    He really needs to establish himself that he was in bkk during the time of the murder. Having a footage at still at 9am, means nothing. He needs to produce one clip of him entering. Maybe the police has that footage, but are refusing to show it. Maybe it's missing?

    I think the police sloppy job is showing up here again.

    • Like 1
  3. At the reconstruction they didn't use a hoe, they used a dust pan, are you going to claim that the police story is that they actually used a dust pan for the murder based on that? rolleyes.gif

    The only people clinging to they say the hoe was used on both victims are conspiracy theorists like yourself.

    "Police now believe that two weapons were used to bludgeon the Britons to death on Koh Tao’s main beach in the early hours of Sept 15."

    "Officers were also understood to be searching areas of forest on the east side of the island. A police diver was seen searching an area of coast near the murder scene for a metal object thought to have been used as a second murder weapon."

    "Police divers today scrapped the sea floor in their hunt for the weapon used to bludgeon Brit David Miller..."

    Now do the usual thing, were you ignore that you are factually wrong and try to change the subject to something else.

    Your going back a long way there AleG and when others do that you accuse them of cherry picking.

    The RTP have changed their stories many times since then and if you bothered to go to the latest article in the Telegraph dated 26th Dec rather than the one you picked dated 24th Sept then you will see the latest news and the evidence from the actual prosecutors documents in court:

    "during a court hearing on Friday on the nearby island of Koh Samui, a judge ruled their trial would start on July 8. Prosecution documents seen by The Telegraph allege the two men killed both Mr Miller and Ms Witheridge with a hoe."


    There are also many other reports stating that the hoe is the only weapon the prosecution is stating as the one which killed both Hannah and David.

    So according to you the prosecution are now conspiracy theorists!clap2.gif

    Well, go on then, what other sources claim the hoe was the only weapon used?

    ???...why don't you have the common courtesy of either coming up with one more statement backing up your claim. If you don't, don't answer with such childish statement.

    I gave three different links, what is childish about it?

    It's how you answered in a discussion. Both of you have evidence of statements found in press release. So in that case, why is there a need to produce another link. So it should have been left at that. It's a waste of time. This only amplifies how unprofessional the investigation by the RTP has been.

    It's no wonder people have no confidence and can not trust them. Even a simple thing such as this. Can't even get a straight consistent statement. And the public are suppose to figure out which is the correct statement. I guess that is why there are so many discussion here.

  4. 26 Dec 2014

    Koh Tao murders: suspects in killing of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge say they were framed Two migrant workers accused of murdering David Miller and Hannah Witheridge on the Thai tourist island of Koh Tao claim they are being framed by “influential people

    Amnesty International called for a “transparent" inquiry into those claims, which were denied by police, and in late October a group of officers from the Metropolitan police travelled to Thailand to “observe” the investigation after the Foreign Office made public its concerns. Thai newspapers have described the police’s investigation as “disturbingly unprofessional”.


    Yes nice to get a little perspective in every now and again. Its not just Thai Visa or the wider social media that is asking questions and demanding answers:

    UK Government

    That said, we are very concerned by the allegations of corruption and mistreatment of the suspects and it is very important that whoever committed these murders is brought to justice.


    UK Government

    "There are two areas we are particularly concerned about. One is the verification of the DNA samples of the suspects, making sure there is further independent verification.

    "And the second is the investigation into allegations of mistreatment of the suspects. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-29668785


    "Maya Foa from the fair trials group Reprieve, said the group extended deep sympathies to the victims’ families and “understand their desire to see that those responsible are held to account”. She added: “We also share their desire to see a fair and transparent trial process. At the moment, however, this does not seem to be happening." http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/10/concern-trial-burmese-men-charged-murder-uk-tourists

    Amnesty International:

    "Thailand must ensure an independent and thorough investigation into mounting allegations of torture and other ill-treatment by police and respect fair trial rights during their probe into the murder of two British tourists on the island of Koh Tao, Amnesty International said today." http://www.amnesty.org/en/news/thailand-must-investigate-police-torture-allegations-and-not-violate-rights-tourist-murder-prob

    Andy Hall:

    “It’s really challenging getting witnesses for them because everyone’s so scared,” Hall said. He said that Thais living on Koh Tao are especially scared to speak out, because they have names and addresses that can be easily tracked. This is their home, they can’t leave the way migrant workers or Western expats can. People are scared that their businesses will be closed or their lives will be threatened, even that they could be killed, Hall said." http://asiancorrespondent.com/128732/koh-tao-murder-suspects-issue-plea-for-witnesses-ahead-of-formal-charges/

    Thanks for the post. For some, these are all conspiracy theorist....Ok..right.....
  5. At the reconstruction they didn't use a hoe, they used a dust pan, are you going to claim that the police story is that they actually used a dust pan for the murder based on that? rolleyes.gif

    The only people clinging to they say the hoe was used on both victims are conspiracy theorists like yourself.

    "Police now believe that two weapons were used to bludgeon the Britons to death on Koh Tao’s main beach in the early hours of Sept 15."

    "Officers were also understood to be searching areas of forest on the east side of the island. A police diver was seen searching an area of coast near the murder scene for a metal object thought to have been used as a second murder weapon."

    "Police divers today scrapped the sea floor in their hunt for the weapon used to bludgeon Brit David Miller..."

    Now do the usual thing, were you ignore that you are factually wrong and try to change the subject to something else.

    Your going back a long way there AleG and when others do that you accuse them of cherry picking.

    The RTP have changed their stories many times since then and if you bothered to go to the latest article in the Telegraph dated 26th Dec rather than the one you picked dated 24th Sept then you will see the latest news and the evidence from the actual prosecutors documents in court:

    "during a court hearing on Friday on the nearby island of Koh Samui, a judge ruled their trial would start on July 8. Prosecution documents seen by The Telegraph allege the two men killed both Mr Miller and Ms Witheridge with a hoe."


    There are also many other reports stating that the hoe is the only weapon the prosecution is stating as the one which killed both Hannah and David.

    So according to you the prosecution are now conspiracy theorists!clap2.gif

    Well, go on then, what other sources claim the hoe was the only weapon used?

    ???...why don't you have the common courtesy of either coming up with one more statement backing up your claim. If you don't, don't answer with such childish statement.
  6. Hannah's Inquest is adjourned.

    They are having a review of the evidence (as they haven't finished compiling it) on the 6th now and will set a further date.

    Courtesy of Norwich Coroners Office.

    Wow, not such an open and shut case. Three months to compile information. Could this be in relations to the report from the observers? Maybe they are taking many things in to consideration. Or maybe trying to see if the scenario the rtp is stating can even happened.

    What exactly will the inquest do for the case?

  7. For post #2408 above, what's source?

    As for your question ("do you agree with RTP that David was killed by the hoe? yes or no?"), show me first that is the scenario the prosecution is presenting at the trial.

    Why am I not surprised you can't answer the question? The prosecution and RTP, has shown in the reenactment that the hoe was used to kill David (I agree, the blunt end may have been used to smash his head), but the RTP has made no explanation of the shallow push-blade cuts to his neck and other parts of his upper body. By inference and by demonstration, the RTP (and therefore the prosecution) can't explain the blade wounds in a reasonable way. Indeed, they don't even acknowledge they're inflicted by a sharp blade.

    AleG can't address it either, in any detail, because he's fixated on discounting anything which counters the official nonsense emitted by Thai officials. I'm just showing that bit of evidence as one, of dozens, of things which Thai officialdom is WRONG about. I find no glee in pointing out how wrong and inept Thai officials are. However, such things need to be showcased, in order to get closer to the truth of what happened that night - toward nailing the real murderers and rapists. Everything Thai officials have said and done since the replacement head cop was instated by Bkk, has pointed at framing the B2, and shielding people connected to the Headman. Few people, who follow this case, believe otherwise. Even most Thai officials don't believe their own contrived scenario, but they're duty-bound to back it, unless they want to be out of a job, or worse.

    At the reconstruction they didn't use a hoe, they used a dust pan, are you going to claim that the police story is that they actually used a dust pan for the murder based on that? rolleyes.gif

    The only people clinging to they say the hoe was used on both victims are conspiracy theorists like yourself.

    "Police now believe that two weapons were used to bludgeon the Britons to death on Koh Tao’s main beach in the early hours of Sept 15."

    "Officers were also understood to be searching areas of forest on the east side of the island. A police diver was seen searching an area of coast near the murder scene for a metal object thought to have been used as a second murder weapon."

    "Police divers today scrapped the sea floor in their hunt for the weapon used to bludgeon Brit David Miller..."

    Now do the usual thing, were you ignore that you are factually wrong and try to change the subject to something else.

    So the two reenactments with the dust pan, was it used on the male victim as well? Did they also showed how they created the wounds with the second weapon?
  8. Just great.

    Another 6 months of conspiracy theories about how these two are innocent.

    Spare a thought for the parents of the victims who probally like nothing more than the whole thing to be over and done with.

    The British police have had ample time to at least make some statement on their findings and how long does the defence need to get their act together.

    The whole episode is a shambles for both the accused and the victims and their families.

    The difference is that the British Police reserve their comments/evidence for the courts. They are not in the business of playing to the media.

    The main mistake of the police was releasing information haphazardly during the investigation; all the conflicting reports and working theories left along the trail have left behind a Rorschach kind of picture that people interpret as showing their own beliefs and prejudices.

    I think information was released to the press was not well thought out by the police. One thing I would like to see though are all the cctv footage. It doesn't have to be made to the public, but available to the defense. But the footage should be unedited version. I don't want an excuse that some parts are missing or irrelevant so they erased it. That would show some responsibility by the rtp to be transparent.

    It would be interesting to too reveal why the first group of suspect was sought and why exactly they were dropped. Besides an alibi that one of them was not on kt. I don't think police making a statement that they are not would suffice.

    If it was a blunder, then let's lay it out in the table. Again, no transparency any where. I know, Thainess is never admit you are wrong.

    • Like 1
  9. A a matter of fact, yes, I know the spot, I've been there once before. But you don't have to take my word for it, look at the pictures of the crime scene, in between large boulders.

    You went to the place. Good for You. But do you have the evidence that proof it happened as suggested by the rtp. You have no solid evidence just hearsay by the police. Are you noticing the fantasy here. And your believe in the speculation that the police is telling the truth.

    The evidence collected by the police will be presented in court where it will be examined and contested by the defense.

    I have the feeling that you have a bruised ego and are trying desperately to paint me with the "you are speculating too!" brush.

    "Brush"? a definite sign of someone who is in the corner once again. Not being to back up the statement.

    You pretty much rebut everyone statement going against the police, so I think you have the ego thing to protect more than anyone on this forum.

    Fact is fact, can't avoid it.

  10. Let not also forget that at the exact same spot the night before the murders 4 Thai guys also mugged 2 UK girls, same spot on the same beach http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/11111774/Thai-motorbike-gang-mugged-British-women-night-before-backpacker-couple-were-murdered-on-Koh-Tao-island.html

    I must have missed this one. I am surprised that it has not gained more transation on this thread. I suppose it is because of all the focus on on the B2 and the Headman's familiy.

    Mugging is a crime of violence that sometimes gets out of hand. If it is true that the police have no interest in such crimes, a repeat performance by the same gang in the same location is at least a possibility.

    Anyone have any more details? Was it indeed reported to police?

    Why is it that when some interesting new information pops up certain people manage to turn the topic back to.

    It was Nomsod

    It wasn't nomsod for 3 pages.

    We must explore other topics of interest also. Like this interesting piece here.

    I agree we should examine others, but one weak link would be him. As he claims to be in Bangkok during the horrific night. And would be a motivation for his dad to protect him. And the only evidence is the really bad video. But it does appear to be him. Also he was prime suspect in the beginning and evaded questioning.

    What we need are witness saying that they saw him there on the island. Will they talk? That's another matter. Or pictures of him, but again will they risk their lives to testify against them. I am sure that is what the defense may have in possession. It will make the entire investigation look weak and smell of a set up.

    Trying to profile these guys by looking at past crime, nearly impossible. The police can spin their own story. But to call them out on a possible cover is hard to dance around.

    • Like 2
  11. Chinese pushing in front of Thais,i thought Thais

    were champions at that,I remember bank queues

    before they started to use ropes and Q numbers,

    it was like a rugby scrum with lots more players.

    Regards worgeordie

    This is kind of like Karma coming back at Thais. I hope some Thais can learn from this that cutting in line is an unacceptable social behavior. Oh..I wonder if hi-so Thais are exempted.

  12. There is no need to speculate or tax the imagination, the crime happened at the end of the beach, behind large boulders at a time very few people are awake.

    And some how you know that, because you were there? And what evidence do you have to confirm that beyond a reasonable doubt. Or is it all a big assumption, imagination, fantasy?

    A a matter of fact, yes, I know the spot, I've been there once before. But you don't have to take my word for it, look at the pictures of the crime scene, in between large boulders.

    You went to the place. Good for You. But do you have the evidence that proof it happened as suggested by the rtp. You have no solid evidence just hearsay by the police. Are you noticing the fantasy here. And your believe in the speculation that the police is telling the truth.
  13. Exactly my point BT. These witnesses - did they vanish into the ether after 1am? Was the beach deserted at the time of the crime? No one 'people watching'? No one talking, chatting, smoking, drinking, laughing etc? There must have been noise, music, arguments, screams, etc.

    To assume only 2 victims and 2 suspects were the only ones present at the silent crime scene stretches any reasonable person's credibility.

    There is no need to speculate or tax the imagination, the crime happened at the end of the beach, behind large boulders at a time very few people are awake.

    And some how you know that, because you were there? And what evidence do you have to confirm that beyond a reasonable doubt. Or is it all a big assumption, imagination, fantasy?
    • Like 1
  14. I don't care what people and organizations believe, specially not imaginary people, like your 99% or TV posters or half a million Facebook people; I care about what the evidence proves, you know, facts, not opinions.

    Even if the evidence has been coerced or manipulated and good evidence ignored or not investigated?

    As long as the people you want to protect aren't implicated.

    Prove this "the evidence has been coerced or manipulated and good evidence ignored or not investigated?", then I may consider it.

    That's the issue here. They have been asked to prove that, butt police refused to meet and answer. So what do they have to hide. The two innocent detainees who made the allegation deserve the same respect of the inquiry, it's that right. Why have they been denied? Keep in mind, as nothing has been proven. Just allegations by the police of their crimes at this point.
  15. greenchair, on 28 Dec 2014 - 14:28, said:greenchair, on 28 Dec 2014 - 14:28, said:greenchair, on 28 Dec 2014 - 14:28, said:

    Not really looking for details just yet. Would just like someone to correct me on these times I have posted .just me being lazy really could probably fish through and find the times myself. But I am not good at finding the sources to get the information. What u are talking about is very complex. I am only looking for these correct times

    @greenchair - I believe David Miller was last seen on CCTV at 1.57 a.m. walking with a group of westerners (not including Hannah). This was half an hour after he was seen walking alone and passing the man in the no. 9 football shirt. I did post the link to that CCTV footage from Sky News earlier in this thread. If you google "CCTV images David Miller Koh Tao" you can probably find it.

    Has anyone considered the fact that the RTP may be in possession of CCTV images of the victims which haven't been released to the press/public? So little is known about the movements of David and Hannah from when they were in the AC bar together and after they left the AC bar, if indeed they were actually together in the bar. So far we have only seen the CCTV footage of them from (presumably) before they went to the bar.

    EDIT: I posted the links to the CCTV footage on another thread. Anyway, here they are again:



    couldn't the defense request all cctv footage from the police? I am sure there will be parts missing conveniently. But it will at least point out that things were tampered with.
  16. There are a couple of things (evidence) that seem to have been forgotten or just put to one side.

    First the condom which was found at or near the crime scene.

    It was at first said to have Hanna's DNA on the outside and nothing on the inside, there is only one likely way for this to happen and that is for the user to use 2 condoms one on top of the other, if that happened where is the second condom ?

    The condom was later said to have the sperm of the 2 accused on it along with Hanna's DNA. Why was it not mentioned at first rather than later ?

    If this is true and the 2 did commit rape them someone also raped after them.

    A big thing was made of the 2 not using condoms to explain their sperm being found inside the victim, they were said to have "Confessed" to not using condoms and this was taken as an admission that they had raped.

    However we don't know what question (s) they were asked, for instance it could have been "Do you use condoms ?" or "Did you use condoms when you raped ?" This we will never know for there were no witnesses to the questioning or lawyers present as well as the translation problems.

    If the 2 did not commit the rape then how did then their sperm get on to the condom ?

    The only way for this to happen would be for the police to obtain a sperm sample from each of the accused and plant it on the condom.

    Now we come to pure speculation. What would the 2 accused know about DNA and testing for it ? I would suspect nothing. If they were told that the only sure way to clear themselves was to give a sperm sample to compare then they would have done it.

    So a question for the defense . At any point did the 2 accused give the police a sperm sample ?

    Second point.

    When the friend of the 2 accused went to the room the next morning the guitar they had been playing was not there, he is reported as asking where it was and was told they had left it at the bar, he then said he went to the bar and got it.

    So this means that rather than go from the beach directly to their room the accused first went to the bar to drop off the guitar and were sober enough to do this rather than just staggering back to their room.

    Question. Along this route to, from or at the bar is there CCTV coverage ?

    1.there was another report that although the condom was suspect earlier, it was disregarded. The rtp say it was probably an old condom that had beenthere for some time. That does raise questions since at first they said Hannah's dna was on the outside but nothing on the inside (2 condoms possibly )b2 dna was never found on it. Another case of the quick changaroo by rtp.

    2.I have been saying that for weeks. There must be a picture of them going to the room. Unless they walked back to their room along the beach.

    What happened to the motorbike?

    Did Muang leave on motorbike?

    Must be cctv.

    Did boys leave on motorbike?

    Must be cctv.

    Did they leave the bike somewhere? Must be a witness or cctv.

    This condom issue was one of the many thing that lead me to believe that something was not right with the whole crime scene.

    1. The idea that the the condom had the female DNA on it implies that it:

    A. It was planted there to appear that there was some type of sexual activity in order to collude with the confession that the two saw the couple and aroused.

    B. Let's say it wasn't planted and it was used. But then why wasn't there any of DNA inside? Some may say that the person could have used two condoms. But the likely hood of that is quite low. It's even said that using double condom can defeat is purpose. http://contraception.about.com/od/malecondom/f/twocondoms.htm

    C. It was used by the rapist? And if the two were the rapist, they happened to have condoms on them? And they decided to use two of them in the commission of the crime? And the rapist was just careless about it and wants to leave clues behind?

    That is what really stinks is the fact that the condom was left there at the crime scene so conveniently. Trying to paint a picture of a fictional scenario. So I don't think the confession from the two really happened that way. That evidence need to be reintroduce too the case. Everything is relevant at this point.

    So many other cracks in this investigation.

    • Like 1
  17. Interesting to see the gang of 4 have been reduced to the lone voice of the self proclaimed crusader.

    One can assume that now the court is spreading the trial for a very long time that these threads will become less populated as people lose interest.

    But, like draftvader, I believe a poker hand is being played and the RTP are amateurs against their opponents.

    Much has been said about the non-role of the British police but I can assure you:

    Having worked in a professional capacity with police from the North of England, the midlands and the south east a characteristic that is common becomes very obvious, the are all fiercely proud of what they do, how they do it, their training and their abilities.

    At the moment I believe they are smarting in a serious way from the criticism they are enduring because their political masters ordered them to look like go-fors on a fools errand. Even the top brass will be taking this very personally.

    They will not allow this negative perception of them to go unchallenged, thats a certainty.

    I too look forward to 2015 and the revelations to come, even if they are in 15 second bursts. A 15 second burst of information from the UK is worth more than 3 months of B S from the RTP and their cronies.

    Yes it is really nice to see that some of the gang of 4 may have had to take a holiday , as you say there is still one nutcase trying to derail the threads what they have been doing is so obvious and with a very clear objective to hide truths unfair for all families of the victims and the accused .

    I think thai visa should have very strong penalties for these people or atlas send them a message and tell them to slow down or else , as we all know it is ok to debate but trying to flood and debate every post seems wrong.

    Well, go ahead and contact the administration and share your ideas of imposing penalties on posters because you don't like what they say.

    I think a person going around taking pieces of statement out of context and belittling the small fragment about is annoying and really unnecessary. And really not contributing to the discussion.

    At the end, you will always go back to your corner and declare "wait for the trial" when you can't answer a question. If you are here trying to teach people how to write logic statements, either provide example and not talk down at people. Seems like you are here to push people's buttons more than help them logic.

  18. I believe this is an effort to have people watching this circus lose interest.

    Yeah people like you would think that.......if you had half a brain in your head and didn't spend so much time trolling you would realize It is quite the opposite.

    What Thailand are doing via the court is sending a message saying :we are being a fair as we can: and when we prove these 2 are guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt it will shut people like you up

    I am not so sure if klaus.. presumption is incorrect. It's a fact that people have a short attention span. And especially Thais, being Buddhist, sometimes they just learn to accept things and better not to resist. Especially things that they know that they can not control. But this being at an international level, three countries it may not work out like Thailand wants. Remember what Myanmar has to deal with if they allow the it to go without a fight. The tarnish name of their country. Nobody want to claim responsibility of such a gruesome murder. People will be fearful of going to visit Myanmar being tainted so. So it just can't be brushed under the rug. And their will be people to make sure it doesn't. Hence me.

    But this strategy may not work as social media is a new phenomenon that is changing how people can actually control the uncontrollable situation in the past. I don't think people will forget.

    Now about Thailand sending a message of being fair, but postponing the trial for 7 months so that they can prove the 2 guilt. I find it hard to believe that. If they don't have their act together today and it doesn't look strong, what makes you think it will make it stronger in a couple of months down. I think this is time needed for Thai government to evaluate this case and possibly give them enough time to find the real killer and try to do major damage control. And find the real murderers 'beyond a shadow of a doubt'

    But Tanlic your name calling of "half a brain" is actually uncalled for. As it could have an opposite affect by someone else reading your post.

    • Like 2
  19. Were they given bail, or is a bail hearing separate?

    With assurances from the Myanmar Embassy there cant be a reason not to grant it without saying they don't trust the Myanmar Government.

    Embassies cannot act as guarantor full stop. If they were to succeed (they wont) all foreign detainees worldwide could cite the case while demanding same. Pie in the sky/non starter.

    Who to believe you or :

    Myanmar embassy arranges bail guarantee money for the two suspects

    Technically evadgib may be right, I don't know. Shouldn't everyone be afforded bail? Especially when they are only in a suspect status. Some people get bail even after they have been found guilty. Too many examples to post here. And the Myanmar statement doesn't mean that they will use diplomatic means to get bail, but they happen to be one of the guarantor. If the Myanmar govt can not post bail for the two suspects, then they very well can give it to the two parents to do so.

    I think evadgib is missing the bigger picture here. The statement such as this couldn't have been made without a very high probability of the two being innocent. And that is yet more ammunition to continue to fight for these individuals rights.

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