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Everything posted by ronnie50

  1. Back in the day, the bottles (empties) were kept in a tray next to you. It wasn't for your sake, it was so they could drop an extra empty into the tray when you and your companions weren't watching. Very old trick. The waitress would put enough cash in the til to match what you actually ordered, and put the rest into her pocket.
  2. I'm sure many will disagree, but I reckon Kier Starmer looks a lot like John Major (once did). Similar personalities too. Different parties, but both individuals kind of twerpy.
  3. From a few days ago. NYT's Hannah Beech the correspondent here. It goes from bad to worse for all involved (China, Thailand - and Myanmar). Well written and good interviews. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/27/world/asia/scam-centers-myanmar-thailand-china.html
  4. Yeah and then, in the same article (most recent), the Thai government said they have a letter from China confirming there will be no ill-treatment 'it's a legal document' the Thai official said. Yeah, sure it is..
  5. US Secretary of State issues a blistering statement on Thailand's deportation of Uyghurs to China and a day later Trump very publicy dresses down Ukraine's Zelinsky face to face in the White House because Ukraine hasn't bowed to Russia's invasion. Confused?
  6. I was anticipating something like a booklet with my address etc., but the IO said 'no' and showed me the CoR, which is basically a letter confirming the address on the TM30. Only valid for a month she said.
  7. I forgot to suggest that you don't drive there in your own vehicle (unless a motorbike). Last time I was there (to get the O Visa) it took me an hour to find a parking spot - and the place is multi level and massive. If coming from Sukhumvit BTS line you can get off at 11th Military station and take a taxi the rest of the way for around 70 baht. Coming back is more difficult. Take a taxi all the way home. The taxis stop outisde the complex door that is nearest to Immigration.
  8. First of all thanks to @DrJack54 and others for all the very helpful info. Some friends also shared their tips. Here is what I encountered. Pre booked an online mid afternoon appointment. Booked a month in advance as they fill up quickly. I had nested the overeas transfer in my Thai account for 3.5 months by this time and was seen 57 days after my O Visa was given. Followed Jack's advice - arrived just before noon (when they take their break) Did all the photocopying there - 2 of everything - note you need to hunt for photocopying found two places side by side on 'level 1' - Note there is no 'basement' (Imm is on level 2 at far end of the giant complex). Level 1 is mostly banks (no SCB) and fast food joints/cantenes and it's busy as all the Imm staff and other workers are on lunch break - no queue for the copying and it's cheap. When the Imm re-opened after lunch at 1 pm (like Jack said before), I pointed to the actual appointment I had (not just a queue number) and the Officer let me slip in ahead of the crowd with on-the-day-numbers Even though I was mid-afternoon appointment, I arrived early and the kindly IO officer woman went through my docs ahead of time while I waited outside the cubicle. She made me fill out a few extras that I didn't have (it was no problem for her) My Docs (all checked and accepted): TM7 Passport with photocopies of bio page and every page with stamps (I added a blank page after them for good measure) sign all copy pages Bank letter and Bank Statement obtained 2 days previously Thai bank receipt of wire transfer in (e.g. the 800,000 THB transfer from foreign funds) Originating foreign bank wire transfer receipt Goodle map (Sat view) of accommodation Hand drawn map of same TM30 photo of me standing outside my residence with number and condo name displayed Rental agreement (current) Owner's family book pages Owner's ID photocopy Original Passport Original bankbook with all pages copied (1 year) and updated same day at bank (with a photocopy at bank of last page and a stamp) A recent photo of me THB 1,900 I think that's it - took about 20 minutes Re-Entry visa and Certificate of Residence After the above, I also took a queue number for both re-entrey stamp and CoR at same time and lucked out one after the other Re-entry needed a form and a photo (multi 3,800) got it CoR got that too. Need to update using the PP photocopies and that day's Extension stamp copy. Otherwise, you need to wait until your first 90 day report to apply for the CoR - maybe they made an exception for me not sure.. Surprised it has to be mailed to me and is only valid for 30 days. I said it was for driving license I think that's pretty much the (exhausting) day - be ready for all of humanity to be there with you. However, it's quite efficient despite the crowds. R.
  9. From what I've heard, most of the foreign teachers don't even have work permits - probably becuase the lesser-known schools don't want to shell out the costs of the work permits each year. You might be working for a bettter established school though. (I'm not a teacher, but I've heard this many times, and I see there is another 'crackdown' happening).
  10. Interesting the PM just met with China's President Xi this month, and her father Thaksin apologized this week for his actions in Tak Bae (killing of Thai muslims). So the question I guess is: was this a plan well in the works (Uyghur 'repatriation') and an agenda item with the Thai PM and Xi? If so, I wonder what Thailand negotiated in return?
  11. this is all pretty tame when I recall that this weboard's ancestor(s) click bait was like 20 years ago. It was really nasty in its earlier iterations (a real hatred on Thaksin etc.). Worth keeping in mind that nothing is free, M's cost money and the owner needs to turn a profit. Otherwise it seems all pretty ok to me (even if the headlines don't always match the story 🙂). It's getting a bit nasty in some news/social threads again. Best to just ignore those. They are clearly click bait (by posters), 'Mericans in Pai and Chaing Mai proly.
  12. There is also something new in Africa. Three kids in central Africa "ate" yes , ate, a bat and died from some illness/virus because of eating it, but then the virus spread and more than 50 others died. It's still being investigated. Reuters reported this yesterday. So on and on it goes.
  13. Like @Briggsy said, if the eVisas are all being handled by the various consolates now, then just phone them and ask their help to get it moving. Or, assuming you have the right for visa exemption, then just arrive on that as others suggested. That's what i did then changed it to an O Visa. Fighting with the Thai authorities is never a good idea BTW.
  14. To get a Certificate of Residence , is that obtained at the Immigration Office (e.g. same one your get your retirement/marriage exentions)? Is it just a matter of showing your PP, visa/extension, and the landlord's TM30? Anything else required, like owners family book, or his/her ID card copy? I think these CoRs are increasingly needed for things like driver's license renewals if not mistaken. Anyone have experience? (at IMM1 at CW in Bangkok is where I plan to go) Cheers, R.
  15. Well, I haven't been following this weboard for many years until recently - and primarily newly to learn what it is best at -Mods handling visas. But I do remember from years earlier how it was co-opted (perhaps with consent) by right wing nut jobs. I remember the sneers of those who hated 'Thaksin' and the shouting down (and banning of others) who didn't agree with those who were (oddly American Chiang Mai) types who seemed to dominate every conversation. I couldn't be bothered. Is this 'new iteration' heading that way for some reason? I hope not. I thought someone who is posting 100 times in the space of a day or two is to be watched. Has that changed? If this isn't being moderated, may I ask why?
  16. Dunno about Ukraine, but the other three were false flags started by the US - (so they could take your money).
  17. Not sure if this exactly answer your Q, but I arrived on a 60 day visa exempt with no onward travel and was not asked about it. (I then later applied at Immigration to convert the 60 day exepmt to an O visa with intention of a retirement extension). I guess since you already have an O visa it shouldn't be an issue (O or O-A?)
  18. I buy Vistra and MEGA brands. Local brands and seem pretty good quality. Boots and Watsons stock them. Blackmore is always being pushed at me by the salespeople in the pharrmacies. I don't see any point in paying the inflated prices they have. I don't think that brand would be better quality just because the price is higher.
  19. I've seen a few of the Thai DTA's as well (but not the Thai-Australian DTA). As @oldcpu says above, what I've also noticed in common is they refer to a former 'government' worker's occupational pension that would not be taxed in Thailand, but all other pensions, like the ones most people get in their old age from their governments, no matter where they worked - let's call it the State Pension - is taxable here. If I had to guess at why that's so common, it's probably because it allows the source country to keep the tax directly - so most countries would want that. Other Aussies can probably best answer this case.
  20. 'Biometrics' is quite a sweeping category. Scanning our passports at ports of entry is also a biometric data piece. The article doesn't go into detail, but could this mean the photos and finger printing wasn't recorded/matched properly with the 17 million passport scans?
  21. I guess you're not taking daily low-dose aspirin for artery/heart issues (or anything else)? Aspirin can cause bleeding almost anywhere.. Could be a kidney issue.
  22. Neither did we (break ins) nor the one who had sentimental jewellery stolen.
  23. Happens more often than you might guess. So yes, you should keep valuables locked in a safe. Common sense. I had a friend whose Thai wife had her mobile disappear along with their maid one day. They went to the police, and the police were quite quick in narrowing down the location of the phone and thief. Another friend/co-worker living in a spacious apartment had sentimental jewellry and other valuables stolen. Police figured it was an inside job (people who worked in the building). She never got any of it back. Both cases in Bangkok. We used to rent a house and it was broken into at night and some minor things were taken. Two other unsuccessful attempts after that. Now everyone should have a safe and CCTV - and a baseball bat would come in handy.
  24. So that's 18% increase since 2019. The US household debt rose 13% over a slightly shorter period (2020-2024) sitting at an average of USD 105,000 debt per household in 2024. I'm not suggesting you can compare US and Thailand household debt, but it's been rising significantly in many places. It's understandable since the worst pandemic years are included. I wonder if the IMF gave Trump any advice..
  25. Good report and appreciated. Does anyone have a recent report for documents required at CW for a first extension of the O Visa (retirement)? Trying to figure out if there are any differences required between the first one and subsequent extension applications. Cheers.
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