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Posts posted by Thaiready

  1. The muslims want their own caliphate, leading to a world under Islam.

    It is the biggest threat on the globe.

    They already number around 20% of global population, and aim to increase that to 25% this decade.

    Muslims do not integrate with the rest of us, they maintain separation through dress, and extremely strong unquestioning believe in the quoran and its interpretation by religious leaders.

    It has a particular appeal to the poor and uneducated, and strives to maintain this through not educating the women and allowing the men to treat their women as chattels.

    Strange, education is mandatory in Thailand for both men and women. The Muslims I know worldwide mostly assimilate quite well.

    Have you ever been in UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Spain or any african country where muslims through violence have taken over the local community ?

    No one has.

    Have you ever been to Somalia. ...I have and smelled the death in the air.

  2. ...to make a long story short: only a dead muslim is a good muslim....? Or what?

    best time of my life was dropping 500 pounders and strafing them with my 20mm....never saw the good ones left in my wake, only heard the feedback from the grunts.

    The only reason I quote this is to make sure everyone see's the vile Christian fundamentalist (I got that from your next post) zealotry that manifests in glee at murder.

    Glee at murder!

    Abhorrent in the extreme.

    What do you call cutting the heads from the innocent. .?

    Take your time," Appeaser of Evil".

  3. This is a nice article. I live together with Muslim all my live and I can say I have more Muslim friends then any other religion and I know a lot of Muslim from the south of Thailand. Just keep in mind that not all Muslim are like the crazy IS that declares war on other religions. The leader of IS is just a minority of people that misused the Islam for their own crazy benefit. If we really understand the Muslim bible/Quran, there is no teachings that teach Muslim to kill or behead people or to force anyone to believe in Islam. Even a lot of Muslim is getting angry about what the minority is doing on the name of Islam. What is happening in Nan(by the Buddhist) is just the same of what is happening in the deep south. If the government cannot settle a small situation in Nan, then IMO the government will not be able to settle the problem in the deep south. For me any people/religion that declare war/killing is only for their own benefits and have nothing to do with the real teachings of their religion. BTW I am not a muslim, I am a Buddhist.

    there is no teachings that teach Muslim to kill or behead people or to force anyone to believe in Islam

    Yes there is!

    If yes..please show proofs..

    You made the statement. Go read the Koran and prove it is not true. The simple crime of apostasy is punished by death.

    In the Quran the meaning is that if an originally Muslim/Islam abandon their own religion and joint other religion then the person is punish by death not that the Quran mean to punish other religion by death. In the word of prophet Muhammad all free soul have the right to what they believe and all Muslim must respect the choice. I am from a country that to know the Quran is a must.

    Muhammad became worm bait. .......Jesus asended into Heaven.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You would think by reading this article that the only problem people have had with Muslims is the southern insurgency.

    Not that that isn't enough to cause concern.

    The actions and words of the radicals are negatively swaying the thoughts of many non-muslims.

    How sad. IMHO the mainstream Muslim people, worldwide (who are decent, fair and pleasant people) urgently

    need to decry the radical members of their faith.

    I'm listening.......hear nothing. Infact the whole civilized World is waiting and waiting and waiting.... Must mean they support it.
    Then you mustn't be listening very well. Centres of Islamic learning, religious scholars, community and national leaders have all condemned terror in the name of god.



    I hear no condemnation coming from Muslim mouths.....only people such as yourself defending this Cult.

    • Like 1
  5. Those who want to kill the Act in Congress, and Justice, are in bed with -- guess who ? -- the Insurance Companies.

    The best anyone can hope for in a politician is someone whose self-interest includes our own. I am a swing voter, politically neutral, but I am not marching in lock-step with a crowd who has their best interests exclusive to the best interests of the public.

    The British and Australians have subsidized health care, why not the US? Why not? Money is more important than lives.

    A Republican Senator I respect very much summed up his side very well: "Democrats see health care as a right. Republicans see it as a privilege."

    I do not agree on this point whatsoever.

    At least we could get a bed before the Government stuck it's nose in the Health Care System.....now my rates have tripled along with my out of pocket costs having quadrupled. We went from having 1st class health care to no class health care.

    The health and medical programs in Obamacare are provided by the proprietary insurance companies who present competitive pricing based on market supply and demand. Subscribers of Obamacare use the private medical care infrastructure of the country.

    The role of the government under Obamacare is to provide some subsidy to the lowest income Americans who are also most of the uninsured Americans, and to coordinate and consolidate the laws of health insurance and medical care. Obamacare is not a single payer system, not at all and not by a long shot.

    This is in contrast to the Department of Veterans Affairs health and medical care system which is owned and operated 100% entirely and completely by the federal government to include 152 hospital medical centers and 1400 outpatient clinics in 23 administrative regions throughout the United States. This is a 100% taxpayer supported system.

    The feds own and operate all the Veterans medical care system of hospitals, clinics, sub-clinics, hire and pay all the doctors and medical personnel, pay for all procedures and all medications etc etc. Veterans don't pay a dime of insurance for this system nor do veterans pay anything out of pocket. You walk in, present your card, and get 100% serviced.

    Obamacare is the opposite of this and the Supremes know it. Now you know it too.

    There you go in second paragraph. ........"Subsity"

    Just who do you think pays these Subsities..?

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You would think by reading this article that the only problem people have had with Muslims is the southern insurgency.

    Not that that isn't enough to cause concern.

    The actions and words of the radicals are negatively swaying the thoughts of many non-muslims.

    How sad. IMHO the mainstream Muslim people, worldwide (who are decent, fair and pleasant people) urgently

    need to decry the radical members of their faith.

    I'm listening.......hear nothing. Infact the whole civilized World is waiting and waiting and waiting.... Must mean they support it.

    • Like 2
  7. Those who want to kill the Act in Congress, and Justice, are in bed with -- guess who ? -- the Insurance Companies.

    The best anyone can hope for in a politician is someone whose self-interest includes our own. I am a swing voter, politically neutral, but I am not marching in lock-step with a crowd who has their best interests exclusive to the best interests of the public.

    The British and Australians have subsidized health care, why not the US? Why not? Money is more important than lives.

    A Republican Senator I respect very much summed up his side very well: "Democrats see health care as a right. Republicans see it as a privilege."

    I do not agree on this point whatsoever.

    At least we could get a bed before the Government stuck it's nose in the Health Care System.....now my rates have tripled along with my out of pocket costs having quadrupled. We went from having 1st class health care to no class health care.

    • Like 1
  8. All this vitriol about the Affordable Care Act always comes from those who have health insurance

    Sort of like the Tea Party nuts that decry government socialism but scream and howl if there is even a whiff of touching Medicare or Social Security

    You shouldn't comment when you have no clue what is happening......best for you to be quite like a good little liberal nut.

  9. A big bike? A 250 is hardly a big bike, but this is a pretty good story and I've had a good chuckle at the PMs sudden rashness and spontaneous jolly!! Good for him, apart from the fact he's a criminal as he broke the law for not wearing a helmet isn't that right?

    Of course he's not a criminal, he's not been found guilty of any crimes, he's justba regular law breaker like another farang who constantly posts crap here about the 7% and uses words like criminals to describe those people who break the law, so this would make the PM a criminal ?

    Sounds a bit like the time one of the princes in the UK took a vehicle for a spin, leaving Bodyguards behind.

    I like this story, and the PMs human touch of being "naughty" makes a change from him causing issues elsewhere ?

    If your gonna lead....at least set a good example.

    So the next time I ride My BIG bike (1000cc) without a helmet and the Police proceed to ticket me ...I'll use the excuse you have given. "Just being Naughty".

  10. "differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

    On whose part?

    The Muslims just want a place to pray.

    What's wrong with that?

    Nothing is wrong with wanting a place to pray. But people no longer trust the followers of Islam. They do not want them . All followers of Islam are no longer trusted, is he my friend and co-worker or has he become radicalised and will he destroy me and mine? I cannot tell. If someone has been exposed to an infectious desease, they are quarintined until proven healthy. Islam has been exposed to a virilant dose of radicalism, so it is natural that those not exposed are wary of those that could be infectious.

    You cannot judge a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a minority who misuse it's teachings to justify violencethis applies to all faiths.

    Yes we can.....because the majority of violence is commented by these cult followers.

  11. Martin and Brown ... cases cleared by the court, cleared by a jury, cleared by the Feds - no case to pursue... and whining victims moan and groan. Enabling liberal news media keeps promoting the fiction ... What a silly situation we Americans have come to. Right is Wrong... Wrong is Right, Victim mongering is more important than the truth.

    Young Black Males in American get into trouble and into life and death situations because of the lifestyle they lead. They live in a fantasy of HipHop Rap Idiocy ... shamefully slamming women and promoting violence with vile lyrics, take drugs, conduct petty robberies or break ins, But they are Kool Man.... Dropping of out school at 8th. grade is cool, trolling the streets looking for drug opportunities and ways to get cash to buy their liquor, beer, cigarettes and MJ and much worse to get high - stay high. 'Cool man -- keep it cool man'...

    But you see - they are victims of white privilege ... Baawwwwwhhhaaaaaaa ... what Tripe....

    There are huge numbers of successful black Americans - and not just in sports... but in business and government. How did they get there? Through hard work, dedication and sacrifice - same as everyone else.

    But victims have to whine...

    I agree entirely except he wasn't a victim. ....He was Perpetrator that got what was coming to him.

    • Like 1
  12. NeverSure post # 2

    Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be hoodlums

    Don't let 'em rob stores and wear clothes of the 'hood

    Make 'em be doctors and lawyers and such.

    No doubt that's how all of your brood have grown up to be then?

    Easy to give advice from wildest Isaan to an American mother living in Miami is it not.

    So why aren't you in America and giving your fellow citizens the benefit of your wisdom ?

    His comment was spot-on.

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