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Posts posted by Thaiready

  1. how did 55 years of sanctions benefit the Cuban people?

    Neither would benefit the people. This isn't about the people. They are oppressed. See Craig's story above. That has nothing to do with actions of the US but rather the oppressive fascist military communist dictatorship.

    Nothing sent to Cuba would reach the people. See Craig's story of the portable stereo. It would just enrichen, embolden and help the Castros.

    It is inexplicable why the "holy" US have a giant problem with so called "oppressive fascist military communist dictatorship" in Cuba.

    • Aren't the US themselves an oppressive military state against Cuba? As the Russian rockets and the old cold war don't exist any more there is no threat and no reason to isolate the Cuban Island.

    • Do the US have the right to play the worl judge as they themselves are not free of an illegitimate behavior? When you consider that the Rep. government of G.W. Bush opened Guantanamo Prison/s just in Cuba it seems to me that he has put the US on the same level as Cuba. This prison was opened in Cuba only for the reason to be free of the national law and the human rights. Isn't that extremely sarcastic? The US complaining about the illicitness in Cuba but doing exactly the same just in this country, baaaahh

    • Being a communist state or having a dictatorship, has this ever been a reason for the US to sanction these states? I think of PR of China, Saudi Arabia and other OIL-states, Iraq (when Saddam Hussein was still a "friend") and now Turkey under Erdogan. No, the US have double standards en masse. If it useful for the US, today you are a friend tomorrow an enemy mybe under US-´and EU-sanctions.

    • Back to @Naam's question of sanction benefits for the Cuban people.
      It is proven by the current history that a "normal" relationship between states benefits the people in suppressed states. It opens the way for new technology. I.e. medical technology would be a boon for the people, or would you like to deny this? IT-technology, even if surpressed, would be a danger for a (communist) dictatorship and can lead to more openess and change. Example? Myanmar. You see, the US should learn from a former 100% military dictatorship. Just Myanmar is an excellent example how a country's economy is emerging when free of sanctions. It's a way to open a country, otherwise not doable.
      Under this viewpoint the sanctions against Cuba is a crime against the Cuban people. If you would like to punish the Cuban people for it's government, please think of the Bush-War- Government and it's crimes.

    NS, didn't you read what @craigt3365 wrote?

    This was about 10 years ago or so.

    To make it clear, I don't defend the system in Cuba. There should be a change (hopefully at least in Myanmar's style). But playing the self-appointed judge with dirty hands and fingers isn't convincing and credible.

    Spoken like a True Commie.
  2. Anyone who lacks maternal instinct enough to care for their child has something seriously wrong with them and should be sterilized

    She has now committed murder and should be exocuted imo

    Well it's a good job your opinion doesn't count for anything. Have you never heard of postnatal depression? " She should be exocuted", sic. Disgusting comment.

    Only a Liberal would come up with a Lame Ass excuse for Murder.

  3. How can this be political when he is waving a flag related to their religion that talks about their prophet? Once again Political correctness is one of the contributing factors that has allowed this to happen and of course the Greens cannot get enough unskilled Muslims coming to the west living on DSS for the rest of their lives.

    my idea of Political Correctness is to get them before they get me......."Racist".......you damn right.

  4. Obama is worse than a drunk sailor, at least a drunk sailor stops spending when he is broke. Obama just borrows more. Worst president of modern times without a doubt.

    You obviously missed the thread about Congress's tax bill, and him halving the deficit.

    But you know, don't let facts get in the way of a good moan.

    halved the deficit.....your delusional

    You're right, how stupid of me:

    Bush's last deficit: $1.2 Trillion

    Obama's 2014 deficit (projected): $483 Billion.

    So reduced it by nearly 60%, not 50.

    My bad.


    As with must Liberals you can't add 2+2......18 trillion is the debt. Your fearless leader has doubled the debt....for a small fee I'll be happy to teach you basic mathematics... the fact is the sorry excuse for a President has done NOTHING but create a debt that hang over Americans for the next Century.......

  5. Obama is worse than a drunk sailor, at least a drunk sailor stops spending when he is broke. Obama just borrows more. Worst president of modern times without a doubt.

    You obviously missed the thread about Congress's tax bill, and him halving the deficit.

    But you know, don't let facts get in the way of a good moan.

    halved the deficit.....your delusional

    • Like 1
  6. Meanwhile, in Africa:


    America has stopped paying attention, but Ebola is still ravaging Sierra Leone

    Are the Commie countries during better or the Muslims Countries America is giving to much

    Yes I have made private donation to agencies to help blacks in Africa

    Have you ever given money to help Blacks in Africa or do you just want others to give like a true liberal.

    Did you ever pray for the poor or you do not believe on God?

    I want y'all to pay it all. Especially those who cling to their bibles. cheesy.gif

    Next ...

    better than clinging to Yo Mama's tit

  7. I could give a rats <deleted> about Africa........likewise to Obummer

    Dude, if it isn't controlled in Africa, it goes big and it goes global. This is the best way to stop that. The only way really. Bury your obvious and disturbing biases about Africa and see the light, mate.

    Dude......I'm not your "Mate"

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