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Posts posted by Thaiready

  1. When you say internet wire, are you talking about coax? I don't think there is any steel in them. It's supposed to be an inner copper wire surrounded by an aluminum foil and/or aluminum or copper braid:


    That's RG-58 standard. I would think it'd be highly impractical for some company to go through the expense of engineering a cheaper version made with steel just to save a few satang on each hundred meters. Copper patina is usually only a dozen microns thick and is easily scraped away through the act of unplugging and re-plugging the connector a few times.

    should be Cat 5e or better yet cat 6....solid copper not stranded cable....my former company in Chang Mai "Black Box" can supply you with solid copper cabling

  2. They should have a functioning lanyard that is attached to your wrist, with the other end inserted into keyway that acts as a kill switch for the engine, should you fall off. You only have to pull your arm away from the throttle in it pulls the lanyard cable and the "key" comes out and it should stop.

    The below link is case where the jet ski doesn't stop, even after the rider falls off.


    This is the final paragraph - I fell off and the jet-ski kept going. Normally the key comes out and it stops. Now they are trying to tell me that I caused that. I keep telling them that if I had been on [the craft] I would be dead right now look at the state of it! she said.

    I would not be surprised if the owners tamper with the safety switch to maximse the scam, and couldn't care what, or who, the jet ski crashes into.

    They do come equiped with a landyard attached to kill switch just like a boat.....but more than likely removed here....

  3. Not solely a Thai phenomenon. This was going on at Corcoran prison here in California for years. Gladiator style fights staged by the guards, and if their candidate lost, and they did not feel he had put out the necessary effort, they would shoot him. Only difference, they did not win their release if they won, they just got to stay alive, and maybe an extra bowl of oatmeal or boiled egg. The only way it was stopped was by a guard exposing it, he had lots of proof, and a wild chase ensued across part of california, as prison guards chased him in prison vehicles, attempting to secure and destroy the evidence.

    your dreaming......California the most Liberal State..hahaha......now time to wakeup

  4. Another useless thread, if you can't afford private medical, stay in your own country, it ain't freekin rocket science, I was in Tokyo and had to go to a dentist, what it cost would give you a heart attack, but I was there by choice, so I paid up and didn't bitch and whine!

    And JT, do you ever leave your room, you have some crazy ammount of posts, that tells me you never go out, so what the freek do you know about anything in Thailand, you never see anything in Thailand cos your stuck in front of a PC 24/7.

    You're really living the dream, right ? clap2.gif

    You need to go back to bed....get up on the right side next time....Troll

    • Like 1
  5. How's the spirit gonna read the signs if it's headless?

    If it's an Isaan ghost it can't read anyway.........Hey but who knows maybe it works,I have experienced several rather strange outlandish premonitions from a Thai monk that turned out to be true.

    Just where the hell are you from....you wanna put people down because of where their from...I guess you think your poop don't stink also....

    • Like 1
  6. This ruling will do nothing to reduce the violence seen on the streets of Bangkok. In fact it will make matters worse for two reasons.

    Firstly protestors will act with even more impunity than they do now as they believe the court ruling protects their actions.

    Secondly if the police cannot maintain public order a third force will be called in to do the job the police can't do.

    I think it actually makes it more dangerous for Suthep as if he is taken out the protest movement will collapse. The risk/reward balance for taking him out has shifted with the court ruling.

    I'm not advocating it merely suggesting the tension levels will have been ratcheted up by these rulings.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Unfortunately you're probably right.

    There are some very dense minded people out there if they think their being Peaceful.....

    They are as peaceful and unarmed as Chalerm's unarmed "Peace for Bangkok" police.

    I stand by my comment.......DENSE minded.

  7. Amen

    The newspaper is giving Suthep and now Abhisit a lot of press space and coverage. The Thai press is showing their blatantly partisan favoritism at the expense of evangelizing true rights and freedoms inherent in the one man one vote principle.

    We don't see the Thai press campaigning for the voting rights of poor Thais standing around in front of their shacks with no teeth and warn down rubber flip flops and the the towel around their neck. Rather instead, we see a lot of press space provided for the establishment and the elite privileged class seeking to run Thailand with a "people's council" run by 185 elite/establishment/privileged insiders rather than the ordinary man on the street.

  8. Duh.....what you saying...I don't understand Ebonics

    uote name="winstonc" post="7454880" timestamp="1392714007"]


    [quote name=ETatBKK" post="7454753"


    'Anti-graft agency resolves to charge caretaker PM for neglect of duty in rice pledging scheme case, summons her to hear charges on Feb 27 /MCOT'

    hey, is it a corruption charge, or is just 'neglect of duty' ? well, not so familiar with these Thai legal expression . . .

    It's neither.

    real media who are not supporting and angling for a coup are stating the following.

    "She is not charged, the phrase means she is being informed of allegations being made against her"

    So, no charges and nothing imminent judicial coup wise.

    Pity all you clever people who support suthep have no thai friends and don't know anything about the confilct other than Bluesky and Nation propaganda.

    and you know lots do ya troll...my wife is their are you ..no course your not so your ill informed posts are just twaddle as per..

  9. I"" tell you what I'd do diffrent. I would put forth a Candidate that the people could vote and believe in...and stop this BS that is happing in Bangkok.

    This nut-case that your calling a hero is doing nothing but hurting the Country......I Love My Country as I am a Citizen of this Land.....I Love my King and I am offended that you would say any diffrent of all Thais....

    ote name="The Boz" post="7455510" timestamp="1392721488"]

    Excuse me, but are the above posts actually made by expats living in and out of Thailand?

    I have been here for over 20 years and was on the front line on the night of May 17 1992 when Thai security troops under the Suchinda government opened fire at protesters gathering at Sanam Luang.

    I am so proud (then and now) to see the heart of the Thai people out on the streets farmers and all.

    Expats....do your homework. Do just a little research and you will find a history of a man (Thaksin) who has been a hugely corrupt and an unscrupulous and greedy parasitic megalomaniac who will NEVER be able to steal enough money from this great country.

    He is a convicted criminal who has siphoned billions upon billions of baht from the Thai people and now under his own sister has completely ruined the best quality and best producing rice industry in the world!

    It is gone with Cambodia winning last years Best Jasmine rice in the world award and India and Vietnam's rice harvests both out producing Thailand.

    They have ruined the country and totally divided the Thai people.

    For God's sake! These poor rice farmers are the very people the Shinawatra's convinced to vote for them.

    Yingluck doesn't even have the integrity or consideration to even show up to appease these poor farmers and Chalerm is running scared and half mad as he knows that if the Shinawatra Regime crashes his career and life is over and that includes his alleged murdering son.

    The alleged murdering son comment is simply information taken from public domain (Google it!) and should not be omitted.

    Wikipedia: Chalerm Yubamrung: In 2001 Duangchalerm was arraigned for the murder of a police officer. After deserting from the Army and fleeing to Malaysia, he returned and handed himself in. He was released from jail on bail terms in 2003, and finally acquitted as the court considered the evidence insufficient and the witnesses accounts contradictory.[

    Notation: In Thailand the word contradictory is often a synonym for purchasable.

    Yes, it does seem that you have to organize a band of corrupt thugs to become Prime Minister in Thailand but plundering the nations funds, ruining the country while turning Thai citizen against Thai citizen and then spitting on our King is just NOT in the cards folks.......it ain't gunna happen!

    Yes, Suthep has his own allegations of a corrupt history......but which one of you would walk in his shoes today....for even a minute!

    The man is and will go down historically as a super hero and servant to our King and the people of Siam......want to bet?

    Stand up Khun Thai! Stand up every Thai farmer that gave their rice harvest and received nothing in return!

    Fight this insanely evil piece of dung and through every generation of his family out with him as they have disgraced our King, our country and the very souls of our people.

    Yes, I'm white but I'm no expat!

    This is my home, my King and my brothers and sisters.

    Fight on and drive the snake out of the land!

    Now let's turn this over again to the usual ignorant barking dogs so they can shoot their uneducated and sorry asses off!

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