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Posts posted by Thaiready

  1. Been drinking the koolade have you

    uote name="Why ask" post="7448940" timestamp="1392613811"]

    The PCAD fascists where shown the door by the pro-democracy reds!

    They run like cowards when they dont have their southern thugs with assault rifles to protect them. bah.gif

    So, peacefully demonstrating in front of a temple, thugs arrive, and you think they should have stayed to have an aggravated battle, causing bloodshed?

    You agree to unpeaceful demonstrations, as that's what these red-shirts did? Typical red-shirt support - go kill everybody. bah.gif

  2. Once Yingluck looses control of the Thai financial books all hell will break loose

    the courts will be full till way into next year

    the logical thing is both side agree to a new election after the 180 days has passed for Taskin to get his "get out of Jail free Card"

    or form a joint government with non of the present MP's in it

    But this can not happen as lines 1 and 2 cancel lines 3 & 4

    Already had a Election.....what you didn't vote.....I did

  3. Hm, well,... I don't really know what to say,... whether I should laugh or should I cry,...

    ... when rice farmers go that far to such International tourism areas. That's the first time I've ever heard such thing.

    All I can say is that soon there will be a discussion of mixed opinions here...

    It's the first time in Thailand that a government has failed to meet its financial obligations.

    They have worked hard for us and now are reduced to begging.

    What would any of us do if we were in their predicament?

    I'd go get my Rice

    • Like 1
  4. Why is there no technology to warn bus and lorry drivers when they are about to fall asleep? This is a major problem all over the world and I wouldn't have thought it would be difficult to invent a piece of equipment to

    monitor a driver's breathing pattern say and wake him/her up before falling asleep! Having owned a minivan company for a few years, I know full well that tiredness is a big problem for professional drivers.

    There is a warning devise....when you can't keep your eyes open its time to sleep.....All joking aside the so-called Pro drivers here need to be required to keep a Logbook of time on duty.....10 hours on and 8 off....but then the problem with that no one to enforce or better yet no one cares.

  5. Nothing wrong with good steak dipped in a no of home made sauce.

    But I guess you have the Thai cooking side if things down pat. Glass houses and all that...

    Remind me if we ever meet no to offer to buy you a proper steak cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif She cooked the steaks to perfection, it was the rudeness with which she treated it that caused my near stroke...

    God, I wish I could cook good Thai food. xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webpxsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webp Since she and the kiddos are in the states and I am back and forth, I am forced to restaurants and street carts when I want a good Thai meal.

    I wouldn't call a 21 day steak a proper steak. I'd prefer a couple of more weeks hanging.

    And I hope you consider a properly cooked streak one which has only briefly seen a hot flame. Otherwise I don't think we are on the same page of what is defined as a 'good steak' :)

    so you like yous still kickin

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  6. And what has you man did good for Thailand....????

    Unfortunately quite true. There is no middle ground here until one side is utterly gone. Civil war seems to be the only way out since both sides don't seem to want to budge. An alternative would be to let the North and Northeast just break away and form the Shin Republic. Would love to see how they manage without the 'urban middle class elite royalists' from Bangkok bothering them.

    This article casts some light on who is in which camp: http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2014/02/07/the-weakness-of-the-thai-royalists/

    Good Lord, what a load of complete codswallop that article is, from a spectator who neither even lives here nor obviously knows Thailand very well.

    That was a lecture in one vision, from one single perspective, and from yours truly - a Thaksin freak. No mention of corruption, not a mention of the financial rape, no mention of the illegal deaths caused, and no mention of a corrupt fugitive who illegally interferes with the operations of a government leading a country whilst in exile.

    Tremendous insight that lecturer has... NOT!

  7. I personally Love Thailand. Have a beautiful Wife been living here 15 years. I am a citizen of this Country....What I hate is the total lack of insite about the World beyond Thai Borders...Most people here have no clue....hell Thailand would still be ox and cart without the Western World. Well they would have Honda's...I also can't believe the way people except so-called Ladyboy's...a freaking joke they are....in my World we call a Spade a Spade....Ladyboy....hahaha....I have other words for them but I'll only get banned...maybe because the headchief here at TV Is one.

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