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Posts posted by Thaiready

  1. John Kerry as U.S. Secretary of State , doesn't in-still much confidence in me , he seems to be lame duck, the guy means well but just doesn't get the point across , the sameness seems to apply here , the U.S. and Thailand were great friends prior to the Thaskin era, it has fallen some what behind since then , Thailand is now entertainment plus at the six o'clock sundowners ,for all embassy's, lots of giggles and laughs, at the antics of the chosen few.

    John Kerry.....swiftboat ,non combat purple heart......lying sack of poo.

    • Like 1
  2. Missing Swedish passports sounds like a great money making scheme for Swedes. Two Swedes report 12 missing passports? Swedes can get unlimited passport replacements for $54 each and sell them for up to $12,000 each.

    The Swedish government should at least use a graduated fee scale for replacement passports so that by the time one gets to the tenth replacement the cost is $15,000. Or that with each replacement there is another one-year waiting period before it can be used. The third replacement would have a three-year waiting period on top of the previous one-year and two-year wating periods.

    I too have to wonder how often this scheme is being done by nationals of other countries. The UN might as well issue international passports to anyone who is a citizen of its member countries and take the money scam out of the equation.

    And you think the UN is not a scammer... What boat did you get off..???

  3. SECTION 11

    The federal, state or local authorities of the United States shall not impose any impediments to transit to or from the headquarters district of (1) representatives of Members or officials of the United Nations, or of specialized agencies as defined in Article 57, paragraph 2, of the Charter, or the families of such representatives or officials; (2) experts performing missions for the United Nations or for such specialized agencies; (3) representatives of the press, or of radio, film or other information agencies, who have been accredited by the United Nations (or by such a specialized agency) in its discretion after consultation with the United States; (4) representatives of nongovernmental organizations recognized by the United Nations for the purpose of consultation under Article 71 of the Charter; or (5) other persons invited to the headquarters district by the United Nations or by such specialized agency on official business. The appropriate American authorities shall afford any necessary protection to such persons while in transit to or from the headquarters district. This section does not apply to general interruptions of transportation which are to be dealt with as provided in Section 17, and does not impair the effectiveness of generally applicable laws and regulations as to the operation of means of transportation. SECTION 12

    The provisions of Section 11 shall be. applicable irrespective of the relations existing between the Governments of the persons referred to in that section and the Government of the United States.


    Is what the US agreed to.

    It seems it cannot keep its word.

    Word to who.....a bunch of freeloaders.....take you UN and stick-it.

  4. Khon Kaen struck me as a nice clean city.

    Pattaya has improved a lot in the last 20 years.

    Yermanee wai.gif

    Yermanee, did you stay in a hotel in Khon kaen?

    Did you go around at all?

    Did you try to walk on any pavements that they are not full of vendors and trash?

    Please show me the clean parts so I can enjoy myself too.

    I find it cleaner than most also.....stayed at the I-Hotel for a meeting....Very Clean Hotel
  5. Achievements........my arse

    History will judge ... but very bumpy as it has been, the chances of total repeal of the ACA are now very remote. By the time that crowd could even have that kind of power, it will mean offending tens of millions of Americans who will be better off with ACA, and that won't be politically possible. At least history tells us that generally doesn't happen. I am not disputing the truth to the perception that her performance with the mechanics of the rollout was quite poor, but at this point, the initial enrollment numbers are adequate, so the performance wasn't so bad as to kill the program, which is of course the desire of so many. So she's a sacrificial lamb ... and I kind of feel sorry for her as she was a public servant coming into this with a great reputation and leaves this so soiled. Personally, I am for single payer anyway ... and that fight isn't over either (google Vermont single payer).

    with only 7 out 300 people enrolled that is not good.....and the other 293 have to wait till next year to even sign-up.....ACA is a total flop....the reason its not appealed is the nutcases in charge.....remember them saying "We have to pass the bill to see whats in it"

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  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Looking forward to finding out why she did it. Maybe her husband was killed at Bengazi and she wants HC to know that it makes a very big difference....?

    JHC. Maybe she was having an affair with Bill and was jealous of Hillary. Maybe Bill rebuffed her and she is striking back through Hillary. Maybe she's a nobody and didn't like Hillary's success. Maybe she was a setup to give Hillary voter sympathy and free press.

    What freaking success..??? Success at lying.....Successful at Not having any remorse.

  7. Australian Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston: "On the information I have available to me, there has been no major breakthrough in the search for MH370. I will provide a further update if, and when, further information becomes available'

    Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Friday he was "very confident" that signals detected in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 were from the aircraft's black box.

    Tony Abbott seems to have all the qualifications of a Thai politician. Guess he didn't bother to consult with the man that should have the latest info. Open mouth, say whatever and no need to have any facts to support statements.

    he just wants to get his 2 cents worth in

  8. I guess only an American would call this inappropriate.

    You sir are out if line......if I could get my hands on you I'd teach you respect.

    Its only a painting - the artist wasn't responsible for it happening. It is history, are you suggesting that history can and should be brushed under the carpet and forgotten???

    Talking about a ludicrous over reaction. Should they ban all of these war movies as a darned sight more Americans were killed in the second world war!!

    Get a life - BTW you can't teach respect you can only earn it!!!

    Familar with the term...."Speak when spoken too"

  9. I remember a few weeks after 9/11 we had some show/parade thing at our school. Students dressed up. Had the obligatory Hitler. One guy dressed up as Bin Laden and his supporters ere carrying planes they made out of cardboard together with a model of the twin towers and pictures of the building on fire as well.

    Mai Pen Ra I thought. The Americans at school didn't like it. Mind you they didn't like much and were always complaining.

    Bad taste.....Sir......but what you expect from people that know nothing about History.....but it does no good to complain anyway....What I have learned being here for 15 years and yes "I am a Thai Citizen".....when your brain is the size of a walnut you can expect no better out of people......Thais have no idea about History.....and a piss poor understanding of something that is in bad taste.
  10. It's hard to make a substantive criminal case of insurrection as a result of remarks made on a protest stage, although lese majeste (not an issue here) is an exception to this. No one has been successfully prosecuted for this since the political divide began, although there are many cases outstanding. I expect Suthep will be able to argue that he meant something different and his remarks were taken out of context, just some red shirts did after they were accused of calling for a for a separate state. As for the Constitutional Court they threw out the petition against the PDRC for trying to topple the democratic system by disrupting the elections. So it's unlikely they would hear a case that just involved some crazy sounding comments on the stage.

    The picture seems to show only junior staff from CAPO making the announcement, suggesting they are not taking this too seriously.

    With Chalerm running the show it is doomed from the start based on his track record. Maybe this is why he is not in the photo. It just goes to show you even ear medicine kills brain cells

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    He would have to have a brain first for any cells to be killed......same as his Supporters

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