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Posts posted by mettech

  1. Well Junta and communism is not fare from each other control is the word and Thailand and Russia  are thesame more focus on their own profit with a very strict protocol,

    The worker have to be happy so give them scrap to eat and bad alcohol to drink  and their mind could be controlled.

    Smile after all they will smile when you are down on your knees and beg fo mercy.

  2. The seniors here are it seen happy with no money they have either money coming from daughter working some where and either have land where they grow rice and other things. Fruits and veggies along with  chickens ducks goose and fish and these animals are all fed with what the land is giving either rice or fruits.

    My  wife has sisters that are not lazy and fen for themselves.They are  very poor but have everything to survive and they are happy.

    Life is what you are making poor or rich.

  3. If war has to be than let hope it is going to be quick and painless like  nuclear blast like Irochima Japan remember??? now even worst wit all the destruction toys that are out there the war will be a very nasty one and what about human rights????? they will not care it is War and genocide is allowed.

    I am a bit too old to go back fighting sine the 60's yet.

    Lets hope we have the chance to kiss our behind before the last breath.

  4. This is unfortunate that we have to look at saying the word War and it is not funny, all of the one like the normal working population has nothing to do with war but if it happen they get to be killed or injured for life and of course displaced.

    Sure war is good for economy right after it is over and put pressure on the rest of the world.

    All it takes is a few hard head and huge ego to fight using their populations as guaranty so they still wear their office suits and have their coffee every morning while people would be dying.

  5. Just head out perhaps 200 km to revelstoke BC  on number one highway and there is signs saying watch for avalanches  and I have seen a few while driving on that road to Vancouver BC from Calgary AB.

    For crazy one going skiing out of trails or hicking there is always warning on the signs or on the news has not doing what intended to do so the nut one gets to be on deep snow trouble.

    Hopefully now surch and rescue will send the bill to these crazy nut jobs.

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