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Mr Helper

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Posts posted by Mr Helper

  1. Long haul flights are best being flown in Biz Class. The best, and one of the cheapest Biz class tix from London-Bkk return, is with KLM. Only £1300 return, and one of the best Biz classes I have ever travelled in, certianly the best out of all the European Airlines. :o

  2. Your also forgetting the people who have made mi££ions through Thailands er 'other products'. Many farangs make 6 and 7 figure sums by having TG's working in their brothels/saunas/massage parlours. The famous welshman 'Howard Marks' made millions through the Cannabis business, and others have made astronomical fortunes through the Herion trade, and STILL do! Also people have made fortunes through the Counterfit business, I know of a girl who used to make £20,000 (1,470,000 baht) per trip to bkk through the counterfit business! She always flew 1st class, was never caught, and started this when she was 25 yrs old!!! :o

  3. Only been scammed once in 6 yrs of going to Thailand, and that was being charged 150 baht for a plate of small chips/fries!!! That was on Coral island in Pattaya. That was making the mistake of not asking the price first. Sure I have had taxi drivers in BKK refuse to switch the meter on, but as soon as they don't I tell them to stop the cab, and that usually gets them to switch it on, and when it doesn't, I jump out at the nearest traffic lights. Without paying of course! But that has only happened twice in over 100 taxi journeys in BKK.

    As for the farang scammers, I have met them all, at bars, the street etc, and the best way to get the message to them that your no idiot, is a stern look straight into their eyes, and tell them in a firm voice to "<deleted> Off", that is how you deal with those people. Works for me every time :o I have even had timeshare companys sending a car to pick me up at my hotel/apartment, even when I didn't ask for it, and I just simply go down to the driver and tell him to go away!

  4. There not all genuine. I remember 2 British guys back in early 2002 in Bangkok. I wonder if anybody remembers them. Anyway one was about late 20's and from Liverpool, and the other was in his mid 40's, an Irish guy, but from Southampton. Well these 2 were a right pair, dressed just like the OP's American guy, but on the con. Used to con and bully tourists, and backpackers out of their money, go into bars bullying old guys who were with Thai girls. And they told me that once per month they'd go to Don Muang Airport, and go round as many people who are flying to England, and begging the 500 baht airport tax from them, they told me that they make between 6000 & 9000 baht each, everytime they go up there.

    They scam shops, saying that they gave a 100 baht note when they only gave a 20, and stand their screaming until the manager comes, and the TG behind the counter is in tears (yes I have seen them do this). The pair were up to all sorts. I actually thought they had left Thailand, but in April 2002 I saw the Irish guy bullying a British couple right infront of the World Trade Centre, and he was being well out of order, to the extent that the couple were starting to get frightened, so I decided to step in and help them.

    People like this are the ones who give expats a bad name, and arent needed in Thailand. So I think the OP did right, coz I myself would NEVER give any of these people even 1 baht. :o

  5. The simple and short answer is 'YES' absolutley. I used to go to Phuket for a couple of months every year, and does anybody remember 'Kevin'? The Canadian guy who was the owner of the 'Shark Disco'? Well he was making up to 1 million baht per night in the clubs heyday. No wonder the Thais got Jealous and threw him out!!!

    And I also read in the Thai newspapers early 2002 that the wealthiest person in Thailand is NOT Thaksin, but a British guy.

    So yes its very possible, but not with a girlie beer bar though! :o

  6. You could always ask the Brazillian Embassy, or buy a book/tape course from a bookstore. And good luck with the move, I was in Brazil myself for the first 3 months of this year, and you wont regret moving there, its an amazing place. And NO sin-sod to pay if you Marry one!!! heehee

    But your getting off on the right foot learning the 'lingo', as hardly anybody in Brazil speaks English, 'NO' English newspapers, channels, roadsigns, etc etc. So learn to read it as well, will come in handy when going to the supermarket or restraunts.

    And unless your gonna chill with hookers, very few Brazillian girls are interested in having relationships with somebody who doesn't speak their language. But all the best of luck :o

  7. Awe dear, lucky bluebear??? No luck, just pure skill, masterminded by the greatest manager ever, who people now say is the 2nd son of God!!! Liverpool just outclassed all the other teams. And as for you Southerners, just remember that it was 'Scousers' who scored the ONLY goals for England in last years European Cup!!! Just remember Liverpool is 'Gods personal Garden', and is now European Capital of Culture, and residence to the best ever football team to grace the planet, and the best ever you will witness in your lifetimes!!! Liverpool is the centre of the universe, and without it, the world would not be able to rotate.

    peace and out from Gods personal Garden!!!

    As the current saying goes, God created the world in 6 days, and on the 7th he created Liverpool :o

  8. Hey just incase anybody didn't see it or hear about it, Liverpool played the most amazing Cup Funal the world has ever seen!!! :D And won the European Cup against AC Milan, after being 3-0 at half time. Liverpool are now the undisputed Champions of Europe, and after that performance, the world!!! :o

    Liverpool 6 - AC Milan 5 :D

  9. Your missing the point.

    This wont affect Thailands tourism at all, after the sergant was granted bail, record numbers of brits booked holidays Thailand. The sad fact is that this story is no longer interesting to the media in the UK, and they have gotten bored of it.

    None of these trial hearings were mentioned in any of the British press, and only a handful of the smaller papers had a very small story about the sergant being granted bail.

    Yep for sure the guy will walk free from the court, and I doubt it if it makes the pages of the british newspapers, no matter how many of you guys send e-mails to the editors

  10. Oh my, how all you guys just don't know the laws. You can't beat them, but you CAN get round them. Foreigners can own land, and build houses in Thailand. You need to do it through international company ownership. Many foreigners have done this in Thailand. As property bought this way, falls into 'international law' category.

    Thailand is not the only Asian country where you can't own land. U.A.E, Malaysia, Vietnam, Phillipenes, and many many more

  11. There's only one way to stop the sex tourists coming to Thailand, and that is to Jail them, or heavily fine them. If say for example 2000 were jailed every year, and another 50,000 fined upwards of 100,000 baht and banned from entering Thailand for 10 years, that would send shockwaves across to the sex tourists worldwide to stay the <deleted> away from Thailand. I mean why not take this route, after all prostitution IS illegal in Thailand!?!?

    Another solution would be to do what they do in Laos, whereby if a foreigner wants to go to a hotel room with a local girl, he has to get a licence or written permission from the local authorities 2 weeks in advance!!! and also has to provide all sorts of documents, letters etc that the girl is actually his 'girlfriend'.

  12. For the last 3 posters, you have not read my post properly. I mentioned the fact Bigleys own family have not even mentioned a thing about his Thai wife, although they have said things about themselves and the other members of the family. Also the fact that there has been nothing of it in Granada Reports, or news Northwest (the TV news which covers Liverpool, and the rest of the North West of the country), and there has only been a small article about her in the Liverpool Echo Liverpools newspaper. regardless of what has been printed in the London metro, or other papers, it hasn't been seen in the local north west ones. And anyhow, why haven't his own family mentioned a thing about her, I mean surley his own wife must be an important member of the family???

  13. Just like to add that I live here in Liverpool, and the Bigley Family have been on the television here almost everyday, with no mention from them whatsoever of his Thai wife. No mention on the local news either, just a small mention in the 'Liverpool Echo'(Liverpool's equivalant of the BKK Post). The family have mentioned all the "OTHER" members of the family apart from the Thai wife..........strange hey?!?!?

  14. It's always the 'Beach' film they are complaining about. But what about the other films shot in Krabi: 'Mortal Kombat', a film version of the Playstation game. There were never any complaints about that were there, or what about the other film, that was shot in Maya Bay, years before the beach, I can't remember its name, but was a film about pirates, and had a whole armarda of ships sailing into tiny Maya bay, with cannons firing. Again there was never any complaint about that film. In a recent interview, Director Danny Boyle, said he went back to Maya Bay in 2002, and went to see if they really had ruined the place, of which they hadn't, and while he was there, the Thai Govt even returned the $100,000 deposit to him, that he was made to leave in the event of them ruining anything.

  15. Being based in Liverpool, the old subject of Thaksin buying Liverpool was discussed in the papers. What I was interested in, was did Thaksin lose any face in Thailand over the fiasco that was meant to be him buying 30% of Liverpool Football Club. I mean he bragged to the Worlds media that he was buying it, then pulled out! Surely he must have lost face, or was it all hushed up out in LOS???

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