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Posts posted by BigOm19

  1. Thank you for sharing. Know that it is appreciated. Thank you for the heads up on neomercazole. Will look into that.

    I’ve been on methimazole for over a month and Inderal since last week and already feeling the side effects (hair loss, feeling cold, sleeplessness, greying hair - from the hyperthyroidism).

    I’m waiting for several herbal supplements to come in the post (bugleweed, motherwort, lemon balm and hawthorn). Bugleweed, specifically, is the one that is known to lower T4 levels. The others are natural beta blockers. I’m hopeful I will go into remission – that is the objective.

    Radioactive Iodine is NOT an option for me because it will cause hypothyroidism. If any endocrinologist has actually lived with Hashimoto’s - I’ve been at close quarters to this very debilitating condition over many years through a close family friend who is chronically obese and fatigued along with other issues, I’ve never known her to be WELL, I only know she was a ravishing creature from old photos, I can imagine she was full of life before because occasionally I still see a glimmer of it, just - they would not consider it a viable alternative. It is only “easier to manage” from a doctor’s point of view when they might see a patient once or twice a year over 15 minutes to keep doling out drugs. Of course that’s “easier to manage”.

    I spent 11 days in the Udon Thani branch of Bangkok Hospital last month for emergency surgery for an unrelated problem. The billing department were like vultures. Much more to that story but I will only get angry again telling it.

    I went with Bangkok Christian Hospital because it falls in between the top-rated government hospitals like Ramathibothi and the so-called “international” hospitals. Being English-speaking, however, is not an indicator of Western attitudes towards medicine where patients are accepted as equal partners in their own health care.

    I don’t speak Thai so it is easier to navigate a place like BCH.

    Ideally, I would love an endocrinologist who is open to naturopathic therapies but so far, none has materialized. I already have an endocrinologist in BCH, keeping her as I will still need to be on meds so I don’t die from heart failure, until my T3/T4 levels go down (which I know will NOT happen with the current meds) and a more enlightened endocrinologist being comes along. In the event of a medical emergency, I would need to go to A&E, not pop herbs. I understand this very well.

  2. Prompt response from Bria Lab in Lad Prao 110.

    The tests marked in red are the ones I'm interested in as my old school endocrinologist at Bangkok Christian Hospital looked like she was about to have an aneurysm and bluntly refused to discuss alternatives to radioactive iodine "treatment" for hyperthyroidism. I would just like to narrow down what kind of hyperthyroidism I have to know what I'm dealing with. Eighty percent of hyperthyroidism is caused by Grave's Disease, an autoimmune disease, and not specifically a thyroid condition.

    I know it is a serious condition that can be life-threatening so I still need a conventional MD to work with me in case of any emergency.

    Bria Lab:
    Good morning, Thank you for interested our service. we have service about thyroid hormone.
    T3 150
    T4 150
    Free T3 400
    Free T4 150
    TSH 200
    Thyroperoxidase (anti-TPO) 300
    Thyroglobulin Ab 350
    For all thyroid hormone turn around time 1 day You get result next tomorrow.
    We open 7 day a week 08.00 am to 4.00 pm. and you don't need appointment.

    Bria Lab is on Ladprao Road Soi 110 (Small soi is Sonthiwattana 3).The address is 6, Sonthiwattana 3, Ladprao 110, Plubpla Sub-district, Wang Thonglang District, Bangkok, 10310.You can see a map in this linkhttp://www.brianet.com/en/map-and-contact/ or in this file below.

    Kind Regards,

    Sirawan Khotchakhong

    (Medical Technologist at BRIA LAB Co, Ltd.)

    13:39 (22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา)
  3. Ramatibhodi has a private after hours clinic too - but not at all inexpensive. Quite pricey in fact.

    Chula's after hours clinic is a good option if you have time and speak Thai, or have a Thai speaker who can go with you on the initial visit.

    Another option would be less expensive private hospitals. Bangkok Christian, St Louis (both non-profit), Phyathai etc.

    None of these places care in the least what sort of visa you have, the issue never arises.

    If I knew exactly what sort of follow-up you need, I could advise further. If it is just specific tests then hospital check-up departments might suffice and there are package prices. If you need a doctor to interpret results then need to consider choice of doctor to ensure you get one with the necessary competencies.

    Thank you, Sheryl. Will PM.

  4. Shopping around for a local hospital. I recently had an emergency operation in Bangkok Hospital Udon Thani while on a visa run in Laos, of all things. Need outpatient follow ups in endocrine, gyn and coronary departments and finding it expensive at these so-called international hospitals in Bangkok.

    Could any expats share their experience with Ramathibodhi? Are there any restrictions depending on the type of visa you hold? Currently on an SETV, will be converting to ED visa.

  5. Thanks, jimborders.

    I hold a Singapore passport.

    I'm currently in Thailand on an 'O' visa - parent accompanying a non-Thai minor studying in a private institution. I no longer qualify for that when she turns 20 soon. I just spent the afternoon reading the requirements for the METV on the Thai consulate websites across ASEAN, including Vientiane and Kuala Lumpur. They state you either have to be a citizen or resident of that country to apply.

    I don't have to nor want to travel every 30 or 60 days so I fail to see what advantage the METV offers over the 60-day SETV extendable by 30 days that's open to ASEAN... unless that's changed as well? I'm not old enough to qualify for the 'retirement' visa.

    We've been here on and off since August 2014 and have seen the immigration rules do a complete flip flop. It's getting less and less enticing to stay. Because my child is in a private institution we've had to make the trek out to Chaeng Wattana every 90 days for the extension of temporary stay, something that completely caught us off-guard and did not plan for or she would not have applied to study here.

    The marriage visa is probably the only visa worth having. (said in a withering tone) Nothing personal, of course. Great if you meet the criteria.

    Hi, BigOm19. You are welcome.

    I see. So, the only option for you now would be the SETV? , since it can be extendable? Do you think the METV is extendable too? Did you try calling Thai embassy in Singapore to ask about this?

    As I see from the Thai Embassy KL website: (http://www.thaiembassy.org/kualalumpur/th/services/962/18989-Required-Documents.html), there are a few things which I don't understand, they did not state how much minimum bank statement amount, they also did not mention how much Single/Multiple entry is valid for per entry.. etc. Then there is this Gratis, does that mean we apply for free (as told by the officer I met?), some said it is not free? confused.

    Do you have the information about the SETV that's open to ASEAN as you mentioned? Can share a link?


    Welcome to the Land of Visa Uncertainties.

    Not to add to the confusion as my information is still based on rules that were in place before the new METV:

    Thailand has a bilateral agreement with Singapore and maybe it's the same with other ASEAN members. The 30-day visitor stamp that you get at airport immigration is NOT a tourist visa.

    You have to apply ahead for a tourist visa at a Thai consulate which gives you 60 days. The consulate in KL gives it to you on the same day if you submit first thing in the morning. I saw this in September when I was there applying for an 'O'. This is extendable by 30 days within Thailand. I don't know about that now. After which you have to leave the country to apply for a new tourist visa. This is what is "gratis", NOT the METV which is THB5,000 or whatever in local currency. The latter is what they are cracking down on. It used to be possible to get tourist visas back to back. We did such a visa run in March 2014 to Cambodia on tourist visas, ie. two tourist visas in a row giving us six months before we applied for our 'O' visas.

    This is from the Thai consulate website in SG:


    I can't remember what I gave the Thai consulate in SG with regards to the bank statement when applying for a tourist visa (it was a single entry tourist visa except it was just called a tourist visa since the METV did not exist for ASEAN)... it may have been a six-month statement to show I had a regular income.

  6. Which ASEAN country are you from?

    I tried to enquire about this METV from Thai embassy in Kuala Lumpur recently too , the officer told me that Malaysians no need to apply for METV as it is unlimited entry for Malaysians for our normal 30 day Visa-exempt passport, like some kind of agreement between our countries. He said unless we get a warning from immigration in Thailand airport/land border, only then we come back n apply it, but he said very unlikely because the land border itself have so many Malaysians crossing daily, just imagine the magnitude amount of Malaysians if we want to apply. Furthermore, he said that application for METV for Malaysians are simple n FOC, just a 4x6 photo, passporf n form. No need bank statements or other requirements, only for Malaysians citizens though. But Other foreigners who apply in Malaysia must fulfill the requirements strictly and pay.

    I have a Thai girlfriend n i fly to Don Mueang almost every month, each stay of avg 22 days. But pretty soon I Will get a Non-O visa soon though, then do the 1 year extension based on marriage. But no problem of entry for me, more than 8 times per year.

    My opinion is to do your METV at home country n ask if got any special requirements fulfill. If not, just follow their instructions, probably you need a marriage cert or a form of document to prove that you are not working there illegally i think.

    Thanks, jimborders.

    I hold a Singapore passport.

    I'm currently in Thailand on an 'O' visa - parent accompanying a non-Thai minor studying in a private institution. I no longer qualify for that when she turns 20 soon. I just spent the afternoon reading the requirements for the METV on the Thai consulate websites across ASEAN, including Vientiane and Kuala Lumpur. They state you either have to be a citizen or resident of that country to apply.

    I don't have to nor want to travel every 30 or 60 days so I fail to see what advantage the METV offers over the 60-day SETV extendable by 30 days that's open to ASEAN... unless that's changed as well? I'm not old enough to qualify for the 'retirement' visa.

    We've been here on and off since August 2014 and have seen the immigration rules do a complete flip flop. It's getting less and less enticing to stay. Because my child is in a private institution we've had to make the trek out to Chaeng Wattana every 90 days for the extension of temporary stay, something that completely caught us off-guard and did not plan for or she would not have applied to study here.

    The marriage visa is probably the only visa worth having. (said in a withering tone) Nothing personal, of course. Great if you meet the criteria.

    • Like 1
  7. I have a 1100 sq foot flat, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Some ironing for an elderly couple.

    I'm waiting to interview a maid but she hasn't showed up yet.

    I could take a few more numbers as well, please PM me if you have a maid to recommend. Possibly some home cooking as well on the same days as cleaning (2x a week), Thai food is fine.

    Need 5 days of cleaning from 13 January 2015 till end January, thereafter it is once a month cleaning until my parents are in Bangkok again with similar arrangements as January.

    Some spoken English would be great but I can use Google Translate if really stuck. Chan phud Thai mai dai.

    Nearest BTS is Nana.

  8. What do you plan on making it out of? 13mm plywood? A jigsaw will have difficulty with small radius so not sure how big this is. The best way to do it would be to use hole saws, or preferebly a CNC router. Not sure how critical the shape is for you.

    Yes, I see what you mean now. The holes are 3cm and 4cm (centre). Yes, shape is pretty critical as they are spacers for pipes that are slightly smaller in diametre. I will ask.

    Yes, using plywood of that thickness.

    FYI, Plywood can have a tendency to crack or delaminate when it is cut into odd shapes.

    I hear you. I should be looking for a CNC Router. Thank you!

    Do you know a place in central Bangkok that has that?

  9. What do you plan on making it out of? 13mm plywood? A jigsaw will have difficulty with small radius so not sure how big this is. The best way to do it would be to use hole saws, or preferebly a CNC router. Not sure how critical the shape is for you.

    Yes, I see what you mean now. The holes are 3cm and 4cm (centre). Yes, shape is pretty critical as they are spacers for pipes that are slightly smaller in diametre. I will ask.

    Yes, using plywood of that thickness.

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