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Posts posted by bkkstooge

  1. "Thaksin, who lives abroad to avoid a jail sentence for graft, was ousted in a coup in 2006,"

    No he wasn't.

    Quite right you are.

    Now, could someone on this Forum explain why most Western journalists and politicians seem to earnestly believe that Thaksin was ousted in a coup and then flew the country for fear of becoming a political prisoner ? How and when did such a complete and outrageous lie become truth for so many people in the West (and even some here too, apparently) ?

    The fact that Thaksin was (is?) a media tycoon surely must have something to do with it. If you want to control information, buy the media, right ? And once you understand how information works, how easily people can be manipulated into believing just about anything, then use it and lie until you're blue in the face.

    Are you saying that Thaksin himself is influencing western media?

    no. he paid Baker,Bell,Botts and Amsterdam and Peroff millions for a laugh.

    And probably J.D.Head of the BBC as well.

  2. I don't get the PR benefit of having such a press conference in front of a go go bar especially named SUCKERS. At first I thought it was a satire piece. Is this a ploy to lure the international tourists? Really, really BIZARRE.

    Indeed. Their judgement is not borderline, marginal, a bit off, line-ball, dubious or questionable....they're 100% clueless when it comes to the perception of such things.

    Smile of the Day Thanks you two

  3. The ethnic groups in Vietnam mainly the very north (Vietnamese/Chinese borders) and north west (basically Laos) and the central highlands Pleiku were used by foreign occupiers and colonialists (France and almost straight afterwards the Americans) to fight brutal effective insurgencies against the North Vietnamese army, the North Vietnamese soldiers in those times (Late 40s to Mid 70s) were terrified of combat with these people (and that is really saying something) and as history as sadly panned out these people have been left to (sad but predictable) revenge and persecution by the authorities in Hanoi and Laos without a by or leave from their previous employees France and USA. Vietnam is rapidly advancing it's economy at a rate which is worrying for Thailand (and Vietnam. It really is rocketing over there) and Thailand sure as hell does not want to rock the boat with the Govt in Hanoi hence this cancellation and all previous Govts (Dems TRT PTP all of them) have done basically the same thing over the last 50 or so years (Think Falung Gong, forced repatriation of boat people, Rohinghya VERY recently etc etc etc ) It is NOT a characteristic of this so called "paranoid" Govt only. They have all done it. It very sadly is a case of just how it is.

  4. the fact is the Reds and Taksin have spent years and countless millions of dollars to further the Taksin grip on this country and to steal every possible baht from it (while killing scores of innocent children and publicly celebrating and condoning those killings). To think for a minute that they have suddenly given up on all that expense and effort is ludicrous.

    I don't doubt for a minute that Taksin himself is behind this along with the reds.

    Prior to the coup, the only students protesting were doing so against the Yingluck government.

    Then the police were shooting them though.

    Aaa hahahaha, aaaahahahahaha. You're funny.

    What's so funny? "the Reds and Taksin have spent years and countless millions of dollars to further the Taksin grip on this country and to steal every possible baht" TRUE

    "killing scores of innocent children and publicly celebrating and condoning those killings" Maybe not scores I remember 3 two infant children (if memory serves) near MBK who were murdered by having a bomb thrown at them and a nine year old girl ,who was just doing washing up at here Mum and dad's outdoor noodle restaurant, shot to death and then the following day a red shirt cop in a redshirt meeting in Korat very clearly celebrated her death on stage

    " don't doubt for a minute that Taksin himself is behind this along with the reds" No way to prove true or false but it's not really that much of a stretch to believe Thaksin is causing trouble AGAIN!!

    "the only students protesting were doing so against the Yingluck government" Every stroke of Thai society was at those protest sites including students, farmers and just about every province was represented and yes there were guns fired at protesters by the police check out the videos of what went on at the ministry of labour at the beginning of Dec 2013

    Again Rykbanlor why the laughs?

  5. Well worth a read of the Khaosod link sound's like the pressure is getting to the great leader again with his anger and snotty replies are shining through once more, not quite sure he is cut out for politics.....

    I think I prefer his style to the previous PM's. Hers would have been something like " Waffle, waffle waffle.........I am the PM of this country................waffle, waffle waffle..............I was out of the country at the time...........waffle, waffle waffle............investigation run its course............waffle, waffle waffle...........appointing Chalerm to oversee the investigation..........waffle, waffle waffle...........report back............waffle, waffle waffle.............thank you (3 times)." Big smile.

    Oh thanks for that, just what we need when we are discussing the great leaders anger issues and the possibility that he perhaps aint best suited to politics, very useful....

    I have got to say though that I cannot understand you apologists fascination with the Shin's as the military have been <deleted> up this country for decades all by themselves and without any help and it don't look like anything is going to change any time soon...

    Do you feel better now you got something about the Shins into the subject?

    You.re the one banging on about The Generals reaction at a press conference when by far the most significant piece of news to be garnered from this OP is that there is an investigation been implemented into how a (red shirt aligned see photo) cop carried a loaded handgun through Swampys world class security systems and bearing in mind the political allegiances of this cop and your boringly predictable sarcastic "great leader's anger issues" comments the other poster was entirely justified in his quite funny comments regarding what would have happened if the previous red shirt aligned Govt's representative had been in the same position and given her version of a press conference. One thing he may have got wrong ".thank you (3 times)." Big smile" in my opinion it would have been Boo Hoo Hoo we are so sorry

  6. In Europe many farmers only survive because of the "common agricultural policy". Many big farms make a shed load of money from it and French farmers couldn't exist without it. If helping farmers is ok in Europe ( and I believe the US has financial support for farmers too ) why do many posters on TV seem to think it's so wrong in Thailand ?

    Were any of those farmers paid 140% of world market prices by their governments? Were any of those farm subsidy programs 'off budget'? Were all trade deals kept secret? Did any of those governments you are referring to actually buy and then try to store, long term, perishable crops? How many fake G to G deals did those governments cover up? How much better off are the Thai rice farmers now that the government has a huge surplus to sell in competition with the farmers and world prices have dropped because of a glut in the market? You sure are glossing over the corruption endemic in Yingluck's Thaksin's Rice Scheme Scam.

    Rule One of being a Thaksin apologist is: Ignore the facts, they get in the way of the propaganda narrative. This 'other countries subsidize their farmers' comparison has been shot down seven ways to Sunday and still the Thaksin apologists keep repeating it. Never mind, I don't get tired of refuting the propaganda.


    OK you have a point, and please I'm not defending TS and his family, but have you never heard of the euro wine lake or the butter mountain ?

    Those wine lakes and butter mountains did not go into the pockets of a few as the Rice Support Scheme did. You haven't had a leader in Europe with the influence of Thaksin since that guy with the funny mustache from Bavaria. Educate yourself on Thai history by reading biographies on Thai leaders to be found on Wikipedia (it's not Red or Yellow). In the mean time, until you are 'up to speed' on the inanity/eccentricity of Thai politics, I hope you stay neutral and, whatever you do on this forum, learn to recognize there are propagandist who are pushing a message and they get their talking points from the same source. The almost never offer links to confirm their wild claims and are, in general, very negative on the current situation, which, as far as most Thais go, is not so bad.

    In the spirit of full disclosure, I am no fan of the current government nor the Democrat Party. I am just anti-criminal government and anti government by proxy which manifests itself in one Thaksin Shinawatra. He is evil.


    You seem to having a bad day. Who do you think pays for all the EU scams ? - the tax payer. Who benefited ? - the already well off, the mafia, the Eurocrats, the traditional elites of the countries etc.

    To compare Taksin with Hitler is not only deeply insulting to any jewish and eastern european readers of TV, but it shows a severe lack of understanding of WW2 and European history.

    To say the great European leaders didn't have the power and influence Taksin had/has shows an error in your education. Do you not think the likes of Churchill, de Galle, Maggie Thatcher to name only a few had world-wide and history changing influence and not just in a tiny country like Thailand.

    To call Taksin "evil" is total yellow shirt propaganda. He was, and still is, a very clever big-time criminal, but evil no. You could call Tony Blair and George Bush evil for their warmongering in Iraq causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and leaving the world with such a toxic legacy, but Taksin taking huge advantage of a deeply corrupt society is not "evil", criminally very clever, but not evil.

    Just to set the record straight, I too am a neutral and I've seen first hand corruption in Europe, Africa and now Thailand. Corruption is like a cancer that rots society from the inside. I am also a believer in democracy with all its faults. The corruption with the red shirts is nothing compared to the ANC in South Africa, the Presidents of Zaire and Zimbabwe, Marcos in the Philipines etc etc etc. True democracy has to recognise that people are generally not nice and has to have checks and balances to ensure the max benefit for everyone, not the "few" whatever their shirt colour.

    Wow! Elliot you're comparing the UDD/PTP to Mugabe Mobuto and Imelda and you're correct they cannot quite match the level of governance (corruption) the above leaders reached. But unhappily for PTP they didn't get the chance BUT they were on their way to doing so. Shame about that still give it a bit more time and I am sure that rollcall will read Mobuto Seko Seko, Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, Robert Mugabe and (Pause for dramatic effect + Drum roll) Thaksin Shinawat.

  7. What a joke.

    It's quite clear this government wants to squash Thaksin into a quivering mass of pulp, then watch all the blood drain away down the nearest sewer grate and then cremate the leftovers.

    Nothing hidden; clear as a pane of glass.

    It is also quite clear that top BIBs ( Who acted like central american death squads with the full blessing of Shinawat in the early 2000s ) are loathe to actually do what their job description requires them to do.

  8. Regardless of this nutter 's actions, am I the only one who is fed up with coconut 's ( and many many others ) sarcastic tone "Lovely Khao San Center bar" when reporting backpacker stories? You never hear (sarcasm ahoy) the sweet fragrant scented Nana plaza, the family friendly Soi Cowboy the delightful centre of happiness that is Patpong. Gimme a beer and conversation with intelligent young folk over a run in with a dripping wet crotch, single digit IQ sex tourist anyday.

  9. Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

    Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

    yeah, arrogant...

    free speech is not for everyone.

    Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

    It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

    Neither is starting you will seize Governemt house by force and try to detain members of the caretaker government and have people like Michael Yon ask his sheeple to "hunt" down government officials including Yingluck.

    But that's okay as the shirt colour is the right one ?

    Both sides are just as bad as each other with their hate speeches, Chitpas saying Reds were too dumb to vote isn't showing hate? calling Reds Buffaloes isn't classed as hate ?

    They all should be shut down down regardless the colour and ladies beach volleyball shown instead!!

    Hello Haggis

    the exact words from Chitipas were "they don't understand democracy" I know I saw her speak several times at RDNK in Nov 2013 and on that occasion these were her exact words ever since she has been misquoted countless times by every tom dick and harry here at TVF, Thai media and western media ( thank You Mr.Head ) even Suthep's foaming at the mouth tedious monologues could not match what was said at around the same time and during April/May by the UDD. Quote " I hate Sondhi and those n***ers from the south" this one sometime in Nov 2013 at the sports stadium in Ramkhamhaeng, Natawood screaming for the country to be carved up for his/their Isaan lanna state in Feb 2014. The UDDN TV channel ( Now Peace TV Yeah right!!!) having an icon fixed in the bottom left of the screen which read "civil war next month" and please don't forget the fist punching crowd pleasing cop in Korat who cheered the murder of a 9 year old little girl the previous day.

    Western media basically lied their asses of about what was said and not said by the PDRC during that period and to be honest I kinda agree with what Chitipas REALLY DID say during that speech



    She is one fine looking woman and has a brilliant accent, and perhaps is misquoted too many times, but she is too hi so to win over the Red shirts, do you know who it was that twisted her words?

    It's not just the Reds who don't understand democracy the current mob don't either ?

    Thanks for correcting what she said though


    I honestly couldn't say who the initial source was I do remember twitter going expletive bonkers with tweets/comments about what she did/didn't say within a day or 2 of the speech and Yes she is a babe (do you think I rode my push iron all the way down to RDNK 3 times a week to see Sutheps 60 tooth grin?) Anyway I've just finished downloading William Friedkin's Sorcerer ( A movie I've been dying to watch for years ) , tomorrow's a holiday and my fridge is full of Leo.

    Have a good one yerself


  10. Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

    Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

    yeah, arrogant...

    free speech is not for everyone.

    Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

    It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

    Neither is starting you will seize Governemt house by force and try to detain members of the caretaker government and have people like Michael Yon ask his sheeple to "hunt" down government officials including Yingluck.

    But that's okay as the shirt colour is the right one ?

    Both sides are just as bad as each other with their hate speeches, Chitpas saying Reds were too dumb to vote isn't showing hate? calling Reds Buffaloes isn't classed as hate ?

    They all should be shut down down regardless the colour and ladies beach volleyball shown instead!!

    Hello Haggis

    the exact words from Chitipas were "they don't understand democracy" I know I saw her speak several times at RDNK in Nov 2013 and on that occasion these were her exact words ever since she has been misquoted countless times by every tom dick and harry here at TVF, Thai media and western media ( thank You Mr.Head ) even Suthep's foaming at the mouth tedious monologues could not match what was said at around the same time and during April/May by the UDD. Quote " I hate Sondhi and those n***ers from the south" this one sometime in Nov 2013 at the sports stadium in Ramkhamhaeng, Natawood screaming for the country to be carved up for his/their Isaan lanna state in Feb 2014. The UDDN TV channel ( Now Peace TV Yeah right!!!) having an icon fixed in the bottom left of the screen which read "civil war next month" and please don't forget the fist punching crowd pleasing cop in Korat who cheered the murder of a 9 year old little girl the previous day.

    Western media basically lied their asses of about what was said and not said by the PDRC during that period and to be honest I kinda agree with what Chitipas REALLY DID say during that speech



  11. I think a lot of these stories are lost in translation, not defending but people should always be aware that more often than not what drops out after a Thai English translation doesn't always make much sense

    Those that are familiar with facebook translation will know exactly what I mean

    I believe last time he said something like this it was, If I wanted to use my full power I could have people taken out and shot.....

    Lost in translation also huh?

    Challenge!!!, I tell ya what find the THAI text of the speech and have a trusted friend translate

    it for you and then maybe just maybe you will see who it is you are supporting,

    Or maybe he will come out in 5 days and say I was just joking???

    He could have.......but HE DIDN'T,did he.

    Now can you say the same about Thaksin relating specifically to his 'take drugs off the streets' massacre where he had his officers fulfil a quota of killings otherwise they were removed from office or demoted if they came up short NB: this resulted in 1,400 innocent civilians (a majority) losing their lives!!

    Compare Prayut's statement to Thaksin's order to gauge who the true villain is/was!!

    Now which one are you supporting? I think it say's a lot about flaws in your character.

    "He could have.......but HE DIDN'T,did he." What the?????

    As for the "war on drugs" that was sanctioned by higher up's, and what? I've never seen a document signed that specifically orders execution's of drug dealers, have you? Bet you haven't huh? Urbane myth mixed with some truth.

    Now here's a tit bit for ya mate, the war on drugs had all the higher up's turning on each other and order their small time dealers shot so they could not be liked ,implicated, and so the hit men sometimes also shot the family members of the dealers, and have you ever seen criminals prefer to shoot it out with the BIB rather than be caught?

    So drug dealers (death dealers((and I don't mean a little weed) but the ICE Hammer, etc,etc etc, were eradicated. great, the dealers were most defiantly NOT INOCENT....... but some in the wrong place at the wrong time were...

    Talk with the families of people that have lost kids through drugs, both directly and indirectly, ie robbing's gone wrong innocent people die, bet most would support another war on drugs.

    So what's with your "flaws in your character" comment? or is it your flawed character that's in question?

    Oh these higher ups you lot keep going on about. Basically the very lovely RTP were given cart blanche by Thaksin ( A Former BIB himself) to go off and commit as many extra judicial murders "of alleged dealers"as they could (hence the longstanding popularity of Thaksin with the RTP) and as was pointed out by a Human rights org investigation a few years afterward 50% of the victims had nothing to do with this trade. While we are on the subject NOTHING and I mean NOTHING this Govt has done compares with the policies Thaksin and his attack dog Purachai inflicted: Blanket urine testing for every customer at every nite venue in BKK, 12:00.am closing times for every entertainment venue throughout the whole of Thailand, shutting down TV channels, harrassing journalists, dissapearing lawyers etc etc... . Hell they even changed the laws restricting the sale of alcohol at the 7/11s And some of the TVFPs on here think is stiffling under the current Govt. You should have been around when TRT first arrived on the scene. Oh and Lee Kwan Yue was evil old scumbag who went to his grave with a lot of (Mostly Burmese) people's blood on his hands RIP Lee NOT!

  12. I know it's a sign of my racing rapidly approaching middle age (Boring, dull lifestyle expanding waistline etc...etc...) But I am getting a bit worried about the behavior of these kids and the consequences which obviously are been exploited by less than noble locals, on these islands.

    The pic was taken on Pang Ngan.

    Here's the link



  13. Somebody better let the Junta know. Mr T will never go away, love or hate the guy, The political dynasty of the Shinawatras is here to stay. Sister, son, daughter even the family cat could stand and get more votes than Abhisit. For years Maggie Thatcher isolated the IRA and would not open channels for discussion, so they kept blowing people up on the mainland, the moment Blair comes along reconcilliation takes place and the killing virtually disappears. if you keep isolating Thaksin he will never go away. Contarary to the opinions of some elitists on here Thaksin backed political parties will win every election from here to eternity. Front up general and get Thaksin around the table if you are true about reconciliation.....He was, is and will be the force of Thai Politics and no shenanigans with stacking the NLA with generals or rigging the senate, changing the constitution, changinging the electoral system will reduce his popularity. Get used to the idea and work with him not against him


    whatever your opinion about Thaksin one thing he doesn't do is negotiate, compromise or give concessions, however I wholeheartedly agree with and like your comparison of the IRA with Thaksin and the redshirts (spot on there mate)

  14. They should now pursue this wicked woman for criminal charges over the acquisition of the planeless aircraft carrier and the GT200


    The planeless aircraft carrier and the GT200 did not inflict the misery on the rural Isarn farmers that the rice pledge scheme did (not to mention the fury that the amnesty bill caused) and this social sector is supposed to be the core support for the UDD and the Shin lifeforms. Are they still as commited to the cause of increasing the wealth of Thaksin dynasty? Mmmm Personally I think not.

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