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Posts posted by antimedia

  1. For such a long time Suthepistas on this forum have been saying that all these shootings are red shirt related and that "protesters don't shoot themsleves". Now it transpires they do shoot each other. Complete silence.

    Who would have thought, an actual two line nonsensical comment instead of your ridiculous one liners.

    And if silence were golden you couldn't raise a dime. But at least Prbkk posted facts while you grabbed at straws of inference.

    Wow! the great white knight rides in on his steed to protect the flock, can't the man? speak for himself.

  2. Eric Loh, , said: This can go on forever. I respect your loyalty and allegiance to Suterp and Ahbisit and will defend them even with distorted facts. Just as closing, in my country we throw out garbage politicians and their parties by a process call election.

    I would presume the elections are fair, clean and free of corruption and candidates can campaign freely without fear of intimidation and retribution. It appears you will withhold pertinent facts in support of your beloved mongrel reds.

    Didn't the last election, the EC went through the results with a fine tooth-comb and legitamize the election results? If the highly controversal and left leaning EC gave the final verdict, then I would said that your claims of fair, clean election is nothing short of diatribe. The courts will also be too pleased to lend a hand and accept any petition by the litigative Dem. You have to have closure and accept that your beloved yellow fascists lost big time.

    Once again you are misleading in your statement with a feeble spin attempt. The EC legitimised the final vote without being able to fully investigate the highly reported incidents of intimidation, retribution and graft due to to time constraint. To split hairs, the last election was a no go. Again we see a red ragger automatically labelling a non red supporter as yellow. That is the difference between you lot and the rest of us, we can see all sides to a situation independently and without an unhealthy disposition. A person with an average or higher intellect does not remain in a state of denial. Get over it, the PTP/UDD are a criminal Mafioso mob who no nothing else but evil.

  3. For such a long time Suthepistas on this forum have been saying that all these shootings are red shirt related and that "protesters don't shoot themsleves". Now it transpires they do shoot each other. Complete silence.

    Who would have thought, an actual two line nonsensical comment instead of your ridiculous one liners.

    • Like 1
  4. Eric Loh, , said: This can go on forever. I respect your loyalty and allegiance to Suterp and Ahbisit and will defend them even with distorted facts. Just as closing, in my country we throw out garbage politicians and their parties by a process call election.

    I would presume the elections are fair, clean and free of corruption and candidates can campaign freely without fear of intimidation and retribution. It appears you will withhold pertinent facts in support of your beloved mongrel reds.

    • Like 2
  5. The one thing you conveniently or naively declined to mention, is this is Red Democracy though and through. All headpersons as many are women and generally the number two gets the job when a position becomes vacant, they are indeed elected by the people but that's where it ends. They then hold the position until retirement age and cannot be removed from the position by the villagers. During election time and especially over the last months of this crisis they continually brain wash the uneducated locals via the speaker system in every village. This speaker can be and is regularly overridden by the sub-district office (Tambon). The headperson relies on funding from their Amphoe, so will do anything to appease the sitting member.

    As you can see it is well and truly in their interest to keep this mob in power in fear of change bringing in term elections. Also to further note, they are illegally campaigning on behalf of PT with government funds while they are in caretaker mode.

    So all you red raggers out there, explain to me how the system is fair and elections can be clean. Of course they intimidate the opposition when they attempt to campaign in the villages, remove or damage any non red political election signs and pay for people to remove banners and replace them with red candidates. Why do I know all this? I live smack bang in the middle of a pro red administrated village.

    If this is the Democracy you moronic red apologists want with another hastily delivered election, give me anything else, including Suthep's vision.

    This is not a "red" democracy. Democracy always gives advantages to the incumbent, whether it be a Thai village headman or a US Senator. I have maintined a home in a rural village for over 30 years. I have seen headmen replaced and I have also seen headmen maintain their position until, as you noted, until retirement. There are some who use the speaker system for politics and some who use it only for announcements. I have never seen a village speaker system that can be "overridden" by officials from either the tambon or the amphoe. That is not to say that such a system could not be built or exist, just that I have never seen anything of the sort.

    But more importantly, after 30 years, I do not see my Thai neighbors as uneducated massses or mobs. And I personally don't have a political axe to grind in a dispute between two equally corrupt Sino-Chinese gangs engaged in a game of musical chairs, busily angling to be in the best position to take over the biggest chair when the music stops. And from my personal experience in Thailand, certainly far more than the average TV member, the only morons are those expats who would take sides between two equally contemptuous political parties.

    By maintaining a home would mean that you have a holiday property that you stay in occasionally, on the other hand I live in a village permanently. I am part of the daily village life and observe all, rather than yourself who only visit for short periods. I agree there have been occasions when village heads have been removed, but not by the people but by the government for not towing or supporting the party line. As you do not reside in the village, how many times have you actually been there during an election. Do you not accept that maybe you only want to see the good side of everything on you short vacation.

    I think you will find there are many TV members that live in this country permanently and have far more experience of Thailand than a visitor and have a personal stake in the politics of the country regardless of how the outsider may wish to view the parties.

  6. Wonder how long it took Roger Amsterdam to write up this "man of the people" epitaph?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Who is Roger Amsterdam? Any relation to Morrie Amsterdam? I think there is a sandwich named after him at the famous NYC Carnegie Deli.

    The Nation is not a supporter of the PTP and it does not run complimentary articles.

    Why so mean? The deceased had a clean record and was never named in any political scandals nor accused of wrong doing.

    Oh! I am sure somebody in PT will use him as a scapegoat as he can't answer the allegations. Maybe blame him for the rice fiasco.

    • Like 1
  7. there were over 40k administrative workers. The bangkok post today morning was expecting some 80k.

    now they should march to lumpini and tell suthep to go home. No more shutdowns

    I don't think that there were 40k present, obviously more than the 200 touted by posters who support the PDRC.

    The 80k "expected" is an almost traditional inflated figure - both sides do that before any major demonstration.

    If the 80k figure refers strictly to Puyai Baan and Kamnan it does seem out of touch with reality. This would mean most of Thailand's provinces would be represented. Same goes, I think, for the 11k figure coming from Chiang Mai. Either inflated or includes other officials/officers.

    Wonder who's paying for the ride and how long they plan on staying.

    First reform for the new government, bring in 4 yearly elections for these society leeches.

  8. Sounds like a nice bloke.

    How could he not have done anything in a those years to solve the buses if he so determinedly used them.

    Was he born blind also?

    What a crass post. I hope you feel embarrassed for writing the last (two) line(s).

    The poor man died a slow and horrible death. Believe me, I know. My wife died of the same. I sympathise with his family.

    As I said he sounded like a nice bloke.

    Now, in light of the rather fawning tribute to him up top, do you really, genuinely believe he was truly a man of the people sacrificing himself by taking public transport.

    Oh please.

    It never ceases to amaze me that it is acceptable and encouraged to heap vast amounts of baloney praise on the recently departed, but don't ever say one ill word regardless of how true it is. How fickle people really are. Being a real person and calling a spade a bloody spade and not a shovel is the right approach.

  9. songhua, the mob was leaving the ministry, because they were told, that tens of thousands are comming the clear the area.

    there were only 80 representatives allowed to enter the ministry compound, the rest stayed in the distance, where they were gathering from the morning.

    If you think you can spin this, you are full of absolute and unadulterated crap, or are you suggesting the rest in the distance are protesters. As usual, none of your posts ever make any sense.

    • Like 2
  10. The Rohinghya issue is just small fry. What about the trafficking of thousands of Thai prostitutes domestic and international thats being going on for decades.

    Politicans and gov officals profit greatly from it.

    Maybe foreign diplomats say nothing because they've paid for Thai hookers in executive bars and brothels around the world.

    There is no prostitution in Thailand.

    Didn´t you get the memo?

    Which one, the one from Chalerm or the one from Kittaratt?

  11. So the protesters are leaving the Interior Ministry. Smart move. They know the people are feed up with there blocking the public from doing business with the government. There numbers are getting smaller and they will need all they can get for the big one. Now the guards outnumber the protesters. Now I wonder how many of you farangs supports of Suthep will come out in force on D-Day or will you sit behind your computer cheering him on.

    Do you have a bad or selective memory or just empty space. Suthep is quoted as saying some time back that he would and will not place the protestors in a position of danger, that he rather they disperse. Unfortunately he cannot do anything about the violence against protesters at night by gutless, cowardly reds due to the red mafia policeforce refusing to assist.The most logical tactic now would be for Suthep and his group to pack up and head home and wait for the verdicts, Without the PDRC and the anti government protesters, who are the reds going to blame or set up as the aggressors when either or both of the verdicts go against Yingluck. Let them attempt to start trouble and the Army is on hand to step in. Suthep should take heed of Napoleon's quote; Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.

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  12. it is known, that the "real" cameras in the south of thailand (in the area with a threat of terrorism) were a fake (substandard) ones.

    the affair came to light, when the company responsible for installing those cameras started to destroy them (by burning) in an organised way, as to cover up their scam.

    interesting to know on what scale the same procedure is done in bkk.

    I have seen cameras in bkk in completely useless places, pointing at unused footpaths, fields, walls, so the whole system lacks credibility

    If that’s the case, why has the company managing directors not been charged with pre-meditated murder and if an official received a kick-back was involved so must he. If that happened in China the death sentence would be applied for seriously endangering the lives of its citizens.

    Come on,really, you can not be that naive, this is Thailand we are talking about.

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

    So your saying that red shirt democracy is ok?

    It's better than what Suthep is offering.

    How can anyone know if what he is offering is good or bad, it has never been tried or tested. Furthermore, anything has to be better than the country being run by a corrupt thieving mob of dictators.

  14. If this is what happens when a supposed supporter of someone who opposes them goes there to help the needy children.

    What will it be like when a candidate from an opposing party tries to campaign in the area.

    Freedom of speech.

    Freedom of assembly.

    Free amd fair elections.

    Yea for red democracy.

    PDRC did exactly the same thing on Phuket because the singer was aligned to the reds. Tit for Tat.

    To be fair, the red cross cancelled due to fear of violence and Phuket wasn't a charity event, mind you I don't know how much ends up for charity after everyone takes their cut. Also, they are also effecting their own being the stall holders that set up at all these events, especially if they forked out for perishable goods before the cancellation.

  15. Public US... News for you ... You DON'T have to worry, you are just a Farang .. Abhisit and Suthep have absolutely nothing to do with or for you.. This is a Thai matter .. If you don't like it , burger off back to your good ol USA.. and stick your "legitimate and viable" where your mom never kissed you...

    Shape up dude. If you are going to say your crude remarks to any farang, then you'd need to say them to all farang. No exceptions for any reason.

    Thailand is a United States formal national security treaty ally which Prez Obama visited two years ago, Prez Bush visited while he was in office and that Prez Clinton visited while he was in office, each of which met with His Majesty The King at the Royal Palace.

    Siam and the United States signed their first treaty in 1833, The Treaty of Comity and Economic Relations, which made the Kingdom the first formal treaty ally of the United States in Asia.

    Tell your mother about it. And you yourself can kiss me there any time.

    And herein lies the problem you pompous little poodle, I and many other westerners have had their fill with the USA. Mind you I had mine back in 1971 after my second tour in Vietnam. The three Presidents you name, have screwed each and every country they have meddled in and with, as uninvited guests. Now they are doing a hatchet job on their own country. Thaksin is a puppet of the west, namely the USA and they will do anything to keep him and his family in control.

    The guy referenced my late mother so I returned the mention and the context as it may apply to him. The other poster is the initiator and is the focus.

    As to the USA, I was in active voluntary military service during the Vietnam Era, an officer of Army Infantry, and actually had the choice to go to fight in Vietnam or not to go. I chose not to go as I had my serious reservations about it and, given the choice, preferred not to participate.

    May I assume you had the good sense not to volunteer to fight there, that you instead were shipped out entirely on orders. I think not given you said you served a second tour which normally was not mandatory.

    Still, were it not for the US involvement in the Vietnam Civil War, Thailand might have seen worse than it had to experience at the time anyway and throughout the 1970s. Tell us about Pattaya back then as I'd be interested.

    Reagan set the United States off on the disastrous course brought to a climax by Bush the shrub as advised by his father Bush the blueblood.

    I am Australian and served in the Australian Regular Army as a medic, I requested both tours of Vietnam the first with an Infantry Battalion as that was what was expected of me as volunteer soldier. I actually had my honeymoon in Pattaya in 1971 all of 4 hours, had a swim, a beer or two and had to pay a local near the beach to for a shower, there was nought there. I am now retired in Thailand living mid north and have never been back to the place or Vietnam as a matter of fact.

    As for the US involvement in Vietnam War, very debatable but can leave that for the historians to write it up and re write as it suits them.

  16. I just can not help but think their is a hidden agenda with the PTP, I really don't trust them at all , all their previous programs have virtually been discredited as botched or corrupt failures, nothing this crowd has done has ever succeeded , it amazes me how they can even front up and call themselves a credible alternative and a picture tells a thousand words ,where is the Prime Minister in this photo. bah.gif

    Let's vote on it with UN observers and/or Asean observers.

    Abhisit and the DP are preventing a legitimate or viable election by their obstinate aversion to presenting themselves and their program of "reforms" to the voters for their ultimate and final sovereign decision.

    Unless and until that happens, I don't trust Abhisit, Suthep, their still anonymous cave man PDRC and their thugs.

    Public US... News for you ... You DON'T have to worry, you are just a Farang .. Abhisit and Suthep have absolutely nothing to do with or for you.. This is a Thai matter .. If you don't like it , burger off back to your good ol USA.. and stick your "legitimate and viable" where your mom never kissed you...

    Shape up dude. If you are going to say your crude remarks to any farang, then you'd need to say them to all farang. No exceptions for any reason.

    Thailand is a United States formal national security treaty ally which Prez Obama visited two years ago, Prez Bush visited while he was in office and that Prez Clinton visited while he was in office, each of which met with His Majesty The King at the Royal Palace.

    Siam and the United States signed their first treaty in 1833, The Treaty of Comity and Economic Relations, which made the Kingdom the first formal treaty ally of the United States in Asia.

    Tell your mother about it. And you yourself can kiss me there any time.

    And herein lies the problem you pompous little poodle, I and many other westerners have had their fill with the USA. Mind you I had mine back in 1971 after my second tour in Vietnam. The three Presidents you name, have screwed each and every country they have meddled in and with, as uninvited guests. Now they are doing a hatchet job on their own country. Thaksin is a puppet of the west, namely the USA and they will do anything to keep him and his family in control.

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