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Posts posted by antimedia

  1. Spoiled brats not getting what they want. That's what it seems like to me.

    When this happens in western countries the perpetrator it is usually classified with some sort of mental disorder. In the USA they say there is almost one parent killed by their child everyday. Must be their great gun laws...

    Where have I heard that before, let me recall. Oh! yeah PTP.

  2. Showing photos that the princess have too much luggage deserves to be jail for 5 years under current Thai law. Please stop the speculation,

    And I ask you to do the same, do you believe every explanation by an unnamed source or only that suits your agenda.

    Can I ask you just what is it about this OP post you have a problem with? also an interesting Monika you have antimedia, what's that about?

    May I suggest you ask a Thai college as I have, read a few of the posts made by some people on the said FB account regarding the luggage, some of it is extremely poor taste and insulting, and I'm sure that these posters on this subject are quite ashamed of their comments now that the truth is out and the smear plot revealed...

    1. Hypocrisy 2. Q -What have Lawyers, Politicians, Car & Insurance Salespersons, Real estate agents and Editors/Journalists have in common. A- Lack of moral fibre. First of all I am capable of reading Thai myself, secondly I wouldn't believe anything a Thai casually interprets. Now when someone presents the cold hard proof it was a royals baggage instead of trying to spin the whole affair then we might be getting somewhere. Finally, does Yingluck not deserve poor treatment. A leader of the country who not only condones her own supporters violence but encourages it.

  3. x30231149-01_big.gif.pagespeed.ic.YoLqjI

    Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Phuangrach is one of the Cabinet members taking part in a water-pouring rite for Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Police Cadet School in Nakhon Pathom yesterday

    Strange I don't see klong water with ice filled buckets or water lances to celebrate Songkran. Isn't that how it should be done then ?

    As ugly and brainless as a hat full of rear ends and she ain't much better.

  4. And Suthep thinks he can bring reform to Thailand.cheesy.gif

    Maybe not

    But at Least he wants to try

    while you just sit back and make smart comments

    You mean like he did when he was in power in government. When did he have time for all that anti-corruption activity when he was corruptly lining his own pockets?

    You clowns like to live in the past, just like the last government.

  5. Enough of the rhetoric and more action would be far more desirable. Got to hand it to Thai media and journalists, much like the police, sit on their backsides in their little boxes all day dreaming up all the answers to the countries problems. I doubt if any journalist in this country could get a job on a western student newspaper at the local high school.

  6. Phew, so many anti-UDD/RS and electoral majority folderol, makes one's head spin..Even trying to use Rally site clean-up as political denigration.....unbelievable ....Let's look at reality:

    >>>>a declaration by PDRC secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban that the movement had the sovereign status to seek a royal endorsement to install a new administration.

    "Install a new administration".... Via un-electoral processes is not a coup?...Is not illegaly overthrowing an elected Govt.?....Using their co-conspirators in Judicial and Independent agcy's instead of the military is not overthrowing an elected Govt?.....Try telling that to the majority voters whose selection they are trying to nullify.......Just some more smoke seeking to make white appear to be black.

    >>>the government and its supporters must accept scrutiny and possible punishment by the independent organisations under the Constitution.

    Yup, the Independent Agcy's are going to 'punish' the electoral majority for the choices they made......And some continue trying to 'normalize the abnormal' with respect to the PAD-Dem's controlling these guys.

    >>> (Jatuporn)..boasting that the next event would involve a massive number of supporters.

    Stating fact is 'boasting'?.....Keep in mind, in this instance, we are talking about 'supporters' as being the key elements representing an electoral majority...There is nothing boastful when one has measurable, objective data to back it up..You think the PDRC/DP blocking voters and tabulating an election was without reason?

    BTW, When was the last time you heard Suthep's demagoguery referred to as "boasting"....Sometimes media double-standards and put-downs are not subtle.

    Really, you need to stop abusing yourself, it is effecting your grip on reality.

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