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Inderpland last won the day on October 9 2024

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  1. Yes, and Trump is working damn hard to change that fact, ably assisted by history's cringiest jester.
  2. He does not. Several posters have asked that question and his only answer is a trolling cut and paste of posts he's made over and over again. He's unravelling before our eyes, poor fella.
  3. Another duplicate post. He's really losing it I'm afraid.
  4. Posting the exact same post, full of unsupported claims, across several threads. The poor guy is running on fumes.
  5. Sorry, did you post an image of something? It's so tiny you can't even see it with a magnifying glass.😂
  6. Trump has certainly lost Puerto Ricans, and they will make this known when the roughly 6 million of them who live stateside vote today. PS. Did you really think we'd bite? That's so cute!😘
  7. To be fair, I don't think he has the capacity to operate at a higher level than this.
  8. You made the statements, not me. But if you wanna come across as someone who's all fart and no poo then be my guest.
  9. Aaaaand Yagoda missed the point for probably the 10,000th time in his life. The point is not to be scared of your sexuality, whatever it is, as long as it doesn't make you do something illegal. Got it now?
  10. You still here?? Get on that plane Frank, go where you're wanted!
  11. Not all men that come to Thailand are failures, which seems to be the case with most of the MAGA faithful on this forum. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones who sit in the bars and pubs, mostly muttering to themselves about how horrible Western women are. Pathetic.
  12. Young Master Bruce, You are an embarrassment to the whole Wayne family. Sincerely, Alfred.
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