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Everything posted by Inderpland

  1. If you're actually a Westerner you should be forced to go live in Russia. You could shack up with that moron, Steven Segal. Dasvidaniya.
  2. Trump Plummets in Election Betting Odds After Shock Poll Shows Him Losing Iowa to Harris 'Election prediction markets tilted heavily towards Vice President Kamala Harris overnight after a bombshell poll released Saturday showed her ahead of former President Donald Trump in Iowa.'
  3. How about you answering the question. You constantly criticize the Western media as being biased. How are things in Russia under the leader that you admire. Is it better there?
  4. So unlike the free and fair press in Russia, right?
  5. Personally, I don't believe the satan bit. However, that's due to the fact that I'm an atheist.
  6. Yes, because Trump politely asked if he could grab their p***** in those rare instances where the woman in question didn't just come right out and ask for it.😄 Seriously, did you parents ever have you checked for "abnormalities"?
  7. Wow, what a rant. You clearly are well adjusted and don't need help. Sure...OK....let's go with that.🤣
  8. Do they prefer Putin, like you?
  9. https://commondefense.us/newsroom/veterans-endorse-kamala-harris Veterans who endors Trump are endorsing a traitor.
  10. So you’re comparing Trump with an attractive woman. Well, he might be right up your alley but for most of us, male or female, a 300 lb lump of lard reeking of armpit, makeup and butt just doesn't do it for us. But hey, whatever floats your boat pal.👍
  11. OK. Another diversion. What a surprise!
  12. Well that makes perfect sense.😆
  13. https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/note-robert-f-kennedy-jr 'As recently as 2019, CHD (and Kennedy himself) were both involved in stocking anti-vaccine fears in Samoa, which directly led to a measles outbreak that killed dozens of children. Kennedy has tried to cover up his role in this completely preventable tragedy, but the record is clear.' RFK Jr, making kids' health problems disappear....forever.
  14. Really? Is he immortal? I mean, as opposed to his political enemies, who constantly run afoul of Russia's murderous windows?
  15. To be fair, I don't think it's actually meant to make sense.
  16. Here's another clear indication Trump's mental acuity and general health is 'questionable'. Trump Reaches Next Level of Deranged With Proposed New Gig for RFK Jr. 'At a rally Thursday night in Nevada, Donald Trump pledged to put Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in charge of “women’s health” if he’s elected president.' Well done, Donald. Getting an anti-vaxxer and adulterer who supports severe restrictions on abortions as head of women's health will certainly help you in the segment of the electorate you cannot afford to alienate further!😂
  17. Reading your weird post I think we can agree to disagree on who's likely drunk and on valium.
  18. Yep, and when Putin is dead (hopefully soon) Russia will also join the club.
  19. So if someone suddenly grabbed your little wiener it was because you liked it, right? A friendly piece of advise; it's sometimes beneficial to apply the brain before posting.
  20. Why did the big ol' chicken cross the road? Because it was scared s***less of giving an honest answer.
  21. I can say with all honesty that a poster listed for you a whole bunch of news outlets saying the same thing regarding hurricanes affecting the job market and the entire economy after you questioned the story he linked. I can honestly say that as a diversion you then tried to turn this thread into a discussion on the dependence/independence of various media outlets. This I can say in all honesty.
  22. Very popular? Certainly not with the hundreds (thousands?) of 'regular joes' (contractors etc.) he's stiffed during his trainwreck of a business/bankruptcy career, the scores of women and girls he's grabbed by the p****, the students at "Trump U", the.....I could go on but we all know the stories by now.
  23. Indeed. The change in momentum is mind-blowing!
  24. Seriously; when you've got nothing isn't it better to say nothing instead of confirming to the whole community you've just lost the game, the set and the match?
  25. Biden's gaffes? You mean the sitting president who's not up for reelection? Biden will quietly ride into the sunset after four years of excellent work cleaning up the mess of the Trump administration. TRump will noisily ride into a jail cell where he will spend the rest of him miserable life, worrying every time he drops the soap in the shower.
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