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Everything posted by Inderpland

  1. It's rare to see someone decline so rapidly. And it isn't like he was even remotely coherent to begin with. He really should be in an assisted living facility.
  2. Please answer my questions and I'll answer yours.
  3. 'The joke could come back to haunt the Republicans in a key swing state that Democrats won by a narrow margin of 1.17% - about 82,000 votes - in 2020. "The campaign just hurt itself, so much. It's crazy to me," said Ivonne Torres Miranda, a local resident who said she remains disillusioned by both candidates - Republican Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris - with just eight days to go in the campaign. "Even if he [Mr Hinchcliffe ] was joking - you don't joke like that'.' Puerto Ricans in must-win Pennsylvania say Trump rally joke won’t be forgotten
  4. Not only had, but has. He makes as much sense as a donkey on meth - and that's on a good day. RSBN video on X
  5. There are videos linked in the article recorded by RSBN who do live stream coverage of Donald Trump's rallies. Are you saying that those recordings are false? Are you saying his blabbering jibberish is fake?
  6. OK, then I guess you can translate this.😂 Trump Derails His Own Rally With Bizarre Old-Man Tangents
  7. So I'm sure you "seethed" as well when Trump stopped the bipartisan border bill solely because it suited him politically. Wonder how many rapists and murderers have entered the US because of his political ambitions. The "man' is pure scum.
  8. QED.
  9. He does seem more confused than usual. I'm worried about him.🤔
  10. You must have me confused with your pal, the Putin and Trump loving Frank.
  11. A garbage Nazi? Is that like a soup Nazi but with garbage? Does that mean Harris supporters are sticklers for waste sorting? That's not really a bad quality. It's not like committing treason, sexual assaults, felonies etc, etc, etc, is it.
  12. Gotta give it to his campaign staff. They know better than anyone (well, except for the countless women the convict has sexually abused perhaps) that he smells like armpit, make-up and butt so finally chose an appropriate vehicle for him. Well done!
  13. Pay no attention, it's just more of the pearl clutching which runs rampant in the MAGA community. The dog whistle is blown by Trump or some other genius and the howling begins. It's like a lame circus act!😆
  14. And here's another who should be taking a cognitive test.😄
  15. Trump and 'genius' in the same sentence - comedy gold!👏
  16. He really is in cloud cuckoo land. He needs to be admitted to a prison mental facility. Cognitive Decline? Trump Goes on Weird Tangent Explaining Water ' “I saw the devastation, it was a travesty, it was viscous, it was water. The water was the worst we’d ever seen. It was a water hurricane, that’s what it was.”'
  17. You should just let it go. It's hard to come back from something like this with all that egg on your face.
  18. That would be completely up to the Puerto Ricans to decide, and as we learn more about the fallout it seems most of them have a suggestion as to where you can put your 'legitimate claim'.
  19. Ah, so it was the Dems who were behind the comments in question during the Trump rally? Those darn Dems sure are a sneaky lot! How can Trump ever win?!
  20. Surely as a Putin supporter you must applaud such Machiavellian machinations, Frank? I mean, your hero has done far, far worse things in his quest for unchallenged power so a bloodless little push to the side must be all OK, right?
  21. The baby probably thinks the same as most who read your post; 'what's the mental age of someone posting something so lame?'
  22. Well, then you'll be relieved to know that this thread is about the fallout after the disastrous comments made during the Trump rally, not whatever President Biden has said.
  23. I think we can all agree that that was a particularly lame backtrack. But I'm sure you did your best!
  24. Yep, that was one for the ages! 'Drivel, drivel, cats, dogs, drivel, drivel.'😂
  25. Actually, it was the stable genius that suggested she take the test. She just replied to his suggestion.
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