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Everything posted by Inderpland

  1. Trump’s Pathetic McDonald’s Stunt Backfires Spectacularly 'After manning the fry station at a McDonald’s restaurant on Sunday, Donald Trump didn’t answer a point-blank question about whether he would raise the minimum wage.' Being a blue-collar guy and supporting Trump, it just doesn't get any dumber than that.
  2. Not into links, are you.
  3. Why would I hate you because you're old and I'm not? And yes, I would not be surprised in the least if you posted all your personal info online. Retirees in general (and MAGA retirees in particular) have poor internet skills and little understanding of how it works. I strongly would advise against it though - identity theft is real! Hope this will help: How to Use the Internet for Seniors: Beginner’s Guide
  4. 'Trump's policies would jeopardize Social Security, report finds. 'Beyond irresponsible,' says one expert. Seniors would face heftier cuts to their Social Security benefits sooner than expected if Donald Trump wins the presidential election and his campaign promises are implemented, a new analysis found.' Trump's policies would jeopardize Social Security.
  5. No, I don't qualify because I'm not a pensioneer. Furthermore, you've posted some random stuff from the internet so, until you can provide a credible link, I'm gonna call Bee E$$ on your claim.
  6. Yes, the Jewish space lasers have been converted to mind control devices and the mass programming is underway! PS. If you listen closely you can hear the sound of tinfoil rolls being put to use in MAGA homes all over the place.
  7. Please remember that Trump has been convicted of 34 counts of felony crimes, as well as having been found liable for sexual abuse. He also lead an insurrection. Don't you agree that more intense scrutiny should be applied to a convicted criminal than someone who has no criminal record?
  8. Posting the same lame meme, over and over again. Poor guy, hitting the bottom of the barrel must have been hard for him. Much love and support!
  9. Sure, if you like your food handled by someone who reeks of armpit, make-up and butt.
  10. You mean as opposed to this?😆 https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/16/media/fox-news-women-town-hall-supporters/index.html 'Fox News did not disclose its all-women town hall with Trump was packed with his supporters'
  11. I'm sick and tired of the MAGA crowd always hammering their point home with links to credible sources! For pete's sake why can't they just post lame memes?
  12. That's a verifiable lie.
  13. 'Vice President Kamala Harris may have better odds in the presidential election than previously predicted. A poll published Monday by the Associated Press and the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago suggests that Harris has more than a marginal lead in favorability over the Republican presidential nominee, but is actually surging by double digits.' Kamala Harris Just Got Some Great News
  14. McDonald’s workers roast Trump over ‘insulting cosplay’ stunt 'McDonald’s workers roast Trump over ‘insulting cosplay’ stunt at restaurant that failed health inspection. Trump sported neither gloves not a hair net as he worked at a branch of the fast food chain in Pennsylvania'
  15. And again the MAGA boys show their intellectual superiority.😁
  16. Well, they sure do produce an enormous amount of MAGA drivel posts on this forum, so you can't really say they're producing nothing.🤔
  17. Obama? Is he on the ballot? Or is all the rambling drivel I see from the resident MAGA crowd partly a result of their advanced age? So people were safer and had more hope when Trump was president? Tell me, how safe and hopeful were they after the Trump virus struck and his mismanagement of it had already killed countless numbers of his fellow Americans. Tell us how safe they felt, please.
  18. Not yet, although he has been convicted of a multitude of felony charges as well as having been found liable for sexual abuse. Hopefully, he will face justice one day and be punished in the way a person committing high treason should.
  19. So, it fits ALL the check boxes for the very definition of an insurrection....but isn't an insurrection. Oooookay!👍
  20. Thanks for proving my point.👌 https://www.grammarly.com/blog/punctuation-capitalization/quotation-marks/#:~:text=They indicate a quotation or,voice and the quoted material.
  21. Sancho Panza. Those who know, know.
  22. It's like arguing with the kid with the dull eyes that sat at the back of the classroom and lobbed spitballs at the girls/guys he had a crush on.😄
  23. It fits the very definition of an insurrection to a tee, but it's not an insurrection. Got it, nothing to see here, move along!😂
  24. Like I said, not the sharpest knifes in the drawer.
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