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  1. Looks like a Thai to me. Then it should read "The video, approximately 3 cm long"... πŸ™„
  2. Some of the photos of large commercial grows I've seen are converted cold storage warehouses for produce, fish, or frozen goods. That's likely to be a lot cheaper than setting up cold rooms. It's probably easier if you have a Thai partner that can do the leg work.
  3. Not fair! The whacky Russian who stripped naked on my recent flight was a fat sweaty dude πŸ₯Ί
  4. You rear-ended a pickup truck. The idiot responsible for the catastrophe is you πŸ™„
  5. Because selling Nitrous Oxide is a job class reserved for Makro πŸ™„
  6. The woman in the photo must be a criminal mastermind! Look how well she's disguised a major criminal organization as a one-table street vendor 😊
  7. It's a ridiculous question. Fair treatment by the police - where people are treated equally despite being a citizen or foreigner, racial identity, or economic class - doesn't exist anywhere on earth. Police are paid primarily by the wealthy (via taxes) to protect the wealthy (taxpayers). Who besides the rich and powerful even expects to be treated fairly by the police?
  8. The first 90-day report after re-entering Thailand must be in person - or via an agent. Manreet changed me 100b and delivered it back to my condo.
  9. Kinky dude probably paid the shop to play with girls feet. Thai gov should market that as an up and cumming tourist attraction. Misspelling by intent 😁
  10. Gummies and fatty before bed πŸ˜™
  11. Ok, so I'll say it - he's lying about something. We see many stories of Thai police showing restraint for foreigners far above what we'd expect in our home countries. He's probably leaving out the part where he was drunk and obnoxious with the police πŸ™„
  12. Of course, it was probably caused by speeding, but it could have been caused by coarse roads too πŸ™„
  13. Sounds to me like he's speaking of himself πŸ™„
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