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Fryslan boppe

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Posts posted by Fryslan boppe

  1. "...If democratic reform really is the ultimate goal of the anti-government protesters, as they claim, one has to wonder why their leader, Suthep Thaugsuban, last Saturday proposed the equivalent of a coup d'etat"

    What a surprise...I'm dumb-struck....A coup d'etat?....Whoever thought?.....He really said that?....Who knew?

    And here all the while some were thinking these anti-Govt. protesters were 'anti-Government'...and not pro-coup only.

    Who can you believe these days.......Sigh!

  2. One thing about these opinion pieces in the anti-UDD/RS media, which to PAD-Dem's think represent normative thought, they have nuggets in them that jump out as being adversarial to someone coming from the other side of the political divide....They certainly stimulate discussion and help focus on the real issues.

    The following quotes are an example:

    >>>Thailand's colour-coded political rallies can be compared..."

    It is in the interests of anti-democrats to continually frame these political alternatives in that of affinity clothing and paraphernalia.....That way they can hide their anti-Democratism....If political oriented descriptors were used, it would be more difficult to avoid being characterized as anti-democratic....If there are pro-electoral and Parliamentary Movements, their obviously must also be the opposite.....Best to stick with yellow and red, they strategize.

    >>>After the caretaker government's hopes to be voted in on February 2 somewhat fizzled out,

    Stated as if they would not have been voted in had that election not been derailed by the anti-democrats, with the assistance of their anti-electoral Commission....They didn't fizzle out..It is one of the reasons Amsterdam called the PDRC/DP Thailand's Taliban.....The just completed election in Afghanistan was severely threated by the Taliban....It is just that they were unsuccessful, while they were succesful in Thailand.

    >>>red shirts launched a mass rally on February 23 to gag independent agencies

    Again, an attempt to 'normalize the abnormal", and demonizing the Pro-Democracy Movement in the process....Everyone knows their role in trying to thwart Democracy. Using this terminology, gagging the PDRC/DP and these so-called Independent Agencies is all in the same vein. They all come from the same side of the political divide.

    >>>size (of the rally) does matter

    Absolutely...This writer got that right....It is good to focus on a minority trying to usurp power over the majority, and is why the election noted above needed to be 'derailed'....But never mind.....As long as people realize who these rallies represent...No matter how much the DP and UDD manage to incite their people to attend political rallies, the size of these rallies don't matter....It is who they represent is what matters...One represents the electoral minority, the other one a majority...This is not just theoretical talk....It is proven very objectively and measurably every election.

    >>>what they are fighting for? Is it democracy, transparency, the country's development or people's happiness?

    The anti-Democrats try to obscure at every opportunity to hide singular intentions.....Talk about the country's development, peoples happiness, transparency, undefined reform stuff, etc. is all just smoke.....It is clearly a choice between Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy and a Civilian Dictatorship which Mr. Suthep so clearly has described. And kudos to him for doing that.......His musings in this regard helped to put things in stark relief.

    • Like 1
  3. I see two articles this morning, quoting a speech from one of the NACC judges.

    Not sure if the intent is merely to try and normaiize them, or to give them a venting outlet.

    Regardless, the central role these judges have in expediting the judicial coup, render them effectively as "red flags walking" to the Electoral and Parliamentary majority.

    Any musing by them about anything other than coup-intentioned stuff they are being used for currently, falls on deaf ears.

    It in no way diverts attention away from the reality fo the day.

    They are just digging their hole deeper, ruminating about reform stuff, legal or otherwise, unless they link it directly to Parliamentary procedures....I notice a lot of Suthep'isms in his thought process.....Even talking about the country's survival.....by implication, all because it has this dastardly elected Govt. in place.

  4. "Prompong said the EC so far had not agreed to allow party representatives to attend"

    I can understand why.

    Effectively, a meeting between the anti-election Committee and the military/security people is a meeting of anti-democrats.......It is accepted by many people that the military has been a participant in this anti-democracy activism, not security as they pretend....Combine them with the anti-Electoral Commission, and they will decide all be their lonesome, how to obstruct and/or avoid the next election. Consistent with the demands of the Lumpini crowd. But couch it in all sorts of reasons associated with security.

    You will note I don't call it 'anti-Govt.' protests...That motive is misleading and merely cover to try and lend legitimacy to coup-intentions, under pretense of indignant issue opposition.....Stuff that rightfully belongs in Parliament.

    So no, they don't want the PTP representing the electoral majority to be privy to these cozy discussions between like-minded anti-democrats.

    • Like 1
  5. "BOT chief explains why he would turn down PM's job"

    What a ridiculous notion, treated seriously.

    I don't need to read the rest of the article, to know this is some more Ammart, Elitist anti-democratic dreaming.

    What makes anyone think this guy could win an election. Within that reality and context, who cares what this guy thinks.

    The underpinning of this nonsense is the same as that which led to AV being elevated to PM after the 2006 coup without winning a national election.....Mostly the same people think they can engineer a reprise of that.

    But there is that little item of a thoroughly politicized electoral majority, not present previously......Ignoring that reality is actually arrogance run amok, and is done at their own peril.

  6. Within about 24 hours, the NACC made a decision on Yingluck's 200 pages of evidence and 11 witnesses to argue against the charges in 13 points

    Yes, in about a day, the NACC apparently considers that we should believe that it has read and digested the information and requests it received.

    Of course, it hasn’t.

    Evidence doesn’t matter in the progress of the judicial coup. Rather, the NACC has taken yet another politicized decision and is seeking to wrap up its role in the judicial coup as quickly as possible.

  7. OK, once more, with feeling.

    Why is it that all these opinion pieces are written from an Ammart perspective.

    Some would argue this latter point, but when one has a foot solidly rooted in both camps, quotes jump out indicating the starting point of the opinion.

    In this case three did that to me:

    >>>>>"Thai journalists have been trying harder than anyone to predict how this political epic is going to conclude"

    Political epic?....What political epic?.....A little bit like the anti-democrats illusions of grandeur, suggesting their electoral minority has the entire political sphere in its' grip and deadlocked.

    Have an unobstructed election, and convening a Parliament with a governing majority, and the so-called 'epic and deadlock" would be over quickly.

    >>>>>"When will Thailand ever have political peace? Hatred is far easier to implant than to remove. All you need to do to spread hatred is make sure words like "ammart" (elites) and "kwai" (buffaloes) are said repeatedly on rally stages and the rest will take care of itself"

    These Ammart 'opinionators" trying to avoid a political context that electorally is unkind to them. They digress into all sorts of undefined fuzzies that have nothing to do with the underlying political principles.....Talk about how to achieve competitive elections and a power-balanced Parliament, then one may make some progress. Once one achieves that, regardless of which political party is that majority...Reform to your hearts content in a nationally representative body.

    >>>>>>"Then there is the relatively minor problem of Suthep having gone too far to turn back and his opponents' stakes being too high to abandon now. Suthep makes "eradication of the Thaksin system" his non-negotiable goal"

    Thaksin system?"...What is that?...Is it perhaps the Elite's problem about being unelectable?....Again, trying to blame their electoral futility on anything other than themselves...My advice.....Quit the pointing of fingers elsewhere for your own deficiencies, and focus on what to do about them.

    • Like 2
  8. Some quickie comments to selected quotes that jumped out at me, considering the starting point for this writer is from the Ammart perspective:

    >>>>"we have free will and are not led by the nose by politicians or leaders of either the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) or the red-shirt movement"

    Never in this thing, does he reference a conflict between two opposing political perspectives...That being one of commitment to Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy and one not.... In this quote, he is careful to avoid it, thereby playing the game of the anti-democrats...Pretending to be anti-govt. as their cover for coupist intentions...Intentions that obviously embarrass them considering how hard they work to hide that motive.........The Red Shirt Movement?.....quite rightly an uninformed observer would ask, "what is that"?...Hiding their political orientation behind references to affinity clothing, is by design.

    >>>"it might do well for ordinary citizens not to be manipulated by either Thaksin-Yingluck Shinawatra or People's Democratic Reform Committee leader Suthep Thaugsuban and his sponsors"

    The operative word here being "sponsors"...Anti-democrats like this guy, try to separate Thaksin-Yingluck from their roots, namely the electoral majority. One can speculate who the sponsors are of these two sides, and I am suspicious this guy knows more than what he is saying....But 'out with it'...compare the sponsors of the coup-mongers with the electoral majority, and see if that clarifies a lot...I think it would.

    >>>>"Some red shirts have proven they can think for themselves..."

    Again, an arrogant Ammart negation of the Pro-Democracy Red Shirts...But they'd better get over it....If they ever hope to win an election, they need votes from these people...To constantly denigrate them, and characterize them as uni-dimensional Thaksin, unthinking zombies they are simply destroying themselves politically, and any chances of changing electoral dynamics any time soon. I would be more concerned about those following Suthep and his histrionics, as having any degree fo intelligence.

    >>>>"Let us fight for a better society, no matter how you may define it, through love and not hatred and prejudice".

    Excellent...Always good to move a discussion about negatives to "so what to do?"...But this guy misses the boat completely.....Suggesting solutions to Political realities with undefined, non-political fuzzies...And why does he do that?...Because as an anti-democrat he doesn't like the solutions that stare him in the face. Namely one of commitment to Democratic principles and how to adapt....Anti-democrats don't want to adapt, because in their views, "I'm OK jack"...it is the $%^&* systemics.

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  9. If anyone need to be reformed it's Jaruwan Maintaka. Just did a quick search to see who the hell she is and came up with dirt already. With includes the following from Wikipedia:

    The Rural Doctors Society has been critical of Jaruvan for the lack of transparency of state audits. As a result, Jaruvan demanded that the Ministry of Public Health investigate the Society.

    An NGO formally criticized her for hiring her son, Kittirat, as her personal secretary while paying him with a state budget of over 30,000 Baht a month.

    Jaruvan was also accused of taking her two children, Kittirat and Supang, on a government-funded week-long trip to Russia.

    She is no better than Suthep.

    How is this anywhere near Suthep's level of corruption?

    I'm actually quite surprised you're bothered about these examples. Not saying these three items aren't problematic (well, at least two of them, the first isn't a very conclusive statement), just that in the scope of Thai politics and corruption, they are quite miniscule.

    One would think that the way she was appointed for the job matter more, not to mention her conduct later on.

    it's the Shins that should be erased from the face of the earth, no one! and no one wld be worse than those scum!

    PAD-Dem-coup monger speak...The electoral majority begs to differ.

  10. It is interesting to note that none of the anti-democrats decided to block the Senate election. Of course, this is because the anti-democrats know that, as the Senate is half-appointed, they are guaranteed to "win" in the sense that they really only need a couple of elected Ammart Elitists to consider that they have a "win."

    It is only elections that the anti-democrats think they might lose that they choose to boycott and block.

    This election of a prominent Ammart Elitist in former Auditor-General Jaruvan Maintaka proves their point....I understand there were several telling instances indicated in her previous "career", her desperation to hold her post in this AG office, despite rules that required her to leave.

    Jaruvan claimed that her continued occupation of her office represented an effort to save the country. And was supported by various Ammart Elitist groups.

    Welcome to a Senate who this article indicates, will rule on the legitimacy of an elected Prime Minister.

    "legitimacy" please look up the definition, am sure it will not include buying votes!!!! hey wake up!!!

    Not sure why the PAD-Dem's think they can go off on this holier-than-thou notion that vote buying only applies to others....Everyone...and I mean everyone...knows that it is done by all sides equally..."Legitimate"....Yes. I think the vote count in the election which selected her is unchallenged...so 'legitimate'...... yup!

  11. It is interesting to note that none of the anti-democrats decided to block the Senate election. Of course, this is because the anti-democrats know that, as the Senate is half-appointed, they are guaranteed to "win" in the sense that they really only need a couple of elected Ammart Elitists to consider that they have a "win."

    It is only elections that the anti-democrats think they might lose that they choose to boycott and block.

    This election of a prominent Ammart Elitist in former Auditor-General Jaruvan Maintaka proves their point....I understand there were several telling instances indicated in her previous "career", her desperation to hold her post in this AG office, despite rules that required her to leave.

    Jaruvan claimed that her continued occupation of her office represented an effort to “save the country.” And was supported by various Ammart Elitist groups.

    Welcome to a Senate who this article indicates, will rule on the legitimacy of an elected Prime Minister.

  12. I don't know why everyone always brings up that the Democrats should change their policies, when a poll prior to the 2011 electionin the N/NE rated their policies as better.

    There may a lot of things that the Democrats need to do to get elected, but changing their policies isn't one of them.


    Poll? Poll? LMFAO! There's only one poll that counts in a democracy and it's called a 'General Election'. Any other kind of poll is just a piece of paid for propaganda. I thought everyone knew that.

    so why are you not backing a tv debate for all thais to see between Ying luck and the leader of the Dems

    To many questions that you not want the Thai people to see the answers

    That is what Parliament is for....televise all the debates you want there.

    TV debates, submitting issues with self-righteous indignation to the judiciary and Independent Organizations is all an effort to avoid parliament where the PAD-Dem electoral minority status is visible for all to see.

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