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Fryslan boppe

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Posts posted by Fryslan boppe

  1. as he is sitting in a dimly-lit room, counting paper clips,

    Can you please share with us where you saw this photo? Or is this just a figment of your imagination?

    Based on my professional expertise......That is what happens when one reinstates someone 'involuntarily dismissed".......I know...Been there, done that!

    When managing it on the side of the employer, I never considered the idiocy of reinstatement.

    I offered two options...Reinstatement to a life of workplace harassment, if not be fellow employees, then by the employer, or a very handsome pay-out.......Guess what they chose!

    To vilify the PTP for agendized purposes, just exposes one's inexperience in these matters.

    Always remember, the Govt. of the day is the employer, the bureaucracy the employed.

    If the bureaucracy in their arrogance doesn't understand that, than I have one word of advice, "ya play with the bull, ya get the horn".....

    And that applies to both the PTP and the PAD-Dem's, if they could ever figure out how to win an election.

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  2. You bet he'll have a hard time working at the NSC as I would think unofficial instructions have been sent around not to co-operate with him and do all possible to undermine him.

    If such instructions do not exist I am sure that with the petty, vicious attitude of many in this government his colleagues will worry it will be hazardous to their own employment health to be seen welcoming him back.

    It's bad enough to take PTP on but not only did he do so he WON !

    >>>" I would think unofficial instructions have been sent around not to co-operate with him and do all possible to undermine him"

    You bet.....Guaranteed...What in idiot foregoing a financial settlement thinking he can be reinstated and be functional, just to assist his PAD-Dem buddies in their political agenda's...."Not a snow-ball's chance in H..."

    >>>"...If such instructions do not exist I am sure that with the petty, vicious attitude of many in this government his colleagues will worry it will be hazardous to their own employment health to be seen welcoming him back"

    Such instructions do exist, and if I was his employer being forced to take him back by a biased judiciary, I would be the first to issue those instructions myself.....As an employer, ya gonna tolerate a guy like that in the ranks?...ya gotta be kidding.

    "He won?"....I wonder if he will enjoy his victory, shunted aside werever he goes in the Govt. controlled bureaucracy, when he could have been sitting on easy street with a significant pay-out.

    • Like 2
  3. " According to the Bangkok Poll, Thai people back the idea of having a neutral prime minister to spearhead political reform before a general election is held"

    The Thai electoral majority who elected Ms. Y. does not hold this opinion.

    Trying to 'launder the agenda of the coup-mongers and their supporters" via a phony Poll is very obvious, and an insult to one's intelligence to imply otherwise.

    This electoral majority are pro-democratic and favor expediting reform, whatever that means, via Parliament. That way those representing the populace nation-wide can debate and consult on issues of Governance.

  4. "Taking the law into their own hands"

    I'm glad I'm not trying to "normalize the abnormal" with respect to this judiciary, as PAD-Dem's self-servingly try to do, in the face of historical facts to the contrary....It is a tough argument.

    The fact that huge segments of the electoral majority reject these courts for that history and demonstrated bias is fact. That alone should be evidence enough, of an abnormal state-of-being..

    What other normal Democratic country has a majority electorate doing that.

    That said, I notice in arguing that "abnormal is normal', they also take another swipe at Politicians, which alone suggests the anti-democratic slant of this writer.......Anti-democrats have a problem getting their head around the notion that Politicians, for all their Asian imperfections, represent voters.

    It is another reason they see nothing wrong with exercising Opposition via Independent Organizations and the Judiciary instead of Parliament. The fact that Parliament is blocked because of their actions, understandably does not concern anti-democrats...In fact anyone condoning this, identify themselves as such.

    • Like 2
  5. (Not sure why this Post insists on the double-spacing thing...Can't seem to fix it...Sorry)

    "Abhisit, Suthep to be indicted on murder charges in 2010 turmoil"

    Non-PAD/Dem's don't need to read beyond this headline to know the fallacies of it.

    Interestingly, the court took on one of the principal defenses that Abhisit has used, saying that he "could have committed an abuse of authority in accordance with the Criminal Code or offences under the Emergency Decree law if he issued wrongful or unreasonable orders after having imposed the state of emergency." .............. Abhisit always hides behind these laws and decrees.

    Three additional observations:

    #1 - There has to be the unlikely event of de-politicizing the judiciary before these two guys are tried. If not, it will be a charade.

    #2 - Again, this article hides coup-monger history, by calling their stuff "Political Turmoil:"...Same thing that is being done today by the media. Assisting them in providing cover for their true intentions behind self-righteous indignation with one Parliamentary issue or another.

    To state this latter point is repetitive however...But if one doesn't, their characterization and whitewashing of coup-mongers becomes established as fact, simply through repetition.....Repetition begets repetition.

    #3 - Missing from court was Suthep, who despite having an arrest warrant out for him, swans around Bangkok, leading the anti-democrats and surrounded by armed thug-guards. Obviously protected by shadowy supporters we can all speculate about. Suthep thumbs his nose at the courts when he wants to, while cheering the decisions of certain biased elements of the judiciary.

  6. I have lost count of the court inquests that have indicated that the Army is responsible for the deaths of several red shirt protesters in 2010. Certainly, as far as I can tell, no effort has been made to indict any Army commander for ordering his troops to shoot down protesters.

    Abhisit Vejjajiva and Suthep Thaugsuban have been charged, but the Army brass just walks free. Army boss and loud mouth General Prayuth Chan-ocha blasts red shirts as criminals and has no shame in doing this even when he was commanding murderous troops.

    Prayuth and his predecessor General Anupong Paojinda should be held responsible for these murderous acts. Why should the Army continue to enjoy impunity?

  7. The fact Investors are leaving the Economic space of Thailand, doesn't overly concern those who are intent on destroying Electoral and Parliamentary democracy.

    Their history shows, they are not above dismantling the country, in order to rebuild it in their own image.

    The Airporters were evidence of that.

    When their power hunger cannot be satiated through elections, they will do what is necessary, never mind what needs to be broken in the process....

    So convinced are they in their arrogance about both their unhindered governing entitlements, and their political wisdom, as if it was divinely inspired.

    But they underestimate the forces that are building by the day, to prevent another stage in this never-ending cycle of depriving an electoral majority of their votes and the Govt. they selected.....

    The operative concept here, is that forces are building to counter these anti-democrats.....This will not be 2006 over again.

    I see in your user profile you list politics as your interest. How the heck can you have a honest interest in politics if you only repeat the party line from your dear leader.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Focussing on the messenger instead of the message, is actually a compliment...Indicating that the message is difficult to assail.

    So I wont do that. I have no problem addressing the message.

    In this case, repeating the PAD-dem denigration of the electoral majority, by suggesting it is uni-dimensional - in the case of this quote, referencing a "dear leader'

    As mentioned before, this is the PAD-dem achilles heel. Fooling themselves in this regard, prevents them from seeing the "forest for the single tree".......And by extension, stops them from evolving into a competitive electoral alternative. If they don't recognise the Politicization of this majority and electorally adapting to it, they don't have "snowball's chance in H... " at winning an election.

  8. The fact Investors are leaving the Economic space of Thailand, doesn't overly concern those who are intent on destroying Electoral and Parliamentary democracy.

    Their history shows, they are not above dismantling the country, in order to rebuild it in their own image.

    The Airporters were evidence of that.

    When their power hunger cannot be satiated through elections, they will do what is necessary, never mind what needs to be broken in the process....

    So convinced are they in their arrogance about both their unhindered governing entitlements, and their political wisdom, as if it was divinely inspired.

    But they underestimate the forces that are building by the day, to prevent another stage in this never-ending cycle of depriving an electoral majority of their votes and the Govt. they selected.....

    The operative concept here, is that forces are building to counter these anti-democrats.....This will not be 2006 over again.

    • Like 2
  9. >>"The PDRC and the Democrats have common supporters"

    As my teenage daughter would say, "Duh!.....Yeah!"

    >>"The Democrat leader realises that if an agreement cannot be reached between Yingluck and Suthep or Suthep and Yingluck's brother, ex-premier Thaksin , the impasse will continue and there will be no sign of it ending".

    I see the media persisting in its' efforts to separate the Govt. from it's majority electorate.....As if this this is a dispute between coup-mongers and Yingluck/Thaksin.

    >>"So, the only way to unlock the political stand-off is negotiations between the key stakeholders".

    That has already occurred. The most 'key' of all stakeholders is the electorate..They have spoken...I can understand why anti-Democrats want to nullify and refuse to tabulate that election, and reduce the electorate to a few people in BKK, negotiating with a minority on equal terms. It is why they try to avoid Parliament for such so-called 'negotiations' and debate, because there, THEY are reduced to their rightful numbers.

    But the "anti-election Commission" and their judiciary brother's-in-arms, refuse to look at the election outcome, which they quite correctly fear.

    These people refuse to acknowledge their fight is with an electoral majority, and hope that other's don't see through that smoke.

    And BTW, there is no impasse or political stand-off......Coup-mongering does not a political impasse and political stand-off make. There is a very clear electoral and Parliamentary majority. If this was a 50-50 thing, then we could talk about impasse, deadlock and gridlock.

    The coup-mongers relish doing what they are doing with their minority status, and using the Independent organizations and judiciary instead of Parliament to even things up.

    Just wanted to see if you could post without using either "elitist" or "coup-mongering". Nope, guess they must be part of your quota.

    Interesting how the message is avoided.

  10. "Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva Tuesday called on caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and People's Democratic Reform Committee secretary general Suthep Thaugsuban to told talks on national reform live on TV"

    Another anti-democrat suggestion from someone who is the leader of what is called a "Democrat Party".

    So Suthep, representing electoral minority coup-mongers, gets to strut about the public space, at an equal level to someone representing the electoral majority.


    Let him debate her, or whomever she selects to get down in the mud with him, in a Parliamentary debate.

    And let Parliamentary rules dictate how that is done, considering a minority Opposition debating a majority governing party. Parliament has rules for such a thing.

    AV's point quoted below, will be achieved when that Parliamentray session is broadcast live.

    As he says, and I quote "will create confidence among the people and prevent the spread of rumours that cause both sides to attack each other"

    But to put the leader of minority coup-mongers at the same level as an elected Prime Minister would be highly disrespectful to the voting majority, by diminshing the value of their vote....And it would not amuse them.

    Maybe you should ask the public if they would like Suthep and Yinluck to a debate on TV, as I doubt PTP still has the voting majority- even if you want to continually spin this line.

    "...as I doubt PTP still has the voting majority- even if you want to continually spin this line"

    Easy solution to that question...Count the votes of the last election for a clearly measurable indication.

    What is this about "I doubt PTP still has the voting majority"...They did the last election!....What would have changed that?....The BKK. shenanigans by the coup-mongers would only have increased that voting majority.......And if you want to question that conclusion, have another election real quick..It will prove my point.

    "Maybe you should ask the public if they would like Suthep and Yinluck to a debate on TV"

    Why not in Parliament?...It is structured for such a thing, even permitting for counter-arguments and debating in a true debating manner.........Let the Public watch, followed immediately by an election.....How about that!

    To give anti-democrats a soapbox outside Parliament rewards their anti-Democracy impulses, don't you think?....It is what they have been striving for....Avoid Parliament and exercise their Opposition through user-friendly Independent Agencies and judiciary. Now you want them exercising Opposition via public TV as well?

    Giving into electoral non-participation, nullifying elections, avoiding parliament and exercising Parliamentary Opposition via all sorts of proxies is all anti-democratic stuff IMHO.

    • Like 1
  11. "Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva Tuesday called on caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and People's Democratic Reform Committee secretary general Suthep Thaugsuban to told talks on national reform live on TV"

    Another anti-democrat suggestion from someone who is the leader of what is called a "Democrat Party".

    So Suthep, representing electoral minority coup-mongers, gets to strut about the public space, at an equal level to someone representing the electoral majority.


    Let him debate her, or whomever she selects to get down in the mud with him, in a Parliamentary debate.

    And let Parliamentary rules dictate how that is done, considering a minority Opposition debating a majority governing party. Parliament has rules for such a thing.

    AV's point quoted below, will be achieved when that Parliamentray session is broadcast live.

    As he says, and I quote "will create confidence among the people and prevent the spread of rumours that cause both sides to attack each other"

    But to put the leader of minority coup-mongers at the same level as an elected Prime Minister would be highly disrespectful to the voting majority, by diminshing the value of their vote....And it would not amuse them.

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  12. >>"The PDRC and the Democrats have common supporters"

    As my teenage daughter would say, "Duh!.....Yeah!"

    >>"The Democrat leader realises that if an agreement cannot be reached between Yingluck and Suthep or Suthep and Yingluck's brother, ex-premier Thaksin , the impasse will continue and there will be no sign of it ending".

    I see the media persisting in its' efforts to separate the Govt. from it's majority electorate.....As if this this is a dispute between coup-mongers and Yingluck/Thaksin.

    >>"So, the only way to unlock the political stand-off is negotiations between the key stakeholders".

    That has already occurred. The most 'key' of all stakeholders is the electorate..They have spoken...I can understand why anti-Democrats want to nullify and refuse to tabulate that election, and reduce the electorate to a few people in BKK, negotiating with a minority on equal terms. It is why they try to avoid Parliament for such so-called 'negotiations' and debate, because there, THEY are reduced to their rightful numbers.

    But the "anti-election Commission" and their judiciary brother's-in-arms, refuse to look at the election outcome, which they quite correctly fear.

    These people refuse to acknowledge their fight is with an electoral majority, and hope that other's don't see through that smoke.

    And BTW, there is no impasse or political stand-off......Coup-mongering does not a political impasse and political stand-off make. There is a very clear electoral and Parliamentary majority. If this was a 50-50 thing, then we could talk about impasse, deadlock and gridlock.

    The coup-mongers relish doing what they are doing with their minority status, and using the Independent organizations and judiciary instead of Parliament to even things up.

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  13. Charging them with "premeditated" murder is just ridiculous and obviously political. Turn about is fair play. I'm going to have a good laugh when the same thing happens to Poo and her brother's loyal guard dog, Chalerm for the deaths of the protestors who clashed with the police.

    "Charging them with "premeditated" murder is just ridiculous and obviously political"

    Same as the Thaksin's land purchase-signing-for-his-wife thing.

    Murder however is a 'different kettle of fish'. Using the State Security spin will be the excuse his friends in court will need as cover for their inevitable judgment. Any impartial observer would have a problem with that however, considering the 80% female protesters camped out at R'song. Did that require the military to be sent in with all guns ablaze?

    Calling little old ladies 'terrorists' is particularly galling, and not humorous, when one considers what was done to them.

  14. " Former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva today denied all allegations against him in connection with his government’s crackdown on demonstrators in the 2010 political upheaval.

    When reading this, it seems so incongruous referring to this unelectable guy as a "Former prime minister" When contemplating what the PAD-Dem's need to do in order to become electorally competitive, one of the first things that comes to mind, is needing a leader appealing to a diverse electorate....AV is not that kinda guy.....They would really help themselves with a charismatic man-of-the-people, preferably not southern or BKK rooted. A lot of new policy development would obviously need to occur as well, but that is a subject for another day.

    "...denied all allegations.."?...It would be very good if the judiciary could be de-politicized, before considering those denials.

    "...government’s crackdown..."... To contextualize this thing, it must be remembered this was a coup-rooted Govt. confronting electoral advocates who naturally objected to that coup.... People who were vindicated the very next election....Also, the term "crackdown" is a misnomer.... In fact, it was an attack by one side of this confrontation upon the other side. ....."Crackdown" implies legitimate state security actions which the coup-mongers of that day try to spin it as..... And which AV will try to use in defending himself before his friends in court.

    "Political upheaval".....Using such terminology, the media is seeking to hide a coup and its' aftermath. Before the coup, there was no political upheaval, other than an unelectable Opposition fulminating in their minority status. Trying to demonize those in Govt., especially their electoral nemesis Thaksin, as an excuse for forcing their way into power non-electorally, is the same as today.......

    Although I agree, denying and seeking to eliminate Electoral Democracy, does lead to political upheaval. And that is as it should be.

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