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Everything posted by sead

  1. What? The only reason was because USA and NATO was giving Ukraine hints of a possible membership and Russia didn't want USA on their doorsteps. If you believe something else then better stop reading propaganda news supporting USA and NATO in all their doings. This war could have stopped before it started by Jelensky. But USA pushed this and now people are dying. Ukraine could have waited 10 years and build up their Economy and slowly get stronger and stronger. Making small and steady deals with EU. NATO isn't UN OR FN. It's an military organization that benefits 4 countries. Among those is USA. Meaning everyone has to pay for protection. While these 4 countries gets stronger and stronger by developing better weapons the supporting countries are getting weaker
  2. Exactly. There's no written statement. Only words from those involved. Not everything was written down at those times. Now we know how important that is
  3. Yes. And I said that in the post before. Only if the change the arrangement
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/28/nato-expansion-war-russia-ukraine https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/02/20/putin-ukraine-nato-2007-munich-conference/ https://theconversation.com/ukraine-war-follows-decades-of-warnings-that-nato-expansion-into-eastern-europe-could-provoke-russia-177999 There's hundreds of posts and videos dating 25 years back
  5. Think USA put more into Vietnam than Russia into Ukraine. Me not think USA won the war. Do you
  6. Because it's not illegal to be a member in the Gulen movement in Sweden. Sweden doesn't rate Kurds as terrorists. Hence Sweden will rather protect its rights than being a member of NATO. it's just a scheme by USA AND NATO
  7. Because Sweden is the world's biggest humanity country. You don't have to bet with me but I'll gladly give 1000thb if Sweden accepts those terms. Only if they change terms it's possible
  8. https://www.reuters.com/world/erdogan-says-turkey-will-freeze-finland-swedens-nato-bids-if-promises-not-kept-2022-07-18/ Sweden will never fulfill Turkeys demands
  9. 50k for me and gf sounds about right.
  10. NATO wasn't on his doorstep. Dear God. Russia and NATO has an agreement 40 years ago that if Russia allow east and west Germany to be one. Then USA and NATO wouldn't expand an inch towards RUSSIA. And as soon as Germany became one they invited Poland, Tjeckoslovakia etc etc to join NATO. You have tens of videos showing both Ambassadors,Senators and Russian ministers warning about expanding NATO closer to Russia's borders. USA is pushing NATO to try and destroy Russia so that itself can be a stronger power. There's no need to further talk with you if you are not into politics. Russia only want a buffert zone which they now have. And don't give sh,,t about rest of UKRAINE
  11. Naah. Turkey will never allow Sweden since Sweden wot give any insurgents over to Turkey
  12. The whole world is in a chaos and loosing 50x more than Russia. Just because USA and NATO are forcing Ukraine into it. They are now making countries such as India, China more aware of NATO strategies and will soon form a coalition to protect themselves. With own banktransfer systems that ain't controlled by USA or EU. Meaning buying oil in close future will not be forced to be bought in USD and then converted again. Instead direct transfers between rubel-rupee will be made. India and China are the 2 biggest countries with cheap workers and big exports. Dear God what would happen if those start to apply duty taxes etc. Now without the fertilizers from Ukrain and Russia next year's crop will be EXPENSIVE and just wait for end of years gasprices.
  13. You think the NATO are going successfully out of this war, well as it seems now it doesn't seem so
  14. Wouldn't it be nice that your PM is making <deleted> decisions and you are the one blaming it on
  15. Well Putin made a smart move when he made his pm the president for 1 period and then became the president again.
  16. My gf said to me yesterday that Prayuth is going to be forced to step down. Because he can't be the PM more than 2 times. I told her wait and see. ....
  17. Again. Why are people so against the oligarks. Because they didn't clearly state they are against Putin. That's ridiculous. They are forcing the oligarks to be enemies of Putin and in the same process loose everything. When this war is over, it would for sure be more beneficial to not be Putin's enemy than be his enemy.
  18. Ty. Last sentence was the right one. Now it is understood.
  19. Only comes up drama movie series
  20. How do you translate to a person that they are Dramatic provocative
  21. First time I hear that. Never seen a gay beach anywhere in Thailand. Ladyboys you have everywhere. But Farang gays you will hardly find in Thailand, at least not the ones that are really feminine
  22. Wait. You can't be billed if someone calls you. Only if you call them back
  23. Only thing that will work is a gate as in railwaycrossings
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